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1、谚语(Proverbs)1.A bad bush is better than the open field (林木稀疏也比空地好/有胜于无。)2. A bad life, a bad end.(恶有恶报。)3. A bad thing is dear at any price. (好货不便宜,便宜没好货。)4. A marksman may miss. (智者千虑,必有一失)5. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (两鸟在林不如一鸟在手)6. A bird is known by its note ,and a man by his t

2、alk/words.(鸟以声闻,人以言知)7. A body without knowledge is like a house without a foundation. (人无知识犹如房屋没有地基)8. A book is a mirror: if an ass peers into it , you cannot expect an apostle to look out (书是一面镜子,如果一头毛驴往里照,谁也不指望能照出个圣徒来)9. A burnt child dreads the fire (一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳)10. A carper will cavil at anyth

3、ing (爱挑剔的人总是有话可说)11.A cat in gloves/mittens catches no mice (四肢不勤,一事无成)12. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.(千里之堤,毁于蚁穴)13. A fears clean conscience not false accusations (身正不怕影子斜)14. A cold hand and a warm heart (刀子嘴,豆腐心)15. A colt you may break ,but an old horse you never can (小马可训,老马难服

4、)16. A constant guest is never welcome (常客招人厌)17. A contented mind is a perpetual/continual feast (知足者常乐)18. A contended person is happy with his status quo (拉丁语,“现状”。知足常乐)19. A cracked bell can never sound well/A cracked bell is never sound/A cracked bell never sound well (朽木不可雕也)20.A dog has his/a

5、 day (人人都有走运的一天)21. A drowning man will catch/clutch at a straw (病急乱投医)22. A dwarf on a giants shoulders sees the farther/further of the two (矮子站在巨人肩上,比两个人看的都远)23. A fault confessed is half redressed (承认错误等于改正了一半)24. A fool may give a wise man counsel (愚者千虑亦有一得)25. A foul foot makes a full wame (人勤不

6、受穷)26. A fox may grow grey ,but never good (江山易改,本性难移)27. A friend in court is better than a penny in purse (囊中有钱,不如朝中有人)28. A friend in need is a friend indeed (患难见真情)29. A friend is a second self (朋友是第二个自我)30. A friend is easier lost than found (朋友易失不易得)31. A friend to all is a friend to none/A fr

7、iend to everybody is a friend to nobody (滥交者无友)32. A friend without faults will never be found (世上没有十全十美的朋友)33. A full cup must be carried steadily (器满则溢)34. A golden key can open any door /A golden key opens every door (有钱能使鬼推磨)35. A good beginning is half done /A good beginning is half the battle

8、(良好的开端是成功的一半)36. A good conscience knows no fear (没做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门)37. A good medicine tastes bitter (良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行)38. A good name is better than (great)riches (好名声胜过巨额财富)39. A good reputation sits still; a bad one runs about (美名不出门,恶名传四方)40. A good tale ill told is marred in the telling (歪嘴和尚念不出好经)41

9、. A good tale is none the worse for being twice told (好戏不厌百回看)42. A good tree is a good shelter (大树底下好乘凉)43. A great man cannot brood a rival (一山难容二虎)44. A great ship asks deep waters (人往高处走)45. A guilty conscience never feels secure (做贼心虚)46. A high building a low foundation (冰冻三尺非一日之寒)47. A honey

10、tongue a heart of gall (口蜜腹剑)48. A horse may stumble on four feet /A horse stumbles that has four legs (马有失蹄,人有失足)49. A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats (不劳无获)50. A jack of trades is master of none (通百艺即无一长)51. A kind word is never lost (善言长存)52. A lame traveler should get out be

11、times (笨鸟先飞)53. A lazy youth a lousy age (少年懒惰,老来贫苦)54. A leopard cannot change its spots (江山易改本性难移)55. A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth (撒谎的人即使说了真话也没有人相信)56. A lion among sheep and a sheep among lions (欺软怕硬)57. A little body often harbors a great soul (人不可貌相,海水不可斗量)58. A little is be

12、tter than none (聊胜于无)59. A little straw shows which way the wind blows (草动和风向)60. A man becomes learned by asking questions (善问者终成学问)61. A man cannot serve two masters (一仆不事二主)62. A man has his hour and a dog his day (人有称心时,狗有得意日)63. A man is as old as he feels (老不老,自己晓)64. A man is known by his fri

13、ends /by the company he keeps (观其友,知其人)65. A man is never too old to learn (活到老,学到老)66. A man must eat a peck of salt with his friend before he knows him (日久见人心)67. A man who has friends must show himself friendly(交友之人需友善)68. A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman (远亲不如近邻)69. A good nei

14、ghbor is better than a brother in the next village (远亲不如近邻)70. A new broom sweeps clean (新官上任三把火)71. A nod is as good as a wink to a blind house (瞎子点灯白费蜡)72. A penny soul never came to two pence (气量狭小难成大事)73. A proverb is true word (谚语乃箴言)74. A ragged coat may cover an honest man (人穷未必志短)75. A ragge

15、d colt may make a good horse (后生可畏)76. A rolling eye a roving heart (眼睛是心灵的窗户)77. A rolling stone gathers no moss (滚石不生苔,转行不聚财)78. A rotten apple injures its companions (一只老鼠坏了一锅汤)79. A secret between more than two is no secret (三人知晓,秘密难保)80. A shoe too large trips one up (贪大求多,中无所获)81. A single spa

16、rk can start a prairie fire (星星之火可以燎原)82. A snow year a good /rich year (瑞雪兆丰年)83. A stick is soon found to beat a dog with (欲加之罪何患无辞)84. A still tongue makes a wise head (智者寡言)85. A table friend is a variable friend (酒肉朋友靠不住)86. A tale never loses in the telling (话越传越多)87. A thousand mile trip begins with one step (千里之行始于足


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