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1、新视界大学英语综合教程第六单元课文翻译及练习答案Active Reading里程碑 上周,我生命中最重要的两位女性都跨越了重要的里程碑。周四,我五岁半的大女儿伊登小学一年级结束了,拿到了她的第一份“评语”,而我60岁的妈妈庆祝自己光荣退休。这两件事都提醒着我:我是一个非常幸运的人。这两件事都让我对自己出生的家庭和正在经营的家庭感到自豪。这两件事都使我思考妈妈当时努力把我培养成什么样的人以及我正努力把女儿培养成什么样的人。我一直努力不让自己成为那种一谈起令人自豪的孩子就喋喋不休的家长。所以,我就不细讲伊登的评语了,免得你们感到无聊。但我还是会提一下这两页文档中那五个无疑让我倍感骄傲的短语:“果断



4、,但她从来不替我作出选择。她极力提倡个人独立。在妈妈的退休晚宴上,我本来是想发言的,可我情绪太激动,说不出话来。我当时想让大家都知道,她最大的成功是作为母亲的成功;她将我们带到世界上,赋予了我们如此强大的力量。我现在明白,伊登之所以能得到这样的学校评语,有很大一部分原因是妈妈的影响已经延及了下一代。Dealing with Unfamiliar Words Match the words with their meanings in the context of the passage.1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. a Complete the paragr

5、aph with the correct form of the words in the box.1. academic 2. rarely 3. sticky 4. significant 5. emotional 6. retain 7. patch Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.1. positive 2. launch 3. providing 4. secure5. wisdom 6. influence 7. crisis 8. independence Answer the

6、questions about the idioms and expressions1.a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a Work in pairs and choose the best answer to the questions.1. b 2. c 3. bLanguage in Use Now form new words with -ful to describe the people and things, and check your answers with the dictionary. 1. helpful 2. harmful 3. thoughtf

7、ul 4. stressful 5. dutiful Now form new words with un- and -able to describe the things, and check your answers with the dictionary.1. unforgettable 2. unforgivable 3. unemployable 4. unreasonable 5. unavoidable 6. unrepeatable Now rewrite the sentences using could have done.1. I could have become a

8、 journalist.2. He could have gone to his local university.3. They could have got married.4. You could have waited for me.5. She could have done very well at school.6. We could have done much more to help. Now rewrite the sentences using despite the fact that 1. We managed to catch our flight, despit

9、e the fact that we left the campus an hour and a half late.2. Despite the fact that the professor was not well, the lesson was still extremely interesting.3. All the lights were on, despite the fact that there was nobody in the house.4. Despite the fact that Ive already read this chapter twice, Id l

10、ike to read it again.5. Despite the fact that they have been married for 20 years, they still dont understand each other.6. I feel really tired, despite the fact that its only eight oclock. Now rewrite the sentences using without so much as1. He did everything he was asked, without so much as a comp

11、laint.2. They told us to finish the project, without so much as a word of encouragement.3. She sat through the operation, without so much as a sound.4. I arrived in this country, without so much as a single piece of advice about how to live here.5. He walked out of the room, without so much as a goo

12、dnight.6. She took the book out of my hands, without so much as a word of thanks. Translate the sentences into Chinese.1. Both events made me feel proud to be connected to the family from which I come and the family which I am trying to create.这两件事都让我对自己出生的家庭和正在经营的家庭感到自豪。2. None of these describe Ed

13、ens academic skills, but for me, if Eden can retain these characteristics, theyll be so much more important than the results shell get as she progresses through school.这些都不是对伊登学业成绩的描述,但对我来说,如果伊登在上学期间能够保持这些特质,这比她的学习成绩更为重要。3. Listening to my Dads speech at my Mums retirement party later the same day,

14、it really came home to me how much of a positive influence my mother has been on my life, and just how hard it will be ever to live up to the kind of example she has set for us.当天的晚些时候,我听了爸爸在妈妈退休晚宴上的发言,真切地意识到母亲对我的生活有多么积极的影响;她是如此出色的榜样,要做到她那样实在不容易。4. Mum gave up huge chunks of her life and a potential

15、 career in social work to raising my brothers and me when we were small, without so much as a resentful word, despite the fact that she could easily have had a very successful career.在我和兄弟们还很小的时候,妈妈为了养育我们,舍弃了很多,还放弃了前途光明的社会工作,她本来可以轻而易举地在事业上获得巨大成功,但她从来没有一句怨言。5. I wanted to make sure everyone acknowledged that her greatest achievements were in her career as a Mother; in launching us all into the world in such an empowering way.我当时想让大家都知道,她最大的成功是作为母亲的成功;她将我们带到世界上,赋予了我们如此强


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