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1、主题阅读与练习:奇妙的肢体语言素养解读肢体语言包括目光与面部表情、身体运动与触摸、姿势、身体间的空间距离等。我們在与人交流沟通时,即使不说话,可以凭借对方的肢体语言来探索他内心的秘密,对方也同样可以通过肢体语言了解到我们的真实想法。人们可以在语言上伪装自己,但身体语言却经常会出卖他们,因此,解译人们的体语密码,可以更准确地认识自己和他人。视角拓展哈里王子的特殊手势哈里王子和他的妻子訂婚那会儿,公众的焦点都放在他们动人的故事上。然而,有一个细节却很少有人注意到难词探意1. belly / n. 肚子;腹部2. odd / adj. 古怪的3. premieres / n.(戏剧、电影等)首次公演

2、4. coping mechanism 应对机制When Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markel announced their engagement, everyones eyes were on Meghans diamond ring and the touching story between the couple. So its no surprise that a significantly smaller amount of attention has been paid to Prince Harrys own hand.

3、 But, as eagle-eyed enthusiasts have pointed out, he took an unusual pose in the photographs with his new fiance. Many of the photos show the Prince with his hand placed over his belly. While the gesture is a bit odd, it isnt the first time his quirk has made an appearance. Harry has taken this pose

4、 in the past as he attended movie premieres and greeted the first lady, too. Whats the meaning behind his unusual hand gestureAccording to Traci Brown, body language expert and author of Persuasion Point: Body Language and Speech Influence, this little habit may be a type of coping mechanism. “Hes c

5、overing his belly and protecting it, which just says hes not quite comfortable in the situation,” Brown told Good Housekeeping. “Who would be with all those photographers around like myself and analyze him” Put another way, Harry might be taking this position to comfort himself, indicating that he m

6、ight feel a bit self-conscious in the spotlight. Other experts agree with Browns assessment. “Prince Harrys arm placed across his belly serves as a barrier to separate or distance himself from something that makes him uncomfortable,” Blanca Cobb, body language expert and author of Method of the Mast

7、ers, told Good Housekeeping. “In this case, it could be having photos taken.”Although Harry is often spotted making this gesture, he doesnt even realize hes doing it. And thats not the only secret you might be surprised to learn about the prince. It turns out that Harry isnt even his real name.Readi

8、ng check1. What can we know from the first paragraphA. Meghan Markel is a British actress.B. Harrys hand gesture is universal.C. Harry has taken this pose in many situations.D. Little attention was paid to Meghans diamond ring.2. What does underline word “quirk” probably mean in paragraph 1A. A stra

9、nge gesture.B. A strange smile.C. A strange sound.D. A strange appearance.3. What can be inferred from Harrys hand gestureA. Harry is a little shy in public.B. The hand gesture may make Harry more comfortable.C. The hand gesture serves as a barrier to keep Harry safe.D. Many body language experts ar

10、e interested Harrys hand gesture.1. C2. A3. B肢体语言的重要性研究表明,我們大部分的交流是通过非语言方式实现的。因此,学会更有效地使用和辨别身体语言可以帮助我们成为一个有效的沟通者。难词探意1. discern / / v. 辨明;分清2. pitch / n. 音高3. sway/ v. 摇摆;倾斜4. indicator / n. 指示;标志5. dominate / v. 支配;影响Body language is a part of communication, which makes up most of what we use to co

11、mmunicate. It plays an important role in our daily life. Here are the reasons.Paying attention to someones body language can help us discern when someone is not telling us the whole truth. Here are a few signs that someone might be lying. Often a person who is not telling the truth or all of the tru

12、th will not want to make eye contact for fear the eyes are the windows to their lying souls. However, there are also other signs of lying. A person who isnt telling the whole truth may clear their throat and change their pitch as if to try and sway your attention away from their lie. Additionally, p

13、utting their hand to their face, turning away or raising their shoulders may also be indicators that they are uncomfortable with the conversation because they are not telling the truth.Another important function of body language is to express our feelings about what we are discussing. Body language

14、can help us determine how someone feels about what they are saying. For example, a person may tell her boss that she would be happy to take the account but her body language might indicate that she is actually not at all happy about it.Body language may be the determining factor in a job interview.

15、If the applicants body language conveys that he is at ease with the subject matter and conveys confidence, he has a higher probability of getting the job, especially in this tough job market.In a friendship, ones body language can indicate that someone is paying attention or doesnt really care about

16、 what the other person is saying. Leaning forward into the conversation indicates that this person is interested in hearing what the other person is saying. Leaning back would indicate that he was disinterested or felt superior. Leaning forward and standing close while talking may indicate that someone is aggressively trying to persuade the other person or trying to dominate the co



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