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1、2孩子咳嗽久治不愈可能患有鼻炎月月今年4岁,一个月前的一次感冒过后,鼻涕就没断过,一边流鼻涕一边咳嗽,开始当感冒治,后来又当咽炎治,鼻涕还是止不住地流,呼吸起来“呼 哧呼哧”的。后来经过在耳鼻喉科的检查,确诊为鼻炎,且由鼻部分泌物倒流引起咳嗽。市儿童医院耳鼻喉科主治医生贺杨宇提醒家长,孩子咳嗽久治不愈,且伴有 鼻腔症状的,家长应该带孩子到耳鼻喉科进行进一步诊治。 感冒就是急性鼻炎谈到鼻炎,很多家长都心有余悸。记者在某幼儿园调查后得知,小班级某班30人,有一半都曾患或正患鼻炎。家长们也纷纷表示,现在小孩子得鼻炎的越来越多,而且这个病总给人感觉“易发不易治”。贺杨宇介绍说,其实感冒就是急性鼻炎,秋

2、冬季易发。一般来说是不需要治疗的,用一些局部清理的药水,多喝水,注意休息多能自愈。但急性鼻炎一周 以上还在流鼻涕,或者鼻涕变成了脓鼻涕,又或者鼻涕收了以后又出现大量鼻涕,这种情况就应该到耳鼻喉科看一下,可能并发了鼻腔感染。鼻黏膜上有很多细微的纤毛,它们像扫帚一样,不停地摆动,如果有脏东西附着,纤毛就会动得很慢,甚至不动,脏东西便容易堆积后发生感染,一般情况下,用生理盐水喷鼻腔进行清洗,多数孩子可以自愈,并不需要格外处理。家长也不必过分担心。 鼻窦炎应按疗程规范用药一般的鼻炎,家长让患儿多休息,增强抵抗力,避免吸二手烟,同时局部清理,见效很快。但如果并发了细菌感染,按疗程规范用药很重要。鼻窦炎是

3、鼻 腔和鼻窦黏膜的炎症,病程大于3个月鼻窦炎称为慢性鼻窦炎。如果明确为细菌感染引起的鼻窦炎,需要抗生素治疗,一般疗程是710天。有些家长用了两三 天,看到孩子症状好转就不用药了,这是不对的。贺杨宇提醒家长,鼻窦炎与普通鼻炎通过耳鼻喉科医生的临床检查就能诊断。家长如果发现孩子出现大量的脓鼻涕,或者鼻涕减少以后又再次增多,脸 部、额部鼻窦区出现疼痛,同时还伴有咳嗽,就应该带孩子到耳鼻喉科进行检查。“孩子慢性咳嗽有30%40%都是鼻腔的问题。”贺杨宇同时强调,鼻窦炎的 疗程比鼻炎长,而且比较严重的鼻窦炎需要用抗生素治疗。“尤其分泌物比较多,并发症较重,引起额部疼痛,严重咳嗽的,医生判断后一旦决定要用

4、抗生素,家长 就应该按疗程规范用药。” 环境因素影响大为什么越来越多的孩子患鼻炎?贺杨宇解释说,这跟家长的重视程度有关,越来越多的鼻炎患儿被发现,另外秋冬季雾霾天气的增多也是一个重要原因。 空气是通过鼻腔进入人体的,空气中的灰霾、尘埃粒子、一氧化氮、汽车尾气(苯环类的化合物)都要从鼻腔中通过,鼻腔黏膜不仅有清洁加温的作用,同时鼻腔黏 膜上的纤毛还能够粘住一些有害成分,这些有害成分附着在鼻腔黏膜的表面,会使鼻腔黏膜受损,容易受到感染。此外,贺杨宇还提醒家长,二手烟对孩子呼吸道的伤害很大,家长在家千万不要吸烟。有研究显示,吸烟后的有害粒子会附着在衣服上、皮肤上,家长吸烟后拥抱孩子、亲吻孩子,都会给

5、孩子带来不利影响。如果想吸烟后完全不影响孩子,应该洗净手,换好衣服后再和孩子接触。Month this year 4 years old, a month ago after a cold, nose is never broken, runny nose and cough, start when cold, then when the pharyngitis, nose or spiraling flow, breathing shout bursts talking. Then after check in otolaryngology, a diagnosis of rhinitis

6、, and cough caused by nasal secretions backflow. The city childrens hospital otolaryngology doctor, to remind parents, one child cough, and nasal symptoms, parents should take children to otolaryngology for further diagnosis and treatment.Influenza is an acute rhinitisWhen it comes to rhinitis, many

7、 parents are concerned. Reporter learned, after a kindergarten survey 30 people, a small class class half have suffered or is suffering from rhinitis. Parents have also said that there are more and more children have rhinitis, and the disease always give a person feel is used is not easy to cure., s

8、aid that in fact is the acute rhinitis, qiu dong season is used. Is generally do not need treatment, with some local cleaning liquid medicine, drink water more, pay attention to rest can heal itself. Acute rhinitis for more than a week but still have a runny nose, or nose into purulent nasal discha

9、rge, or nose again after the large nose, this kind of circumstance should look otolaryngology, concurrent nasal infection.There are many subtle on the nasal mucosa cilia, they, like a broom kept swinging, and if there is dirt, cilia will move slowly, even still, dirt and easy accumulation after infe

10、ction occurs, in general, spray nasal wash with physiological saline, most children can heal itself, does not need to be processing. Parents dont have to worry about.Sinusitis should be according to the drug treatment normsGeneral rhinitis, parents let children more rest, strengthen resistance, avoi

11、d second-hand smoke, local clean up at the same time, the work quickly. But if the concurrent bacterial infections, according to the course standard drug is very important. Sinusitis is inflammation of the nasal cavity and sinus mucosa, duration is more than 3 months sinusitis is called chronic sinu

12、sitis. If clear for bacterial infections caused by sinusitis, need antibiotics, treatment is commonly 7 to 10 days. Some parents use two or three days, see the boy is not medication symptoms better, this is not correct., to remind parents, sinusitis with ordinary rhinitis by otolaryngology doctors c

13、linical examination can diagnose. Parents if discover the child appears a lot of pus snot, or mucus reduce rise again later, face ministry, frontal sinus pain, at the same time accompanied by cough, should take the child to otolaryngology for inspection. Children with chronic cough with 30% 40% are

14、the problems of the nasal cavity. , at the same time stressed that is longer than rhinitis, sinusitis treatment and serious sinusitis need treatment with antibiotics. Particularly secretions more complications, frontal pain, severe cough, doctor after judgment once the decision to use antibiotics, p

15、arents should according to drug treatment norms.Environmental factorsWhy are an increasing number of children suffer from rhinitis? , explained that it has to do with the importance of parents, a growing number of rhinitis patients were found, and increased haze weather in the fall and winter is als

16、o an important reason. Air enters the body through the nose, the ash haze in the air, dust particles, nitric oxide, vehicle exhaust (benzodiazepines compounds) are through from nasal cavity and nasal mucosa is not only has the effect of cleaning heat, cilia on the membranes of the nasal adhesion also can stick to some harmful ingredients, these harmful compos



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