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1、2022年湖北大学英语考试考前冲刺卷(本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位:姓名:考号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.Countless med i ca I stud i es have cone I uded that playing too many video games can be harmful to one s health. Now, however, it turns out that one of the more popular video-

2、game consoles on the market, the Xbox 360, could be used to save Iives.A computer sc i ent i st at the University of Warwick in Eng I and has devised a way to use an Xbox 360 to detect heart defects and help prevent heart attacks. The new too I has the potent ial to revo I ut i on i ze the med i ca

3、I industry because it is both faster and cheaper than the computer systems that are currently used by scientists to perform comp I ex heart research.The system, detai Ied in a study in the August edition of the Journal of ComputationaI Biology and Chemistry, is based on a video-game demo created by

4、Simon Searle two years ago when he was a software engineer at Microsoft s Rare studio, the division of the U. S. -based company that designs games for the Xbox 360. Searle modified a chip in the console so that instead of producing graphics for the game, it now del ivers data tracking how electrical

5、 signaIs in the heart move around damaged cardiac cells. This creates a model of the heart that a 11 ows doctors to i dent i f y heart defects or conditions such as arrhythmia, a disturbance in the norma I rhythm of the heart that causes it to pump less effect i veIy.HTh is is a cl ever use of a pro

6、cess ing chip . to speed up ca I cu I at i ons of heart rhythm.What used to take hours can be caIcuIated in seconds, without having to empIoy an extremely expensivet high-performance computer, Denis Noble, director of ComputationaI PhysiIogy at Oxford University, tells TIME.To create a heart model n

7、ow, researchers must use supercomputers or a network of PCs to crunch mill ions of mathemat i caI equat i ons relating to the proteins, cells and tissues of the heart, a time-consuming and cost Iy process. Searle s Xbox system can deliver the same results at a rate five times faster and 10 times mor

8、e cheap, according to the study.These game consoles aren t just glorified toys. They are pieces of very powerful computing hardware, Searle says. I can see this . being most usefuI for student sand early-career scientists to just quickly and cheaply grab that extra bit of computing power they otherw

9、ise wouldn t be able to get.Searle attributes his breakthrough creation to his unusual background of working as a software engineer in the gaming industry and performing eIectrocardio-dynamics research at the University of SheffieId in England. The idea for the heart-model ing tool came from a littl

10、e shooter game he deve I oped at Microsoft i n wh i ch a player tries to gun down enemies in an arena meant to resemble a heart. I did a game-ified version of my old cardiac code. I could actua11y present some proper science based on the cool things us game developers do, Searle says.The Xbox 360 is

11、n t the only video-game consoIe that is being used for scientific research. At the University of Massachusetts campus in Dartmouth, sc i ent i sts are usi ng Sony PI ayStat ions to s imu I ate b Iack-ho Ie co 11 i s i ons to try to so Ive the mystery of what happens when a super mass i ve black hole

12、 swaI Iows a star.So perhaps parents shouldn9 t be too worried if their chiIdren are spending an inordinate amount of time playing video games. Who knows, today1 s Grand Theft Auto or Halo addict may end up discovering a new moon around Saturn or finding a cure for cancer.What is the author1 s attit

13、ude toward playing video gamesA. disgustingB. full of hatredC. open-minded D. disapproving2.GoogIe may be vaIued at more than $185 billion and boast mi 11 ions of users, but that doesn t mean the Internet giant is any match for the diminutive French President Nicolas Sarkozy. On Dec. 8, Sarkozy warn

14、ed Goog I e he would not allow France to be stripped” of its I iterary heritage, an apparent reference to Google s enormous book-digitizing project. We won, t let ourselves be stripped of our heritage to the benefit of a big company, no matter how friendly, big or American it is, Sarkozy said during

15、 a round-table discussion in eastern France. We are not going to be stripped of what generations and generations have produced in the French language, just because we weren t capabIe of funding our own digitization project.Sarkozy s oratorical histrionics are becoming a regular occurrence. But the F

16、rench President isn t the only European David ready to stand up to the Internet Go Ii ath and its formidable archiving project. Last October, German Chance 11 or Ange I a Merke I re i terated concerns he I d by many German pub Iishers. The German government, she said, rejected the scann i ng of books w i thout any copyr i ght protect ion I ike Goog Ie s do i ng.We refuse



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