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1、中文意思英文表达如果你是我If you were in my shoes.我的腿麻了I cant feel my legs.跟着感觉走Follow ones heart伤了某人的心Hurt ones feelings早着呢Age away如果我没记错的话If my memory works改变revise转变(和改变不一样)Shift加速Catalyze/ accelerate从。开始Date back to社会和经济关系Social and economic fabric快速写下Jot down接上电源Hook up sth.珍本Rare book研究课题Research project课程

2、Program通告栏Bulletin board喜欢Sth. appeal to sb./ sb. Be fascinated or attracted by班门弄斧Show off ones limitedness in front of an expert享受Relish/ bask in/ savor僵局Standstill/ standoff/ gridlock/ dead lock/ dead end/ stalemate交通堵塞(除了traffic jam)Gridlock繁文缛节Red tape(太阳)洒进来Spread/ slip/ sneak/ creep/ crawl某人很

3、(情感词)A wind of (emotion) sweeps over sb.借书Check out books该书被借走了。The book is in circulation/ checked out.图书接还台Circulation desk借书期限Loan period好酒Fine wine圆月Full moon玩火Play with fire追求不切实际Chase ghosts in a house of mirrors先决条件/ 必备条件Prerequisite黄金时段Prime time夜猫子Night owl潜规则Hidden rules收银台Check-out charte

4、r社论Editorial打一针Take a shot打点滴Put sb. on a drip闹肚子Stomach flu/ diarrhea流鼻血Nose bleed打喷嚏症状Sneezing fit感觉不舒服I feel under the weather/ dont feel like myself/ / not feel right/ feel unwell.“去天堂”Pass away/ hes gone/ join the majority/ join the angels/ his star has set.你说得对/ 我同意Tell me about it/ and how/ y

5、ou can say that again/ you bet.不同意/ 我不买账I dont buy it/ how do you know/ are you kidding/ are you serious/ thats not saying very much/ I doubt it.使某人昏迷不醒Knock sb. out使某事失去效用Knock sth. out把某人逼疯Get on ones nerves/ drive sb. crazy文献综述Literature review期刊Journal(有航海日志的意思)处方药Medicine for prescription非处方药OT

6、C(Over the counter)副教授(学术界)Associate professor副市长(政界)Deputy mayor院长/系主任Dean学费减免Tuition waiver年助/奖学金Stipend有条件录取Conditional offer辅导员Advisor(学校)财务主管Treasurer/ bursar选修课Elective/ selected/ optional courses必修课Mandatory/ required/ compulsory courses实地考察Fieldtrip挂科Flunk/ fail a course选课Register for/ sign

7、up for/ enroll in/ list in 想到什么事儿又忘了。Something came into my mind and went out the other side.使某事进入新的高度Upgrade sth. 适于;胜任;是.的材料Be cut out for入不敷出Cant make ends meet现状Status quo想通;想明白Think straight做某事最大的好处The best part of sth. 放任不管Leave sth. behind活到老学到老People are never too old to learn.养成习惯(除了说form)D

8、evelop a habit缺点(除了weakness)Shortcoming完成心愿/ 实现梦想Fulfill ones dream履行职责Fulfill the responsibility实用方法;行事法则Rule of thumb便笺本Pad/ notepad详细写出Write up找到并提出(答案或解决办法)Come up with跳转到前面Jump ahead纪念Mark the anniversary一路(走来)Every step of the way伟大崛起Rise to greatness登上月球Touch down on the moon推进和平事业Promote the

9、 cause of peace恢复繁荣发展Restore prosperity诞生(除了born)Hatch异性恋Straight组建一个团队Assemble a team度过难关Ride out the storm更重要的是Above all坚定的支持Unyielding support/ support unyieldingly在这个决定性的时刻At this defining moment中坚力量The rock of sth.我欠他们的是无法计量的My debt to them is beyond measure.支持(除了support)Endorse取得声势/获得力量Grow/ d

10、raw strength冒着严寒酷暑Brave the bitter cold and scorching heat消失(除了disappear)Perish处于危险之中In peril挫折Setback不成功的开端False start难以入眠Lie awake小题大做Pettiness开发新能源(除了explore)Harness new energy修复与其他国家的盟友关系Repair alliances无名英雄Unsung hero前行的路上困难重重The climb will be steep一砖一瓦Block by block, brick by brick同心协力Callouse

11、d hand by calloused hand向某人坦陈Be honest with sb. about sth.弥补裂痕Heal the divides重走老路Fall back on参与)opulsionPitch in下定决心做某事Resolve to do sth.精华Genius肤色The color of skin排队Stand in line就在眼前Be at hand。的新纪元A new dawn of sth.被遗忘的角落Forgotten corners武器的威力The might of arms感情的纽带Bonds of affection破坏世界Tear the wo

12、rld down投票Cast a ballot/vote在海外(除了abroad/ overseas)Beyond the shores艰巨Enormity不感兴趣,漠然(除了indifference)Apathy某人没有发言权Ones voices are silenced(罗斯福的)新政New Deal共同追求Common purpose只要一息尚存,就有希望While we breathe, we hope.信念,信条Creed永恒的(除了eternal)Timeless继续前进Press on希望破灭Dismiss hope浓缩了一个民族的精神Sum up the spirit of

13、a people竞选顾问Campaign manager发生改变Enact the change小行星带Asteroid belt(通过电视,电台)关注one Tune in多睡一会儿Stay in bed a little bit longer补课Extra lesson逃课Cut class制定标准Set standards这对某人来说不轻松There is no picnic for sb. 督促Push sb. to do sth.走正道Stay on track有用之才Has sth. to offer成天做某事Spend every waking hour doing sth.放弃(除了give up on)Quit on sth./ sb. 观察力Insight skill老一辈Old folks推动经济Boost economy阻碍(被动形式较多)Hold in cheek力量的体现Sign of strength格格不入Do not fit in岌岌可危/ 随时可能急转直下Take a turn for the worse追求梦想(



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