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1、1 past and present2 Transport at different times3 times have changed4 How well do you know ?5 since then6 in the southern part of = in the south of7 A marry B = A and B get married = A get married to B8 It has changed a lot !9 turn sth. into10 used to do 过去常常做某事11 in some ways12 feel a bit lonely fr

2、om time to time 13 take action to do14 get to know15 throw away16 move out of sw.17 as well as18 a real problem19 the changes to sw.20 as often as before21 have an interview with sb.22 be adj. enough to do sth.23 at the history museum24 hear about25 by the way26 a place of natural beauty27 fresh air

3、28 move into the new flat29 be in service = be in use30 travel to and from town 进出城镇31 Things have changed a lot over the years . = There have been great changes over the years .= Great changes have taken place over the years .32 on ones own = by oneself = alone33 have time to do34 show sb. how to d

4、o35 take photos of sb 给某人照相36 a symbol of37 at the entrance38 cant stop doing 39 later in the afternoon40 scream with joy41 look shiny42 in all43 Some of them are in Chinese style .44 the line of45 celebrate ones fifteen years of marriage46 Chinese gardens 中国园林47 at that time48 in any season49 all y

5、ear around50 travel abroad51 check sth. for sb.52 How long does it take to fly to sw. ?53 the day od the trip54 take photos with sb. 和某人一起拍照55 the weather in Hong Kong56 three hours and a half = three and a half hours57 have a birds-eye view of sw.58 some day59 the day before yesterday60 I have no i

6、dea .61 The TV is turned on now .62 change the channel63 search for information64 What do you usually use your computer for ? 【What for 可以用Why来替换,换成Why do you usually use you computer ?】65 use sth. to do = use sth for doing66 come out67 the designer of68 lie on69 fall asleep70 in ones dream71 big cl

7、ouds of different colors with questions on them72 carry you off to a place you have never visited73 play the role of74 on your screen75 pass a level76 a map of the world77 in bright purple 用亮紫色78 on the market 在市场上79 sell out80 start with81 none of (用于三者及三者以上)82 print out83 connect sth. to sth.84 on

8、 the radio85 be covered with / by86 mind doing87 Youd better not . No , not at all . 回答Do you mind ?88 be set in 以为背景89 the goal of the game is to 90 congratulations to sb.91 be chosen to do92 the host of93 only if 只要94 give out95 donate money to sb.96 raise money for sb.97 on time 准时 98 in time 及时9

9、9 at the right time100 be a success101 no tine to be nervous any more102 keep sb. doing 让某人一直做某事103 keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 【所以区别于stop和prevent】104 Its ones job to do = Ones job is to do105 introduce A to B106 the aim of107 by doing 不要看见by都以为是被动108 succeed in doing sth.109 be glad to do110 s

10、et up111 be sure to do 或 be sure加that 从句112 first of all113 from now on114 day and night115 write back to sb.116 be used to doing 习惯于做117 operate on sb. = have an operation on sb.118 cant afford to do119 such + a / an + adj. + n. = so + adj. + a / an + n. 注:只有在单数形式时,so可以和such进行转换。120 be proud to do1

11、21 be proud of sb. / sth.122 be grateful to do for sth.123 make the world a better place for children124 do some voluntary work125 instead of doing126 have to do 客观127 must do 主观128 ought to do客观 = should do主观 (被动ought to be done)129 flow charts 流程图130 I know how lucky we are .131 train for132 sign

12、language 手语133 be known as 作为而出名134 be known for 因为而出名135 be known to 被所熟知136 group sb. into a team of + 数字137 the teams finishing time138 at most 至多139 The walk itself is not easy .140 an experience you will never forget141 the willingness of people142 keep sth + adj.143 a visit to sw.144 high = in

13、 height145 long = in length146 go finishing by the lake147 find sb doing148 find sb. / sth. + adj.149 find it + adj. + to do150 early in the morning151 pay attention to 152 Bring an umbrella if necessary . if后的it is 可以省略153 lose ones way154 What else do I need to do ?155 the sound of156 a chance to157 starting time158 finishing time159 fill in the form 填表格160 fir



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