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2、案OverviewThank you very much for epressing your interest in improving your English munation skills.The follog pages will provide you with information about the training philosophy and method, and about several details of language training programmers that will help you to choose the best option for

3、English learning.非常感谢你对进步英语交流感兴趣,下面我将介绍此次培训的一些想法,和供您选择的一些英语培训工程。My mission is to provide guidance in developing munation solutions that support effiency and success in every aspect of work and everyday life.通过此次培训,希望有效进步您日常工作和生活中英语的使用。 I will adopt a famous solution named SIS roach, for we belief th

4、at good munate is based on SKILLS in using English.So, Ill guide partipants revieg eisting knowledge and skills, then developing self-confidence while understanding English speaking and writing in professional situations.INTERACTION training will help partipant to start using English without aid of

5、dtionaries.At our training, partipants will spend most time solving problems, requests and other practal way of lying English in real life.SERE makes it easy for your to set objectives and course of training according your needs.纯熟运用英语才能有效用英语交流。所以这里采用著名的SIS培训方法,即首先我将回忆所学的知识,继而进步英语交流的自信心,加上补充新识,我们将采用

6、场景练习方法进而过度到将所学融入日常交流中的方法展开此次培训。关于话题的安排顺序大致如下,您也可以优先选择最需要、最感兴趣的话题和课程。ObjectivesMost partipants starts this course with an eisting knowledge of English language.However, most of us invariably struggle with the diffulty of using their knowledge in a practal way.The main objective of this course is to g

7、uide partipants from KNOWLEDGE to USING.The focus of our trainers work is to make partipants use English in partular situations related to everyday work and life.This progressing is from easy to more ple languages skills:我们在参加此次培训前已经有一定的英语根底,然而,我们大多数时候不能将这些知识在实际生中灵敏运用,所以这次的课程的主要目是指导参加培训的人员从学到用,这里将集中

8、精力结合参加培训人员的详细情况制定有简到复杂的英语技巧。Stept 1: REVIEW LEARN 复习Stept 2: PRACTISE 练习Stept 3: LY 应用Stept 4: Self-correction, problem-solving and self-confidence 自信解决问题Assessment and Placement 测试:1、你认为自己学习英语的最大障碍是什么?可多项选择,请按先后顺序排A.语法不精?B.单词前背后忘?C.怕开口,因为说错英语=没面子?D.没有时间57h/w?E.没有环境?F.不能坚持?2、你为什么要参加此次学习?3、你最想优先补英语哪方

9、面的知识?A.单词?B.语法?D.句型?E.实际生活中应用的才能如旅游、探亲?F.实际工作中应用才能如商务会谈、技术交流)?Here using the follog standard methods:这里引用标准测试方法:Written assessment assessing partipants abilities to ly previously learned vocabulary and grammatal skills in business-related prehension and writing eercises.Training content笔试检测参加培训人员之前所

10、学的词汇,语法和商务相关的理解练习; The training content of course is chosen as follog:培训的内容如下:1.Revieg previously learned English related to work vocabulary.复习之前所学的,与工作、生活相关的英语; 2.Learning processional English phrases.学习专业的英语句型3.Practing individually and group.个人和小组练习4.Problem solving/ business travel role-plays.角j

11、ue色扮演、解决问题The material contains vocabulary, phrases, eercises and skills practe related to offe work and management.这个材料里包含有根底词汇,工作和管理相关的词汇、短语、练习Since more than 50 of training time is spent on interactive activities such as role-plays and simulations, materials such as flash-cards, role-cards, forms

12、 and other supplement.约有50的时间将进展交互练习,如:角色扮演和场景模拟 所用的教学材料有:闪存卡,角色卡片,表格和其他补充。 Test: There is test to evaluate the partipants progress, including the ability to use the newly learned vocabulary in role-plays, customer serve situations and我们设有测试,通过角色扮演以评估学员使用所学的进展。 Progress evaluation: the petency level of partipants in pared to their written and oral assessment results at mid-term, and the mid-term results at the end of term, progress is judged according to the篇三:企业英语培训方案(详细)第 页 共 页



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