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1、人教版2019-2020学年七年级12月调研英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 一Vivian, isnt the film boring?一 _ . I nearly fell asleep during the first 30 minutes.AYes, it isntBYes, it isCNo, it isntDNo, it is2 . ._ Yancheng today is more beautiful now. Mr.Jackson said he would visit it _ fourth time.AThe;/BThe;theC/;aDThe;a3 .

2、 English is interesting, _ I didnt like it at first.AandBsoCbutDor4 . Do you have two _?Atennis racketBtennis racketsCtennis racketDtennis rackets5 . Linda, is the watch yours? I found it in the library.Oh, yes. Im so _.AfriendlyBfunnyCluckyDhealthy6 . After school he didnt go home. _ he went to the

3、 Internet cafe.AButBInsteadCWhileDInstead of7 . The doctors have done everything they can_ the patients life.AsaveBsavingCto saveDsaved8 . If you want to get the job, you need to have two years working _.ApronunciationBconversationCexperienceDenvironment9 . When shall we meet? Lets make it _half pas

4、tsix.AatB/Cin10 . -_ the population of France ?- About fifty-nine million .AHow many isBHow much isCWhatsDHow many are二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Hey, Gina. Do you want some ice cream?B : No, thanks. 11 . A: Really? Where are you going?B: Im going to play baseball. Do you want to come?A

5、: Sorry, I cant. 12 . B : Well, come later then. Were playing all afternoon.A:13 . But Im not very good at baseball.B : Dont worry about that. 14 . You can just watch.Come on, itll be fun.A: Well, OK. 15 . B: OK. See you!三、完型填空Today,it is a big problem for young graduates to get good jobs.It is said

6、 that there are thousands of different kinds of jobs in the world.Choosing the _ one is not that easy.Finding a job is not the same as choosing a job.Many young people end up in a job,but they are not suitable for (适合于)it.Sometimes chance may _a more important part than a decision.Here are a few ste

7、ps to help you _ jobs which you might enjoy after school or university.First,it is important to realize what kind of person you are,which _ you outstanding and helps you find out what you are interested in.There is a difference between an interest and a _.If you like art and enjoy looking at picture

8、s,which is an interest.But if you can _ a horse that looks like a horse but not a big dog,that is a skill.Then ask _ a question,“In the following three areasskills with people,skills with information and skills with things,_ is your best skills?” After examining your skills,the next step is research

9、.Try to _ as many different kinds of jobs as possible._,trust your own ideas and your own thinking!It is your own life,so just find the job you really enjoy doing.16 . AleftBrightCtrueDreal17 . AtakeBplayChaveDchoose18 . Athink aboutBthink forCthink upDthink of19 . AbringsBhelpsCpushesDmakes20 . Aqu

10、estionBhobbyCskillDjob21 . ArideBfeedCdrawDfind22 . AyourselfBthemselvesChimselfDmyself23 . AwhatBwhoCwhenDwhich24 . Afind outBwatch outCcarry outDlook out25 . ASuddenlyBFinallyCSimplyDLuckily四、阅读单选If you go to France,its a good idea to visit Uzs. It is a lovely town in the south(南部)of France. Uzs i

11、s not big. It is only about 25. 41 square kilometres in size. There are over 9,000 people living in it and most of them are farmers. Uzs has a long history of more than 1,000 years. You can find both old stone houses and fine modern houses there. You will have fun walking on the street or having som

12、e coffee in the coffee shop. Uzs is famous for making cloth. Do you love shopping?Go there on Wednesdays or Saturdays. There is a market in the centre of the town. You can find beautiful cloth,nice local food and many other things at the market. Dont miss them. Children will love this small town,too

13、. Why? Because there is a candy company and a sweets museum waiting for them.26 . Uzs is _Aa cityBin EnglandCvery bigDvery old27 . You can go shopping at the market _ in Uzs.Aevery dayBtwice a weekConce a weekDtwice a year28 . Children will love Uzs because there is _ in it.Aa water parkBa candy com

14、panyCa science museumDa coffee shop29 . Which of the following is TRUE?AMost people in Uzs are workers.BThere are many tall buildings in Uzs.CCloth in Uzs is very famous.DPeople in Uzs love drinking coffee.30 . Which is the best title of the passage?AWelcome to UzsBMy hometown UzsCMy trip to UzsDI love UzsA girl told her mom everything was going wrong for her, and that she always failed her math exam so that she wouldnt like to study at all. After hearing the daughter



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