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1、 五年级-下册-英语练习册-答案正文第一篇:五年级-下册-英语练习册-答案 五年级-下册-英语练习册-答案 一按要求改写句子 1The boy is playing basketball. 否定句: 般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 对is playing basketball提问: 对Theboy提问: 2They are singing in the classroom. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答:_对are singing”提问:_ 对intheclassroom提问: 3仿照例句造句:Model: read a book What are you doing? -

2、Im reading a book.l).read a new book_2). clean the blackboard 4she, the window, open, now.(用现在进行时连词成句) 5.The birds are singing in the tree.(就划线部分提问) 6is, who, thewindow, cleaning?(连词成句) 7.The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问) 8.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句) 9.You are doing yo

3、ur homework.(用”I”作主语改写句子) 10. they, thetree, sing, now, under.(用现在进行时连词成句) 11.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句)_II.单项选择 1我在照看孩子 (A)I am looking after the baby. (B)Im look aftering the baby. (C)I look am aftering the baby. (D)I looking after the baby. 2._friends makinga kite.(A)l

4、,me (B)My,my (C)My,me(D)His,his 3.1s the woman_yellow your teacher?(A)in (B)putting on(C)wearing (D)having() 4.Look!The twins_their mother do the housework. (A)are wanting (B)help (C)are helping (D)are looking() 5._are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree.(A) Who(B) What(C) How (D)Where() 6.I

5、s shesomething? (A) eat(B) eating(C) eatting(D) eats() 7你在干什么? (A)What is you doing9 (B)What are you do?(C)What are you doing? (D)What do you do? 8.What are you listening? (A)/ (B)for (C)at (D)to() 9.我正在听他说话 (A)Ilistening to him. (B)Im listening to him.(C)Im listen to him. (D)Im listening him. 10. T

6、hey are_their clothes. (A) makeing(B) putting(C) put away(D) putting on 11. Listen!She_in the classroom. (A)is singing (B)sing (C)to sing (D)is sing 12.Today Jimhis white shirt and brown trousers. (A)is putting on (B)wear (C)put on (D)is wearing 13._are you eating?lm eatingmeat.(A)What,some (B)Which

7、,any (C)Where,not (D)What,a 14. They_TVin the evening. They do their homework.(A) are watching(B) cant watching 5(C)dont watch(D) dont watching 15. The children_football. (A)isplaying (B)are playing (C)play the (D)play a 16.They are flying kites. (A)他们喜欢放风筝(B)他们在放风筝吗?(C)他们在放风筝(D)他们常放风筝 17. Hereare m

8、any books.Please_them. (A) look(B) write(C) count(D) taking() 18. Look, They are swimming in the river.1 want_you.(A)to go with (B)go with (C)helping (D)help 19. The man(work) mear the house now.2021Look. Lucy is_a new bike today. (A)jumping(B)running (C)riding (D)takeingIII.用现在进行时完成下列句子: l.What _yo

9、u_(do)? 2.I_一(sing)an English song. 3. Whathe_(mend)? 4.He_(mend)acar. 5._you_ _(fly)a kite?Yes,_. 6._she_(sit) in theboat? 7._ _you_(ask) questions? 8.We_(play) games now第二学期五年级英语期中抽测试卷听力部分 一、听音,选出你听到的信息,将序号写在提前括号内(10分) l、Awomen Bchildren Cpeople 2、Adraw BsleepC.hurt 3、A.cow B.tree C.school 4、A.slo

10、w B.quick C.quickly 5、A.tea B milk C water 二、听音,填入所缺单词,使句意完整(10分) l、The childrenwalk_.to Wangfujing. 2、The baby is_. 3、_to it please,Jenny. 4、Lets_inside the window. 5、May I take your,Jenny? 三、听音,选择你听到的内容,将序号填在括号里(10分) 1、AI see a big mountain. B.I see a big city. 2、A.These are men.B.These are women.

11、3、A.Wouldyou like a cup of tea?B.Would you like a glass of milk? 4,A.1 want to take a picture.B.1 want to take my camera. 5、A.They are quick.B.They walk quickly. 四、听音,判断你所听到的句子,是否与所给句子意思相符,相符的打“”不符的打“” l、The tea is too hot to drink. 2、The Palace Museum is very beautiful.() 3、Mrs. Li and Danny walk q

12、uickly to Wangfujing.() 4、Im playing with the baby. 5、There are many people on the street. 笔答部分 五、按要求写出下列单词(10分) l、people(复数)_2、baby(复数)_3、easy(反义词)_ 4、quiet(副词)_5、fast(反义词)_6、woman(复数) 7、child(复数)_8、bus(复数)一9. slowly(形容词) 10. shop(现在分词)_ 六、填入单词所缺字母并译成汊语(10分) l.hrd()2wman()3s me()4drw()5d ink() 七、用所

13、给单词的适当形式填空(7分) 1Who is( talk)? 2.Everyone (be)tired and hungry. 3.There are many (woman)in the room. 4.Look,she (read)the newspaper. 5.Danny (hurt) his arm.6.Jenny(shop)quickly. 7These are ( boy). 八、选择正确答案,将其字母标号填入提前括号内(2021 1.1 want gifts for my family.A.buy B.to buy C.buys D.buying 2.The children

14、loud.A.amB.is C.are D.isnt() 3. Can Danny a kite9A.fly B.flies C. flying D.to fly() 4.The baby like loud talking.A.dont B. doesnt C. isnt D. arent() 5. Jenny is looking out the window the train.A.in B.on C.toD.of() 6. Danny, please sing,my mother says.A.no B.not C.doesnt D.dont() 7.1 woulcl like dum

15、plings for lunch.9 A.some B.the C.a D.many() 8. The cars and bicycles go.A.quick B.quickly C.to quick() 9.Everyone to go shopping.A.want B.wants C.to want D.wanted() 10. is singing? Li Ming is singing.A。What BWho CWhere 九、连词成句(6分) 1eat what you to would like? 2 who thirsty is? 3.help may you I一_? 4doing are you what_? 5.street they down walk the_. 6.are Jenny hungry and Danny 十.Read and choose.阅读并判断对(T)错(F).(7分)Mike


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