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1、Unit 6 A school sale一、教学目标1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:notebook, magazine, glue, story book, model plane, toy car, a pair of scissors。2. 能流畅地朗读对话,并能在相应情景下灵活运用以下功能结构:(1) There will be a sale at our school.二、教学准备1. 教师准备Lets learn部分的词汇教学卡片和实物。2. 教师准备本课时的PPT教学课件。3. 教师准备Lets learn部分的教学音频。. Part A Warming-up: Read and g

2、roup此活动是以词汇分类的形式进行热行热身。教师可引领学生要起读一读这16个单词,在读的过程中即可顺势完成分组,并将相应序号或单词分别写入Toys和School things框内。教师可以这样组织:T: Here are many things. Some are school things. Some are toys. Now please put them into different groups. What are toys in your idea? And what arc school things? Now lets read aloud together!参考答案:Toy

3、s: 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15School things: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 16课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part A Lets learn教师出示Lets learn部分的图片,向学生们介绍:T: Hello, boys and girls. Now we have more school things and toys. Lets have a look at them and learn the words.1. 教授词汇story book, notebook, magazine教师拿

4、出所准备的包括课本、故事书(如白雪公主)和笔记本在内的几本书介绍生词。T: Look, children. What are these?Ss: They are books.T: Yes. Books are our good friends. Many people like reading books. Here in my hands, I have some kinds of books.教师出示英语课本和故事书介绍story book。T: We can learn English with this book. This is a textbook. In this book,

5、we have a story about Snow White. This is a story book.再拿出笔记本介绍notebook。T: Is this a story book?Ss: No.T: Youre right. It s not a story book. Its a notebook. What can we do with it?T/Ss: We can write down some notes on it. We can write a diary on it every day.再拿出几本杂志介绍单词magazine。T: Look, is this a b

6、ook?Ss: ?教师一本一本边翻看边介绍:T: There are beautiful pictures in it. We can read some important news and good articles in it. This is a magazine.让学生通过教师的描述,大概理解这三种book的功能作用。在学生明白之后,领读几遍手里的这三种书:story book, notebook, magazine。然后在PPT上展示出这些词汇的写法,并领读几遍。有意识地引导学生注意单词magazine的重音和其中的两个a的不同发音。2. 教授词汇toy car, model pl

7、ane, glue教师同样借助所准备的实物介绍toy car和model plane。可以这样讲述:T: Look! Its a car. But you cannot drive it on the road. And this is a plane. But it cannot fly high in the sky. You can play with them.板书并领读词汇model plane和toy car之后,再拿出一瓶去掉粘贴物的胶水,并可以这样描述:T: Here is a small bottle. Whats in it? It looks like some wate

8、r. But its not water. If you want to make a paper plane or a model plane, it can help you to stick. We can stick the paper together with it.教师边介绍边演示,在学生听并猜过后,出示单词卡片glue。这里可以用迁移法帮助学生记住glue的读音和拼写,即:由true, blue到glue,引导学生发现读音规律和技巧。3. 教授短语a pair of scissors教师可以先把剪刀藏在背后,用另一只手一边比划剪的动作,一边描述:T: There is another thing here in my hand. Can you guess what it is? We often use it to cut paper, rope and our hair.出示单词scissors,一起读写之后,再向学生介绍a pair of scissors。4. There be句式是英语中最常见的也是非常重要的特殊句型,表示“存在”的含义,其句型结构通常为:There be + sb./sth. + some place. 在以前所学的知识内容中,已经接触过这一结构的用法。There will be a sale at our school.



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