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1、 陕旅版四年级英语下册教案:Lesson 2 Its time to get up第一课时一、教学目标(Teaching aims)1.连续学习时间的表示法。学习Its time to do sth.稳固Its time for sth.2.让学生学会以本课内容为主,做一段简洁的自由对话,并能够做情景表演。3.“四会”词句:Go to bed, get up, have breakfast, have lunch. Its time to do sth.二、教学重、难点(Key points and difficult points)1.重点学习新句型:Its time to go to be

2、d/get up/have breakfast/have lunch.2.区分Its time for lunch和Its time to have lunch两句构造的不同。三、教学用具(Preparations)1.教具:录音机、图片、闹钟。2.学具:书包、纸、水彩笔。四、教学过程(Teaching process)(一)复习导入1.首先复习上节课Lets sing 局部的内容。教师在黑板上画一个表,跟学生一起看着外表提问:You are a clook. What do you look like?引导学生一起说唱:I have a face. I have three hands.I

3、have no legs. I can run and stop.I can wake Jack up.2.教师拨动指针让学生练习说时间和问时间。做法是:教师先从整7点开头,然后再依次拨到5分、10分、15分、20分、25分、30分、40分、45分、55分、8点、12点。同时教师让学生按组问答,一组问,其他组答(从左至右或从右至左),依次类推。另外,当拨到7:20时,教师举起一张吃早饭的图片,让大家说:Its time for breakfast.当拨到7:40时,教师举起一张小学生背书包上学的图片,让大家说:Its time for school.当拨到8:00时,教师举起一张学生上课的图片

4、,让大家说:Its time for class.当拨到12:00时,教师举起一张吃午饭的图片,让大家说:Its time for lunch.(二)新授1.在以上练习完成后,教师连续拨动指针到12:00,然后问大家:What time is it?学生答复说:Its twelve oclock.教师说:Very good. Its time to have lunch.并将这个句子写在黑板上,让大家跟读几遍。留意:教师应在have lunch下划线,以便做后面的替换练习。2.用同样的方法,教师连续拨动指针到9:30,然后问大家:What time is it?学生答复说:Its nine t

5、hirty. 教师说:Very good.Its night(晚上了)Its time to go to bed.这时教师做出上床睡觉的样子,然后将go to bed这个词组写在上个句子划线局部的下面并划线,教师让大家跟读几遍。3.用同样的方法,将钟表拨到早上6:30,教师自己举起双手仿照起床的动作,然后说:Its time to get up. 并将get up这个词组写在上个句子划线局部的下面,教师带大家读几遍。同样在get up下划线。4.教师将钟表拨到早上7:00,教师自己仿照吃饭的动作,引导学生说:Its time for breakfast.教师强调说:Its time to ha

6、ve breakfast.并板书这些句子,如:Its time to have class. go to bed. get up. have breakfast. 5.教师放录音让学生跟读这些句子。(三)稳固练习1.教师将上节课的内容写在新句子旁边,请同学们区分比拟句子构造:Its time for 后跟名词,Its time to后接动词短语,意思根本一样。Its time for class.Its time for breakfast.Its time to have class. go to bed. get up. have breakfast. 2.教师让学生取出纸和笔,画表盘、起

7、床、睡觉、吃早饭、吃午饭的画面,同时依据这些画面做对话。3.教师和一个学生打招呼。T:Hello! What time is it?S:Its six thirty.T:Its time to get up. Get up. Get up. Its time to get up. 4.让学生两人一组进展自由对话,并抽几组到前面进展表演。5.做活动手册第题前4个小题。.Listen and complete these sentences.录音:Its six thirty. Its time to get up. Its seven oclock. Its time to have break

8、fast. Its seven forty. Its time to go to school. Its twelve oclock. Its time to have lunch. (四)作业1.听录音,读课文。2.记“四会”句子。3.画一张打乒乓球的图片和一张游泳的图片。五、教后记(Notes)其次课时一、教学目标(Teaching aims)1.连续复习时间的表示法以及对时间的不同问法:What time is it? 和Whats the time?2.把握句子:Its time to go to bed/get up/have breakfast/have lunch.并能用这些内容

9、组织一段简洁的自由对话,进展即兴表演。3.“四会”词句:Go home, play ping-pong,go to schoolIts time to do sth.4.“三会”词句:Go swimming/Lets go.二、教学重、难点(Key points and difficult points)1.重点学习新句型:Its time to go to school/go home/play ping-pong/go swimming.2.学生能以本课内容为主,进展自由对话表演。3.学生可以独立完成书上Lets practise(I)和Lets practise()的稳固练习。练习(I)

10、主要强化Its time to watch TV/go to bed /have music class.等。练习()主要稳固新词组。三、教学用具(Preparations)1.教具:录音机、图片、闹钟、游泳圈。2.学具:书包、乒乓球(拍)。四、教学过程(Teaching process)(一)复习导入1.教师带着大家边做起床和睡觉的动作边反复说:Get up, get up. Its time to get up.Go to bed, go to bed. Its time to go to bed.2.教师放上节课的录音,同时举起对应的图片让学生看图、跟读。3.教师举起不同的图片,让学生看

11、图做对话。A: What time is it?B: Its six thirty.A: oh, its time to get up.B: Yes, get up. Hurry up!A: What time is it?B: Its seven oclock.A: Oh, its time to have breakfast.B: Yes, Lets go.(二)新授1.教师举起双手做一个伸懒腰的动作,然后说:Im tired. Lets have a rest. Its time to play ping-pong. Lets play ping-pong. Please take ou

12、t your ping-pong bats. Lets play ping-pong.这时教师不断做打乒乓球的动作,说:Play ping-pong, play ping-pong, play ping-pong. Its time to play ping-pong. Lets play ping-pong.同时将Its time to play ping-pong.这个句子写在黑板上,并在新词下划线。2.打会儿球后,教师说:Im very hot.(并做出擦汗、用手扇风的动作)Are you hot?等学生说:Yes,教师说:OK!Lets go. Lets go swimming. Fo

13、llow me.这时教师走几步“游一游”,走几步“游一游”,而且嘴里不停地说:Go swimming go swimming. Its time to go swimming. Lets go swimming.再在上句下面板书词组go swimming.3.教师看看表说:Its time to go home. Lets go home.教师边整理书包边说:Go home. Its time to go home. Lets go home.并把go home板书在go swimming下面。4.教师放录音,学生边复述边用动作表达所听懂的内容。(反复做三遍)5.教师做打乒乓球、整理书包和游泳

14、的动作,让学生说play ping-pong,go swimming, go home.(三)稳固练习1.用实物平台或卡片展现书上第10页内容,并给学生做一个示范。A: Whats the time?B: Its eight oclock. Its time to watch TV.2.教师用实物平台展现第10页Lets pracise(I)内容,并让学生看大屏幕,两人一组进展会话练习。3.再用实物平台展现第页Lets practise()Lets practise()内容或让学生看书,然后让学生表演。4.完成活动手册第I题和第题。第I 题:Listen, repeat and match.录

15、音:go to bed, play ping-pong, get up, go swimming, go home第题:Listen and complete these sentences.录音:Its five twenty. Its time to play football. Its nine thirty five. Its time to gp to bed. (四)作业1.学生和家长共同完成第10页、第11页的对话练习。2.记“四会”词组:play ping-pong, go swimming, go home3.反复听录音,跟读。五、教后记(Notes)第三课时(活动课)一、活动目标(Aims)1.学会说本



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