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5、钢筋的应力不会过大.Furlong的方法Furlong 的极限设计方法(11.20),它包括了无侧移结构确定的极限弯矩. Furlong分析了不同跨数的连续梁在各种不利荷载作用与组合情况,从而得出了能满足极限平衡与适用性要求(受拉筋在使用荷载下会屈服)的设计弯矩可能分布图形.然后分析这种极限弯矩分布状态所造成的塑性转角,以便决定曲率延性的要求,将求得的(可能的)设计弯矩的分布列成表格,并用一个简单的公式来给出曲率延性的要求,因此可得到一个方便的设计方法.若设计一个梁,其截面的配筋使在每一跨内的各截面抵抗弯矩和其支承的极限荷载相平衡:而极限抗弯弯矩应等于或大于MF与表11.1中相应系数的乘积,此

6、于,MF=极限荷载下简支梁的最大弯矩.同样,截面还须符合下式:u/y1+0.25ln/d于此, u=极限曲率; y=开始屈服时曲率;ln=净跨;d=截面的有效高度。表11.1支承端不同约束梁的弯矩系数表(11.20)支承端约束情况弯矩约束仅跨中有一集中载的梁其他荷载情况的梁两端约束的梁一端约束的梁负弯矩正弯矩负弯矩正弯矩0.370.420.560.500.500.330.750.46图11.10,示出了连续梁的一个中间跨在均布荷载Wu下,确定其弯矩的一个例子。截面设计是应用了相似于图6.9与6.10的图表来满足公式11.18的要求。很显然,Furlong的方法是一种简单而直接的方法。应用于所规

7、定的极限弯矩,设计者可以避免用反复试凑的繁琐工作,且不需进行塑铰转动能力和适应性的校核。 11.5.2 Available Limit Design MethodsA limit design procedure aims to satisfy three conditions(1)limit equilibrium,(2)rotational compatibility,and (3)serviceability. Most of the available limit design methods consider one or two of these conditions initia

8、lly, the remaining condition or conditions being the object of a sudsequent check.The most economical distribution of moments which results in the greatest moment reduction when compared with the elastic envelope moments obtainedfrom the various design loading combinations. Of the limit design metho

9、ds that the most attention are those due to Baker,11.14,11.16,11.17,;Cohn,11.11,11.18:Sawyer,11.19 and Furlong,11.20 .These four methods are briefly described below.Bakers MethodBaker 11.14,11.16,11.17 has been developing a method of limit design since the 1940s .The design is based on the requireme

10、nts of limit equilibrium .The requirements of rotational compatibility and serviceability are checked as sudsequent steps . then design is commenced by determining a distribution of ultimate bending moments which is in equilibrium with the ultimate loads. This may be obtained by drawing the free ben

11、ding moments diagram for the members supporting the ultimate loads when the ends are free of rotational restraint , and drawing the fixing moment line at some convenient position, as in Fig 11.7.The sections are reinforced for those ultimate moments. Note that a collapse mechanism has developed at t

12、he ultimate load. The rotation capacity of the plastic hinge regions is then checked to ensure that the chosen distribution of bending moments can be developed at the ultimate load , and the pattern of moments at the service load is determined and the stresses checked to ensure that the members are

13、serviceable. The assumed distribution of ultimate moments may need to be modified if inadequate rotation capacity or unsatisfactory serviceability is found.Cohns MethodCohn11.11,11.18 has developed a method based on the requirements of limit equilibrium and serviceability . The requirement of rotati

14、onal compatibility is checked as a subsequent step .The solution is obtained by scaling down the elastic envelop moments, obtained from the various ultimate load combinations, by multiplying by appropriate parameters xj1,where xj is the yield safety parameter for section j. The value of xj is set by

15、 the following requirements : at the service load ,the internal forces must be in equilibrium with the external loads and one or more collapse mechanisms must form :and the overall moment reductions form the elastic envelop must be a maximum. A typical design seeks the minimum value for xj consisten

16、t with acceptable service load behavior and the equilibrium conditions at the ultimate load .The sections are designed on the basis of the determined distribution of bending moments ,and the plastic hinge regions are checked to ensure that they have sufficient rotation capacity to develop the assumed moment distribution at the ultimate load.Sawyers



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