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1、附加词汇:五年级上学期英语期末复习指导 姓名:1.Canada加拿大 2.sometimes有时 3.minute分钟 4.idea主意 5.already已经 6.tennis网球 7.movie电影 8.museum博物馆 9.September九月 10.January一月 11.March三月 12. June六月 13.August八月 14.December十二月 15.suit套状 16.knapsack双肩背包 17.jacket夹克衫 18.pocket兜 19.zipper拉锁 20.sweater毛衣 21.jeans牛仔裤 22.shorts短裤 23.shoes鞋 2

2、4.February二月 25.April四月 26.July七月 27.October十月 28.November十一月短语:1.take it easy 别着急 2.wear glasses 戴眼镜 3.try on 试穿4.take a walk 散步 5.make a birthday cake制作一个生日蛋糕 6.too expensive太贵 7.a shirt without a collar 一件没有领子的衬衫8.a lot 许多 9.show me 给我看 10.a shirt with long sleeves 一件长袖衬衫11.buy them shoes 给他们买鞋 1

3、2.Childrens Day 儿童节13.buy her a belt 给她买腰带 14.see a movie 看电影 15.go to the museum 去博物馆 16.do homework 作家庭作业17.brush my teeth 刷牙 18.after school 放学后19.go wash your hands 去洗手 20.tennis game网球比赛 21.before dinner晚餐前 22.watch TV看电视 23.after dinner晚餐后 24.win the game 赢了比赛25.read newspapers 看报 26.go to bed

4、 睡觉27.have breakfast 吃早餐 28.get up 起床29.in the bathroom 在洗手间 30.at nine oclock 在9点钟31.take the subway(bus) 乘地铁(公共汽车)32.go to school 上学33.walk to school 步行上学 34 near school 学校附近35.a little far from school离学校稍远 36.tennis game网球比赛句子:1. Is Wang your first name? 王是你的名吗?2. Do you live near school?你住在学校附近吗

5、?3. I live a little far from school.我住的离学校稍远些。4. How do you go to school?你怎样去上学?5. I go to school by car.我做小汽车去上学。6. How long does it take to go to school?到学校需要多长时间?7. It takes about 20 minutes. 大约20 分钟。8. Why dont you ride a bike? 你为什么不骑自行车?9. What time do you go to school? 你几点去上学?10. Im getting dr

6、essed now. 我正在穿衣服。11. Lets hurry up to school.快点去学校。12. We dont have any class on Saturday.星期六我们不上课。13.we played soccer after school.我们放学后踢足球。14. Can I watch TV now? 我现在能看电视吗?15. Go wash your hands before dinner.晚餐前去洗洗手。16. Is it your fathers birthday?今天是你父亲的生日吗?17. Whats the date today?今天是几月几号?18.

7、I want to buy some presents for my mother.我想给妈妈买些礼物。19. What do you want to buy for her? 你想给她买点什么?20. I want to buy her a belt. 我想给她买条腰带。21. I want a shirt with long sleeves. 我想要一件长袖衬衫。22. How do you like this one? 你喜欢这件吗?23. Show me a cheaper one, please. 请给我看一件便宜点的。24. I cant find my brother.我找不到我

8、的弟弟了。25. Whats he wearing? 他穿什么样的服饰?26.Hes wearing a red jacket ,blue pants, and yellow boots.他穿着一件红色的夹克、蓝色的裤子和黄色的靴子。27. I bought a fountain pen. 我买了一只钢笔。28. What a beautiful hairpin! 多漂亮的发卡!29. How about making a birthday cake for him? 给他做一个生日蛋糕怎么样?30. Lets go to the shopping mall. 让我们去购物中心吧!其他:1给出下列单词的现在分词。do cook read make brush wear buy take try play get2写出下列形容词的比较级及最高级.cheap big small short tall good old 3写出下列单词的过去时 see g o brush do borrow come wash win play buy is want



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