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1、九下Unit 2 Great PeoplePeriod2 Reading I【学习目标】1. 了解尼尔.阿姆斯特朗的生平和登月经历。2. 能够从文中提取信息并完成书后练习。【导学提纲】A. 跟读磁带,读会P 2223的单词并默写。1. 飞行员_ 2. 服务_ 3. 检验 _4. 控制_ 5. 命令_ 6. 太平洋的_ 7. 着陆_ 8. 跨步_ 9. 表面 _10.更进一步的_ 11. 骄傲 _ 【展示交流】1.小组合作,检查单词。2.组内朗读课文。3.完成书后练习并核对答案。【课堂反馈】一、词汇。1. The scenery is very beautiful near the_(太平洋的)

2、 Ocean .2. Li Hai failed his English _(测试) yesterday.3. Once it is out of _ (控制) , many people will get into trouble.4. Whats on the _ (表面) of the river?5. You should go through the physical exam if you want to be a _ (飞行员).6. When the machine is (spin) too quickly, you should stop it.7. Neil Armstr

3、ong was the first man _ (walk) on the moon.8. The railway station has been in _ (serve) for ten years.9. If you need _ (far) information, you can contact us on 0515-88881515.10. Liu Yang, the woman astronaut, is the _ (proud) of all Chinese people.二、单项选择。( ) 1. Armstrong became interested in _ ever

4、since he took his first _ at the age of six.A. fly; flying B. flight; fly C. flight; flying D. flying; flight( ) 2. The fire was getting stronger and stronger and it seemed to . A. lose controlB. be under controlC. be out of control D. be controlled( ) 3. I took my flight_ at 10.A. first B. for the

5、first time C. the first time D. at first( ) 4. His family are worried about him because they havent _ letters from him for a long time.A. accepted B. receivedC. written D. collected( ) 5. Spacecraft _made_ possible for humans to research _ the universe.A. have;it;to B. has;that;of C.have;it;into D.

6、has;that;for三、翻译句子。1. 他在1949年参加了海军,当了3年飞行员。_2. 1962年,他被选为一名宇航员。_3. 阿姆斯特朗收到了缩短航程的命令。_4. 他们成功地将两个航天器在太空首次交会对接。_5. 他飞行了1100多个小时,并测试了各种类型的飞机。_四、阅读表达。Jan Mela isnt like most kids .Two years ago, he lost an arm and a leg .But that didnt stop him .On Saturday ,the 15-year-old boy from Poland(波兰)walked to t

7、he North Pole(北极)without any help.“If I can do it, other people can do great things, too.” Mela said before he went.Polish newspapers said Mela is the youngest person and the first handicapped(残疾的)person to walk to the North Pole.How did Mela lose an arm and a leg ? He had an electrical(电的)accident.

8、 Now he walks with the help of a 62,000-yuan man-made leg.After the accident, Mela felt sad for himself. But he didnt lose hope. One day, he met Marek Kaminski ,a Polish explorer. Eight years ago, Kaminski went to the North Pole and the South Pole in the same year. Mela wanted to see the North Pole

9、, too . So Mela asked Kaminski if they could go together next time. Kaminski said yes!It took Mela 21 days to get to the North Pole .The last three or four days were really hard because of bad weather .But Mela kept going .“I didnt think we would make it ,” he said , “Then ,things got better.”1. Wha

10、t happened to Mela two years ago?_2. Why did Polish newspapers report the travel to the North Pole?_3. How does Mela walk after the accident?_4. Where did Kaminski go eight years ago?_5. Why did Mela make the travel?_五、首字母填空。Now satellites are helping to forecast the w 1 . They are in space, and the

11、y can reach any part of the world. The satellites t 2 pictures of the atmosphere, because this is where the weather forms . They s 3 these pictures to the weather station. So the s 4 there can see the weather of any part of the world and tell how the weather will change. Today, nearly five hundred w

12、eather stations in sixty countries can r 5 satellite pictures. W 6 they receive the new pictures, they compare them w 7 the earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have c 8 during the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather report , they can tell people about it. So the weather satellites are of a great h


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