牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册 Module 2 Unit5 Friends练习卷(含解析)

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1、牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册 Module 2 Unit5 Friends练习卷(含解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Kitty and Alice are friends. They are in theclass. ( )AsameBdifferentCall2 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AbothBthoseCthese3 . Can you help methe bags? ( )Sure.AcrossBcarriesCcarry4 . Whos your good frie

2、nd? ( ) AHe is my brother.BAnn is my good friend.CShe is Lily.5 . Many people like _the city. ( )AlivingBliveCliving in6 . 选出划线部分发音不同的选项(_) 1.A.dreamB.dressC.prince(_) 2.A.priceB.drawC.project(_) 3.A.sportB.waspC.crisp(_) 4.A.skateB.askC.task(_) 5. A.postB.toastC.stand二、完形填空完型填空。This is my room. Nea

3、r the window there _ a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can _ some books, a ruler, a pen and some flowers _ the vase(花瓶). On the wall near the desk there is a picture _a cat. There is a clock on my bed. I can put my football _ my bed. There is a chair near the desk. I sit(坐) there and I can s

4、ee the trees and the flowers outside(外面) .7 . A. is B. are C. am8 . A. look B. see C. watch9 . A. on B. at C. in10 . A. of B. to C. on11 . A. on B. under C. in三、填空题12 . 动词(三步曲,固定时态-人称)1.We _(not shout) in the library. 2.We all want _(clean) the table.3.They _(want)_(sing) the song.4.His father _(wan

5、t) _(run) along the river.5.He _(be) happy _(take) photos(照相).四、单词拼写13 . 根据汉意写单词。1.相同的_ 2.不同的_五、英译汉14 . 翻译下列句子。1.She is clever._2.We also help them carry heavy bags._3.We both like helping people._六、判断题15 . Read and write(T)or(F):winter(_)七、句型转换16 . 根据要求改写句子1. I talk when I eat. (改为一般疑问句)_2. Porridg

6、e is my favourite breakfast. (对划线部分提问)_3. Tony had three hamburgers that morning. (改为否定句)_4. My diet is healthier than yours. (保持意思不变)Your diet _ as mine.5. There is some cabbage in the basket. (改成一般疑问句)_6. My favourite drink is lemon juice. (对划线部分提问)_ your favorite drink?7. Id like four kilos of fi

7、sh. (对划线部分提问)_ fish would you like?八、匹配题给下列单词选择相应的汉语意思。A狗B绿色的C看D黄色的E熊猫F蓝色的G黑色的 H.红色的 I.帽子 J.猫17 . look(_)18 . cat(_)19 . blue(_)20 . dog(_)21 . green(_)22 . red(_)23 . cap(_)24 . panda(_)25 . black(_)26 . yellow(_)读句子,选择相应的图片。ABCD27 . I am angry with the boy. He throws litter about. (_)28 . I feel i

8、ll. I should see a doctor. (_)29 . Today is my birthday. I get lots of gifts. I am happy. (_)30 . The cartoon is so scary. I am afraid. (_)九、连词成句31 . 连词成句。1. a, Its, lemon (.)_2. is, it, how (.)_3. is, it, round, red, and (.)_4. sweet, it, is, and, sour (?)_第 1 页 共 1 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、单词拼写1、五、英译汉1、六、判断题1、七、句型转换1、八、匹配题1、2、九、连词成句1、


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