人教版英语七年级下学期Units 7-12教材梳理D卷

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1、人教版英语七年级下学期Units 712教材梳理D卷一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共21分)1. (4分) 将看到的中文写成英文 (1) _n行星 (2) _adv还,尚(表示某事尚未发生,但未来也许可能发生) (3) _adv刚才;刚刚 (4) _n模型 2. (1分) Tuesday comes after M_. 3. (1分) (2018八上广州月考) The old man didnt r_his mistake until his wife told him. 4. (4分) 将看到的中文写成英文 (1) _n地球 (2) _n月亮;月球 (3) _n.新闻;消息 (

2、4) _v.到达;抵达 5. (1分) There is some milk i_ the bottle. 6. (1分) Dad, can you show me how to c_my mobile phone to the computer? 7. (2分) (2016七上大石桥期末) 请不要在这拍照。Please _ take _ here.8. (1分) 他们没有弄清楚谁受伤了。They didnt_who was hurt9. (1分) (2017黄冈模拟) 在北京很多公共场所不允许吸烟。(allow)Smoking _ in many public places of Beiji

3、ng.10. (5分) 根据汉语意思完成句子(1) 一些老人可以期望活到100岁。Some old men can expect_one hundred years old.(2) 为了健康,你每天至少要走一万步。 IYou should walk_ 10,000 steps every day to _(3) 对吸烟和毒品说“不”!_smoking and drugs!(4) 他偶尔去探望他们。 IHe went to see them_(5) 人们认为,他们将会经常去月球旅行。_that they will travel to the moon quite often二、 单元语法专练 (

4、共7题;共24分)11. (5分) 你应该和你妈妈说对不起。 (should)12. (4分) (2017七上龙口期中) 如果他或她一次吹灭所有的蜡烛,愿望就会实现。If he or she _ _ all the candles in one go, the wish will _ _.13. (2分) (2017七上乌鲁木齐期中) 你怎么拼写它?_do you _it?14. (2分) (2019山东模拟) 在巴黎召开的大会上,各国就防止全球变暖达成一致协议。 The countries had an _ to _ global warming at the conference in P

5、aris.15. (2分) (2019九上淮安期中) 我不知道他为什么缺课,据说他病得很严重。 I didnt know why he _school. _that he was badly ill.16. (7分) (2018广州) 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词) (1) 你沿丝绸之路旅游过吗?_ever _along the Silk Road?(2) 参观广州博物馆对我们很有教育意义。_very educational for us _Guangzhou Museum.(3) 明天的大雨可能会阻碍我们外出。The heavy rain may _us from

6、_out tomorrow.(4) 广州的公园每年都种很多树。Every year, a lot of trees _in the parks in Guangzhou。(5) 我昨晚看的那场电影真好笑!_movie I saw last night!(6) 我想知道明天我们在哪里见面。I wonder _meet tomorrow.(7) 如果你足够细心,就不会犯简单的错误。You wont _any simple mistakes _you _careful enough.17. (2分) 这汤里糖太多。There is_sugar in the soup.三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共

7、40分)18. (2分) (2018八上西华期末) There _ a football game tomorrow evening, and I must stay at home to watch it. A . is going to beB . isC . is going to haveD . has19. (2分) (2017七上成都期中) The man _ the black umbrella is Mr. Crisp. What is he looking _ ? A . with; atB . with; 不填C . 不填; out20. (2分) (2018八上越秀期末)

8、 Tommy, you _ play with the knife; you _ hurt yourself. A . shouldnt, mustB . mustnt, mayC . cant, shouldD . wont, can21. (2分) (2016七下建湖开学考) What can you see in the picture? There a car and two bikes in it.A . isB . hasC . areD . have22. (2分) There is still a long way the animals in danger. A . go t

9、o protectingB . to go to protectC . going to protectD . go to protect23. (2分) Whos that girl white shoes?She is Beth.A . onB . inC . atD . of24. (2分) Doctor, should I take this medicine? Twice a day.A . what timeB . how muchC . how soonD . how often25. (2分) _ does our father allow you to play comput

10、er games? Only once a week.A . How farB . How oftenC . How longD . How much26. (2分) Millie is crazy about _ kites.A . makeB . makingC . doD . doing27. (2分) The kite seems a dragon. Its very beautiful.A . beB . likeC . toD . is28. (2分) (2016江苏模拟) _, Chinese mobile phones, like Huawei, have improved g

11、reatly. Exactly. Thats why made-in-China products are more and more popular now.A . In timeB . In the hopeC . In factD . In the end29. (2分) What about taking a walk after dinner?_.A . Good ideaB . Never mindC . What a shameD . Youre welcome30. (2分) I remember you what I am going to do after graduati

12、on. Sorry, I forget it.A . tellB . to tellC . tellingD . will tell31. (2分) (2017九上宝山期末) I finally finished the text. Homework of this kind is a waste of time.A . copyB . to copyC . copiedD . copying32. (2分) This kind of bananas _ nice. I want to taste one.A . soundB . smellC . looksD . tastes33. (2分) (2017八下常熟月考) Hes never sung English songs before,_ he?_. Its his second time to sing in English.A . has ;NoB . has; YesC . hasnt;



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