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1、人教版九年级下学期月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The old man asked the girl to take another seathe wanted to sit next to his wife.AbecauseBso thatCso2 . Do you have two _?Atennis racketBtennis racketsCtennis racketDtennis rackets3 . -I didnt pass the test yesterday.-_.ABad luck!BNo idea.CThanks a lot.DPretty g

2、ood4 . -Max is a funny boy. His jokes always make us _a lot.Ato laughBlaughingClaughDlaughs5 . I cant tell youway to the Blacksbecause we dont haveBlack hereAa:theBthe;Cthe;a Da;6 . (题文)Ladies or gentlemen,whether young or old,_ some money of yours to the poor people in the mountain area who are suf

3、feringAto donateBdonatingCdonateDwill donate7 . -Our class won the English speaking contest.-Congratulations! You_ be very proud of it.AcanBwouldCmust8 . Miss Gu teaches _ English this term. We love _ very much.Aour, heBus, sheCour, himDus, her9 . Paul didnt listen as _ as Jimmy in class, so he made

4、 more mistakes in his exercises.Amore carefulBmore carefullyCcarefulDcarefully10 . Mrs King _ /,hz/ a son and a daughter.AhatBhasChisDhers11 . When Ben is 20 years old, he will be 180 centimetres _.AheavyBheavierCtallDtaller12 . If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, “My dear, i

5、t must be terrible_!”Agrown upBbeing grown upCbe grown upDto be grown up13 . 2018年上海徐汇二模The 2018 Winter Olympics took place _February 9 to 25 in South Korea.AinBonCofDfrom14 . The young man comes from , he knows some Chinese.AAmerica; soBAmerica; butCChina; butDChina; because15 . Suddenly I heard so

6、meone shout for help.A主语B谓语C定语D宾语补足语二、完型填空My friend Heather mentioned that she had never seen an Angel. Then I remembered the_I had with my sister Sandra earlier this week.This will be Sandras first Christmas without her husband. This summer he died in her arms. On Thursday, she was in the store _fo

7、r an ideal card for her two sons and daughter. Time passed by quickly as she _the many choices. She wanted a card that sent something special to each of them, _ she knew they would have a(n)_place in their heart this holiday season.Finally! She found the one that she needed. The words on it expresse

8、d the feelings that she wished to share. However, a sharp pain pierced her heart when she realized that the card was _“mom and dad.”She stood there, holding it close for a long time, unable to move from the spot. Tears began to run down her cheeks.“Is there something I can do for you?” a _voice aske

9、d. She _to face a stranger, a woman, who was looking at her with_and concern.“Uhoh.OH!”Sandra responded, “I cant give this card to my children becausebecause my husband died and this is the _card.”Hearing this, the strangers face softened with sympathy(同情) and love. She reached out and _my sister in

10、to her arms. She quietly held my sister until her calmness _.“Thank you for listening to me cry on,” was what my sister said when all was better. “You are welcome, and I am so sorry for your _.”the stranger answered and said goodbye to her.During her telling of this event I was feeling angry that I

11、hadnt been there. My sister needed me and a stranger had to do my_. “You know,” she went on, “a friend suggested that it was like meeting with an Angel.” My _disappeared immediately. My sister required an Angel, and I think that is exactly what she got.16 . AconversationBdifficultyCaccidentDquarrel1

12、7 . ApayingBcaringCcallingDlooking18 . AleftBofferedCreadDdiscovered19 . AalthoughBasCwhenDif20 . AotherBemptyCsafeDdifferent21 . AforBtoCfromDby22 . AfirmBproudCcoldDsoft23 . AwalkedBturnedCdecidedDwoke24 . AquestionBshockCregretDupset25 . AharmfulBspecialCwrongDright26 . ApulledBcaughtCsentDprotec

13、ted27 . AdisappearedBwentCarrivedDreturned28 . AfailureBideaClossDdeath29 . AtaskBtimeCfavorDjob30 . AresponsibilityBsadnessCguiltDexcitement三、阅读单选The wind tried pushing Colin to the ground. It felt as if Colins news-bag was full of potatoes.Maybe it had to do with the news Dad read before Colin lef

14、t. The morning headlines(标题)were full of the usual sad stories.“No good news again!” Dad said.Car accidents! House burns! Storm damage(损害)!Colin moved quickly from house to house leaving papers in the mailbox. He wished he could bring only good news to his family, also to his friendly neighbours. “How could I make things better for everyone?” he wondered.Colin noticed Alice comi



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