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1、 英文美文欣赏 我现在就付诸行动My dreams are worthless, my plans are dust, my goals are impossible.我的梦想毫无价值,我的打算渺如尘埃,我的目标不行能到达。All are of no value unless they are followed by action.一切的一切毫无意义除非我们付诸行动。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。Never has there been a map, however carefully executed to detail and scale, which carried i

2、ts owner over even one inch of ground. Never has there been a parchment of law, however fair, which prevented one crime. Never has there been a scroll, even such as the one I hold, which earned so much as a penny or produced a single word of acclamation. Action, alone, is the tinder which ignites th

3、e map, the parchment, this scroll, my dreams, my plans, my goals, into a living force. Action is the food and drink which will nourish my success.一张地图,不管多么详尽,比例多准确,它永久不能带着它的仆人在地面上移动半步。一个国家的法律,不管多么公正,永久不行能防止罪恶的发生。任何宝典,即使在我手中的羊皮卷,永久不行能制造财宝。只有行动才能使地图、法律、宝典、幻想、打算、目标具有现实意义。行动,像食物和水一样,能滋润我,使我胜利。I will act

4、 now.我现在就付诸行动。My procrastination which has held me back was born of fear and now I recognize this secret mined from the depths of all courageous hearts. Now I know that to conquer fear I must always act without hesitation and the flutters in my heart will vanish. Now I know that action reduces the l

5、ion of terror to an ant of equanimity.拖延使我裹足不前,它来自恐惊。现在我从全部英勇的心灵深处,体会到这一隐秘。我知道,想克制恐惊,必需毫不迟疑,起而行动,唯其如此,心中的慌乱方得以平定。现在我知道,行动会使猛狮般的恐惊,减缓为蚂蚁般的安静。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。Henceforth, I will remember the lesson of the firefly who gives of its light only when it is on the wing, only when it is in action. I w

6、ill become a firefly and even in the day my glow will be seen in spite of the sun. Let others be as butterflies who preen their wings yet depend on the charity of a flower for life. I will be as the firefly and my light will brighten the world.从今我要记住萤火虫的启迪:只有振翅的时候,才能发出光线。我要成为一只萤火虫,即使在艳阳高照的白天,我也要发出光线

7、。让别人像蝴蝶一样。舞动翅膀,靠花朵的施舍生活;我要做萤火虫,照亮大地。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。I will not avoid the tasks of today and charge them to tomorrow for I know that tomorrow never comes. Let me act now even though my actions may not bring happiness or success for it is better to act and fail than not to act and flounder. Ha

8、ppiness, in truth, may not be the fruit plucked by my action yet without action all fruit will die on the vine.我不把今日的事情留给明天,由于我知道明天是永久不会降临的。现在就付诸行动吧!即使我的行为不会带来欢乐与胜利,但是动而失败总比坐而待毙好。行动或许不会结出欢乐的果实,但没有行动,全部的果实都无法收获。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will

9、 repeat these words again and again and again, each hour, each day, every day, until the words become as much a habit as my breathing and the actions which follow become as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I can condition my mind to perform every act necessary for my succe

10、ss. With these words I can condition my mind to meet every challenge which the failure avoids.马上行动。马上行动。马上行动。从今往后,我要一遍又一遍,每时每刻重复这句话,直到成为习惯,好比呼吸一般,成为本能,好比刺眼一样。有了这句话,我就能调整自己的心情,迎接失败者躲避而远之的每一次挑战。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。I will repeat these words again and again and again.我一遍又一遍地重复这句话。When I awake I will

11、 say them and leap from my cot while the failure sleeps yet another hour.早晨醒来时,失败者流连于床榻,我却要默诵这句话,然后开头行动。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。When I enter the market place I will say them and immediately confront my first prospect while the failure ponders yet his possibility of rebuff.外出推销时,失败者还在考虑是否遭到拒绝的时候,我要默诵

12、着句话,面对第一个降临的顾客。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。When I face a closed door I will say them and knock while the failure waits outside with fear and trepidation.面对紧闭的大门,失败者怀着恐惊与惶惑的心情,在门外等候;我默诵着句话,随即上前敲门。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。When I face temptation I will say them and immediately act to remove myself from evil

13、.面对诱惑时,我默诵这句话,然后远离罪恶。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。When I am tempted to quit and begin again tomorrow I will say them and immediately act to consummate another sale.当我想放弃明天再开头的时候,我会默念这句话,然后马上行动去推销又一件产品。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。Only action determines my value in the market place and to multiply my value I w

14、ill multiply my actions. I will walk where the failure fears to walk. I will work when the failure seeks rest. I will talk when the failure remains silent. I will call on ten who can buy my goods while the failure makes grand plans to call on one. I will say it is done before the failure says it is

15、too late.只有行动才能打算我在商场上的价值。若要加倍我的价值,我必需加倍努力。我要前往失败者惧怕的地方,当失败者休息的时候,我要连续工作。失败者缄默的时候,我开口推销,我要访问十户可能买我东西的人家,而失败者在一番周详的打算之后,却只访问一家。在失败者认为太晚时,我能够说大功告成。I will act now.我现在就付诸行动。For now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy. I am not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the evil become good. I am not evil. Tomorrow is the day when the weak become strong. I am not weak. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a failure.现在是我的全部。明日是为懒汉保存的工作日,我并不懒散。明日是弃恶从善的日子,我并不邪恶。明日是弱者变强者的日子



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