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1、五年级沪教版英语上学期单词拼写必考题型班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据汉语意思,写出正确的英语单词。(1)Jennyis_(高一些)thanLiMing.(2)_(北京)isthecapitalcityofChina.(3)Iwanttogoona_.(旅行).(4)_goshopping?(我可以?)Yes,you_.(5)Iwanttogotoa_.(旅馆)2. 我会抄写单词。enjoyedEnglishpartyrhymeitembeachwaveswishfirstthirdsecondmadeplayedjoke3. 按正确的格式抄写下列单词和句子。1long 2jacket3beef

2、4borrow5English6What does she look like?4. 根据卡片补全单词。1f_st 2sec_d3f_fth 4twent_th5th_d 6tw_fth5. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意字母大小写的规范要求。(1)A:_doyoueatdinner?B:Iusuallyeatdinnerat7:20.(2)A:_seasondoyoulikebest?B:Ilikefallbest.(3)A:doyoulikewinter?B:BecauseIcansleepalongtime.(4)A:_isshe

3、doing?B:Sheisjumping.(5)A:theboycountinginsects?B:No,heisnt.(6)A:youlikeswimming?B:Yes,Ido.(7)A:Grandma,areyou_noodles?B:Yes,Iam.Wellhavenoodlesfordinner.(8)A:Areyou_tomusic?B:No,IamlisteningtoEnglishstories.(9)A:Aretheyplayingchess?B:No,they.(10)A:youfortellingmeaboutyourday.B:Yourewelcome.6. 读一读,填

4、入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给,每线一词。1. - What do you need for winter? Its too cold. -I need a s_. Its warm.2. I like this red blouse b_its too small.3. Please keep s_. The students are having an English lesson.4. Kitty likes this coat b_its pretty and warm.5. - Can you see the nice clothes? - Only c_people can se

5、e them.6. Can I have a dress with a long z_?7. 根据图片写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. 没有了魔法石的指点,这回看你的真本事了!看图写单词。(1)Thereisanew_a_binbehindthedesk.(2)MyChineseteacherisveryo_andk_.(3)Wehavet_fordinneronThursdays.(4)Thereisasmallh_seintheforest.(5)Its_daytoday.9. 根据图片及首字母提示填写单词,完成下列句子。1Miss Wang is our mat

6、hs teacher. She is very y_.2Do you often r_books in the park every day?3Tom often plays f_with his friend after school.4My favorite food is s_.5What day is it today? Its F_.10. 根据中文及句意,写出所给单词的正确形式。(1)Mybrothercanswimvery_(好).(2)Youare_(这么)heavy.(3)Elephantshavebig_(身体).(4)Thetwopicturesonthewallare_

7、(都)beautiful.(5)Therabbit_(有)ashorttail.11. 写出下列单词的相应形式。1.I(形容词性物主代词)_2.you(形容词性物主代词)_3.she(形容词性物主代词)_4.he(形容词性物主代词词)_5.we(形容词性物主代词)_12. 在词库里找出来写一写。注意书写格式。13. 根据句意,填入句子所缺的单词(第一个字母已给出)。(1)Every weekendIclimb m_(2)I l_fall in Canada.(3)Today is Chen Jies birthday. John is sending h_a card.(4)Its May.

8、What s_is it in Beijing?(5)Autumn is beautiful. I can watch the leaves f_14. 单词拼写。1I give some gifts to Mr Wang on T_Day.2N_Day is on October 1st.3C_is coming soon.4M_Day is in May.15. 写出下列单词的一ing的形式。 climb_ eat _ play_ jump_ run_ drink_16. 根据句意及中文提示填空。1.Thepearsarebigand_(甜的).2.Idontlikethefish,Its

9、too_(辣的).3.Thegreenbeansare_(可口的).4.Thesevegetablesare_(新鲜的).Theyareyummy.5.Tomatosoupismyfavourite,andits_(健康的)forme.17. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。(1)What do you do (在操场上)_ _ _?(2)I found the milk _ _ _.(在厨房里)(3)How many _(蜡笔)did you buy?(4)Where did Tom lose his _(尺子)?(5)There are _ (60个)children in the classro

10、om.18. 根据括号里的中文意思填空。(1)_(谁的)bookisit?(2)Whatsyourfavourite_(学科)。(3)Idontlikemaths,becauseits_(无趣的)。(4)-Howmanypagesarethereinthebox?-One_(一百)。(5)Peteris_(在睡觉)。19. 连词成句。(1) leave , things , this , dont , like , your ._.(2) this , schoolbag , your , is , ? _.(3) put , away , things , class , your , after ._.(4) is , book , where , my ._.(5) sister , a , my , student , is . _.(6) you , can , guess ._.(7) name , Tom , is , my ._.(8) is , activity book , my , that . _.



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