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1、人教版2020年(春秋版)九年级英语期中复习试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There are two apples on the table. One is for you, the other is for your sister.You can take _ of them.AbothBneitherCeitherDall2 . -What do you think of the film My People,My Country ?-Well, Ive never seen _more moving one Its worth_second timeAa;/B

2、the;theCa;theDa;a3 . If it doesnt belong to you, it must be _.Asomebody elseBsomebody elsesCelse somebodyDelses somebody4 . Jim, _ look outside. Look at the map.AdoesntBdontCisnt5 . Thank you _ your e-mail.AofBatCforDin22Coffee is ready. How nice it_!AsmellsBsoundsCfeelsDbecomes7 . I hurried to scho

3、ol without _ breakfast.AhadBhavingChaveDhas8 . _is a good form of exercise for both young and old.AThe walkBWalkingCTo walkDWalk9 . Jim, long time no see! Where have you?IBeijing with my parents.Abeen; have gone toBbeen, have been toCgone; wentDgone; have gone to10 . We shall travel by night _ by da

4、y.Or we cant get there on time.Aas well asBinstead ofCas wellDinstead11 . Not only the students but also the teacher the Great Wall twice.Ahas gone toBhas been toChave gone toDhave been to12 . We must stop hunters from_ wild animalsAto killBkillingCkilledDkill13 . I cant imagine _ so.Ato sayBhim say

5、ingChe sayingDsay14 . What way can you think ofwith these broken computer?Ato dealBdealingCdealsDdeal15 . We should tell the truth. We cant say one thing to one person andthing to someone else.AotherBanotherCthe otherDone more二、完型填空完形填空(本题有15小题,阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。In the middle of a fo

6、rest there was a little tree standing among many big trees. He was very_at not being as big as the others. When the birds flew into the forest and_their houses, he used to say to hem, “Come_and have a rest in my body!” But the birds always said, “Oh, no. Youre too small!” The worst part was when peo

7、ple came to choose trees, they would pass him by_he was too small. The other trees said that when they were taken away by people, they might be_the mast (桅杆) of a large ship, go far away from the_, and see many wonderful things; or they_become part of a fine house in a great city, and experience lif

8、e there. All these were just dreams to the little tree.One cold_morning, some people came searching the forest. “There are_that are little enough,” they said.“Here is one,” said one man. “Its just the right_” And he chose the little tree.The little tree was very happy because he knew they were about

9、 to take_away. Later all kinds of beautiful things were_all over him. The children all said, “_beautiful!” “Its the_Christmas tree weve ever seen!”_, the little tree knew what he was. He was a Christmas tree! He was just little enough to be the nicest Christmas tree in the world!16 . AunhappyBproudC

10、nervousDexcited17 . AbuiltBfoundCaskedDwatched18 . AbyBoutCdownDup19 . AthoughBbecauseCunlessDso20 . Aasked forBwelcomed toCsold intoDmade into21 . AmountainBlandCforestDocean22 . AmightBneedCmustDshould23 . AsummerBwinterCSpringDautumn24 . AsomeBbothCnoneDany25 . AsizeBcolourCpriceDtaste26 . AthemB

11、herChimDit27 . AhungBcomparedCsharedDtaken28 . AWhenBHowCWhatDWhich29 . AstrongestBnicestCbiggestDlongest30 . ASadlyBStrangelyCRecentlyDFinally三、阅读单选In the past month,weve been holding our breath for news about a Boeing 777 plane,MH 370It took off from Kuala Lumpur(吉隆坡),MalaysiaOn March 8It was head

12、ing to BeijingBut about two hours into the flight, the plane went missingThere were 239 people on the flight,including 154 ChineseA total of 12 countries including China and the US have joined the search for the planeDid it crash? We know that the weather was clear that dayThe pilots didnt make any

13、distress calls(求救信号)And as of March l3,experts have not found any broken parts of the plane。Was it hijacked(劫机)? Two Iranians(伊朗人)used stolen passports to get into the flightBut now they do not appear to be linked to any possible hijacking of the plane,international police agency Interpol(国际刑警组织)off

14、icial said on March 11The search is still going onIt could take months or even years to find out what happenedto the flight31 . When did MH370 go missing?AMarch 8BMarch 9CMarch llDApril 832 . How many Chinese are there on the flight?A239B1 54C1 45D8533 . What was the weather like that day?AcloudyBrainyCfineDwindy34 . Did the pilots make any di



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