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1、专业好文档中央广播电视大学 “开放本科”期末考试英语专业文学阅读与欣赏Part I: Literary Fillldamentals1 The Old Man the Sea2 The Dumd Waiter3 An Inspector Calls4 The Impartance of Being Earnest5 The PearlWritersARobert FrostBErnest HemingwayCJB priestleyDHarold PinterEOscar WildeF. William GoldingGArthur MillerHJohn SteinbeckSeetion 2

2、 Decide whether the following stements are True(T)orFalse(F) (lO points)6 The Rime of Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor COleridge is a narrative poem7 Othello is one of Shakespeares comedies8 “Getysbutg Address is a famous speech made by President Lincoln during the American Civil War9 Sherwood Ander

3、son is an American Writer who stronely influenced American short story wrlting between World War I ond II10 Scrooge is a character created by RObert Louis Stevenson in his novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydeSeotiOn 3,Choose the correctanswers tO complete the following sentences (10 pOint

4、s)11 can be established by describing the place where the action takes place , or the situation at the start of the storyAClimax BPoint of viewCFlashback DSetting12A is a 14-line verse which rbyme in a controlled wayThere are two main types:the Petrarchall and the ShakespeareanA. couplet BballadCson

5、net Dlimerick13 novels are called Novels of Character and Environment” His well-read novels include The Mayor of the Casterbridge,Tess of the DUrbervilles and So onATbomas Hardys BCharlotte BrontesCJoseph Conrads DCharles Dickens14 All the following were awarded the Nobel Prlze for Literature except

6、A Harold Pinter UJohn SreinbeckCEmily Dickinson DErnest Hemmgway15 In his protest poem“”, the poet Yusef Iman exposes the injustice done t0 the descendants Of the black slaves in the USAAHow tO Deal with the Press BLove Your EnemyCThe War Process DFutilityPart : Reading Comprehension 50 pointsRead t

7、he extracts and give brief answers tO the questions belowText 1She had consented tO go away, tO leave her home Was that wise? She tried to weigh each side of the question In her home anyway she bad shelter and food; she had those whom she had known all her life about her Of course she had tO work ha

8、rd,bOth ln the house and at businessWhat would they say of her ln the Stores when they found out that she had run away with a fellow? Say she was a fool, perhaps; and her place would be filled up by advertisement Miss Gsvan would be glad She had always had an edge on ber, especlally whenever the,wer

9、e people listening一Miss Hill,dont you see these ladies are waiting?一Look lively,Miss Hill,pleaseShc Would not cry many tears at leaving the StoresBut in her new home,in a distant unknown country,it would not be like that. Then sheWould be marriedshe,Eveline People would treat her with respect then S

10、he would not be treated as her mother had beenEven now, though she was over ninteen, she sometimes felt herself in danger Of her fathers violence she knew it was that that had given her the palpitationsQuestions(9 points)16 From which story is the extract takcn from? Paper Pills, Hills Like White El

11、ephants or Eveline?17, What sort of life does“she”in the story live? Support your answer with at least onedctail18 What kind Of life is she looking for?Text 2Five score years ago, a great American, In whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation This momentous decree came as a

12、 great beacon light Of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames Of withering injustice It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night Of eaptivity But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not freeOne hundred years later,the life

13、of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles ofsegregation ond tbe chains Of discimination One hundred years later,the Negro lives on a lonely island 0f poverty in the midst Of a vast ocean Of material prosperity One hundredyears later,the Negro is Still languishing in the corners of America

14、n society and finds himself an exile in his own land(I have a dream)Questions(9 points)19The speechis made by, (Write the letter reoresenting your choice on the answer sheet)AAbraham Lincoln UMartin Luther KingC Francis Bacon20 Find an example Of figure Of speech(simile,metaphor,personification,etc)

15、used in the extractName the device aild explain its meaning21 Summarize the speakers points in two or three sentencesText 3Elizabeth:I see what l see,JohnProctor: (Question 25)You will not judge me more ,Elizabeth I have goodreason to think before I charge fraud on Abigail,and I will think on it Let you look to your own improvement before you go to judge your husband any more I have forgot Abigail,and Elizabeth:And IProctor: Spare me! You forget nothinand forgive nothin. Learn charity,woman I have gone tiptoe in this house all seven month since she is gone. I ha


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