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1、2022秋期版1379国开电大本科人文英语3期末一体化、纸质考试第二火板祠汇S偌构题库说明:更新至2022年7月试题,适用于2023年1月期末期末一体化、纸质考试。首字母音序Asimply the science of the study of heredity.A dictionary may define geneticsA. withB. toC. as答案cwith major textbook publishers.Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks inA. formB. linkC. conjunction答案Cthe Interne

2、t,criminals look for potential victims online.As millions of peopleA. have access toB. do accessC. pay access to答案Abeing very busyAt that time my wife took care of our children alone,and I seldom stayed at homewith work.A. up toB. as toC. due to答案c首字母音序Bboring old textbooks which are quickly out of

3、date,you can have an interactive learning experience.A. Because ofB Instead ofC-So long as答案Band creativity in the business world.Besides,modern technology also encouragesA. indicationBJnnovationC.information答案Band creativity in the business world.Besides,modern technology also encouragesA. intonati

4、onB. innovationC. observation答案Bthe college entrance exams-Besides,schools seem to be only interested in all the different exams,A. importantlyB. especiallyC-interestingly答案Beffects,too.The most common one,some teenagers a read dietedBlit the Internet can bring some to computer games on the Internet

5、.A. negativeB. positiveC. important l答案ABy making learning possible anytime and anywhere,distance education is a powerful tool to s upportlearn ing.A. long lifeB. lifelongC. endless答案BBy making learning possible anytime and anywhere,distance education is a powerful toolsupporting lifelong learning.A

6、. toB. forC. with答案B首字母音序CChildren are exposed to too much on the Internet without appropriate.A. mstltutionB. superstitionC. supervision答案csupervision.Children are exposed to too much on the Internet withoutA. appropriateB approximateC. accurate答案A首字母音序Dthe window beside you.Do you mind meA. to ope

7、nB. openingC. open答案Bthe needs of our users?Does the designA. getB. answerC-meet答案cfor your children.Drug offenses and addiction can have seriousA. frequenciesB. consequencesC. sequences答案B首字母音序Egames is very important.Encouraging the elderly people to participateA. atB. inC. with答案B首字母音序Ftone forma

8、l in style.For instance,they are often politeA. inB. withC. by落案A首字母音序Geach other.Good friends means sharing happiness but also sadnessA. ofB. withC. by答案B首字母音序Hout in no time.Hardly had the train arrived at the destination when the passengersA. flewB. droppedC. flooded答案cHardly at the platform when

9、 the passengers flooded out in no time.A. the train had arrivedB. had arrived the trainC. had the train arrived答案cout in no time.Hardly had the train arrived at the platform when the passengersA. flockedB. flewC. flooded答案CHave you found that our society has changed a lot and peoples lives have beco

10、me more colorful and morein recent years?A. convenientB. conventionalC-unintentional答案Aeach other.Having good friends means sharing happiness and sadnessA. ofB. withC. by答案Bhis house.He asked his neighbor toA. keep an eye onB. keep their eyes onC. keep eyes open to落案Ahis house.He asked his neighbor

11、toA. keep an eye onB. keep their eyes onC. keep their eyes open答案AHe asked Johnhe could swim.A. thatB. howC. if答案CHe asked johnhe could swim.A. thatB. ifC. how答案BHe asked meZhang Hua came to school or not.A. ifB. whetherC. what答案BHe asked meZhang Hua came to school.A. if.or notB. whether.or notC. th

12、at not答案BHe is worth.A. trustB. trustedC. trusting答案cHe left the company by mutuallast September.A. contentB. conventC. consent答案CHe reminded those inthat their homes could bean open invitation to criminals.A. tensionB .attentionC. attendance答案c首字母音序II drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.Is t

13、hatyou had a few days off?A. whenB. whyC. what答案BI find it hard to complete all thewhile Em working every day.A. attachmentsB. agreementsC-assignments答案cI have just finished thein the online forum.A. discussionB. appointmentC. examination答案AI have no ideato make my speech interesting.A. howB. whyC.

14、whenl答案AI have trouble inmy homework.A. doB. doneC. doing答案cI have worries that my audience may find my speech boring andasleep.A. fallingB. have fallenC. fall答案CI havesome courses and software to my smart phone.A. structuredB. downloadedC. scheduled答案BI havesome courses and software to my Smartphone,and I find they are very interesting and easyto use.A. uploadedB. downloadedC-COpied答案BI hope youfor continuing education in your life.A. have a separate roomB. will leave a roomC



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