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1、闻喜县郭家庄中心校“集智型备课”教学设计课题名称M1U3 Our school in the future(period1)科目English年年级ssix备课教师Wu AixiaQQ备课时间Wu Aixia授课教师授课时间教材简析这个单元是让学生想象我们学校的将来会发展成什么样儿,重点信息比较多,内容也比较新颖,孩子们定会有兴趣想象学校的将来,也让学生初步接触一般将来时。教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感、态度和价值观)1. 能够听说读写重点单词 :carry, mountain, even, future, online, grow2. 重点短语:a piece of paper, g

2、row a plant, have a picnic, study on line, in the future。3. 能用I will . I will not. 来描述自己将来要做或不做的事情,能用一般将来时表达自己的意愿和想法。教学重难点Words: carry, mountain ,even, future, online, growPhrases: a piece of paper, grow a plant, have a picnic, study on line, in the futureSentences: I will / Students will.教学手段PPT、畅言

3、教师助手等多媒体教学过程设计自我补充Step1:Warmingup(1)Free talkingT: 社会在不停的发展,我们的生活也在不停的变化,我们的学校也在不停的发生变化,变得越来越好,那么大家还希望我们学校的将来变成什么样儿呢?希望我们将来变成什么样儿?S: 我想我们学校将有一个图书馆。T: There will be a library in our school. ( Show it on the blackboard. )S: We dont have a lot of books.T: Great! We will not carry so many books. ( Show

4、the sentence on the blackboard )will not=wontS: There will be a lot of plants in our school .Step2:Talking about our school in the future(1). Show us your wishes.What changes would you like to see in our school ?There will be . in our school. will+V原形We will . in the future .We will not . in the fut

5、ure .(2). “Listen and say”Students will have a picnic every month.Students will grow a lot of plants in the playground.Students will study online at home.Students will not carry any books .Step3:Help Kitty and her classmates complete the letter .Step4:Read the letter by yourselves.Step5:SummarizeStep6:Homework Write your wishes on your paper .板书设计:Unit3 Our school in the futureThere will be a lot of plants in our school There will be a library in our school. We will not carry so many books.教学反思



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