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1、人教版2019-2020学年七年级3月月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Zhang Hua, how long can I_your bike?One day. Please return it to me tomorrow.AborrowBbuyCmakeDkeep2 . Could we finish the task according to the schedule(进度表)?I doubt that. The problem is_we can raise enough money within a week.AthatBhowCwhyDwhen3 .

2、 Let me _it _ you, sir! Sure, go ahead.Aexplain, to Bexplain, withCprovide, withDprovide, to4 . Is the film interesting?I thought it would be. Butits boring.Ain allBin factCin additionDin future5 . The car accident happened _ a cold winter morning. Luckily, no one was hurt.AinBonCatDof6 . What time

3、does your father go to work?_.AAt half past eightBIn OctoberCOn MondayDHalf past eight7 . I hear the film Marvels Captain America: Civil War is great. Shall we see it this evening?. I have a lot of homework to do.AWhy not?BNo, we wont.CIm afraid not.DId love to.8 . _ is your younger sister? Shes six

4、teen.AHow oldBHow tallCWhenDWhat9 . My brother likes playing _ basketball and I am good at playing _ guitar.A/ ; theBthe ; /Can; theDthe; a10 . _ do you go to Beijing?By train.AHowBWhatCWhenDWhy11 . _ do you read English storybooks every day, Linda? At 7:00pm.AHowBWhyCWhenDWhere12 . _ apples are the

5、re in the bag? There are ten apples in the bag.AHow muchBHow oldCHowDHow many13 . The little boy seldom puts away his toys by himself, does he?- _. So his mother has to do it for him.AYes, he doesBYes, he doesntCNo, he doesDNo, he doesnt14 . What does Fang Yan do in her free time?She often_ a movie.

6、AseesBwatchClooksDread15 . The U.S government _ to cut its dependence on Russian and Chinese technology firms(公司).Yes. He has considered forbidding(禁止) funding for buying products from ZTE and especially Huawei.AtriedBwas tryingCis tryingDwill try16 . -_ is the lady in white?-She is a nurse.AWhoBWha

7、tCWhomDWhose17 . We should always be _ help _.Aready for ; othersBready to ; othersCready to ; other18 . The teacher made the students _ in their classroom.AstudyBstudyingCto studyDstudies19 . I like rain _ it makes me feel cool and relaxed.So do I.AorBsoCbutDbecause20 . -CanI get ready for somethin

8、g to drink?一_I cant hear clearly.ASorry.BPardon?CWhy?DExcuse me.二、补全短文5选5根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中找出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。Hello,boys and girls!Im Helen. 21 . The photo show(展出) starts in my middle school this morning.I come to the show at 9:30 am.22 . I love one of the photos very much.Its a photo of a b

9、ig family.Its name is “Happy birthday,Grandpa!” 23 . In the next two weeks,we have other shows:the talent(才艺) show and the DIY show.The talent show is on the afternoon of December 19th. 24 . Im very happy that my parents will come and watch the show.25 . Some of my classmates want to show their nice

10、 things on that day.AIthinkthisstudentloveshisfamilyalot.BTodayisDecember 13th.CTheDIYshowisonDecember 26th.DIfindthatallthephotosaregreat.EIwanttoplaythepiano(弹钢琴) inthetalentshow.三、完型填空My name is Betty. Im _America. Now Im in a Dalian school in China. I am in Class 1 Grade 1. I can _Chinese and En

11、glish . Can I play _ tennis? Sorry, I cant _I can sing English and Chinese songs. Tom is _ friend .He is from London. He is ten years old. He likes Dalian. His favourite _ is Chinese noodles and _ is his favourite sport. His mother is in Dalian with him. _ is a teacher in his school. Tom and I _good

12、 friends. We often _ computer games together.26 . AinBatCfromDto27 . AspeakBsayCtalkDtell28 . AaBanCtheD/29 . AandBbutCorDso30 . AmyBhisCherDhes31 . AcolourBfoodCsportDmeat32 . AreadingBlisteningCopeningDswimming33 . ASheBHeCTheyDIt34 . AisBareCamDarent35 . AdrawBsingCplayDrun四、阅读单选To.jennycompmail.

13、caFrom: Date:01/03 9:08 p.m.Subject: Plan for the tripHi, Jenny,Im excited to hear from you! You and Danny will come to China and see the Silk Road(丝绸之路)with us! We will travel along the Silk Road together. Wang Mei and I will meet you in Beijing. Our first stop will be Xian. How far is it from Beijing to Xian? Its about 1114 kilometers.This trip will be very special. The Silk Road is about 6500 kilometers long! But we dont have enough time to see it all. We can only see part of it. Well learn about the history and culture of China along the way.I will send you the plan for our trip.Your f



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