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1、Test for Unit 6(时间120分钟,满分120分)题号总分得分听 力 部 分 (20分).听句子,选择最佳应答语。(5分)()1.A.Tall.BA pilot.CA basketball.()2.A.By studying hard. BBy bus. CVery well.()3.A.By train. BTurn left. CIn Shanghai.()4.A.Next week. BLast week. CYes,youre right.()5.A.Of course. BGreat.CHave a good time.听对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)()6.What do

2、es Sues father expect her to be?AA doctor. BAn engineer. CA pianist.()7.Why is Mary going to study hard?AShe is the last one in the test.BShe isnt good at math.CShe wants to be a scientist.()8.How long may it take Kate to finish reading the book?ATwo days. BFive days. CEight days.()9.Who is going to

3、 study English by listening to English songs?AWei Hua. BLiu Mei. CLi Hong.()10.What is Lucy going to do in the new year?AGet good grades. BGet lots of exercise.CMake lots of friends.听长对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)()11.When did John make the New Years resolution?ALast Friday. BLast Saturday. CLast Sunday.()12.Whats

4、 Johns New Years resolution?AMaking a basketball team.BMaking a volleyball team.CJoining a soccer club.()13.What kind of players will John choose?AThe players who are interested in volleyball.BThe players who are good at basketball.CThe players who are good at soccer.()14.How often is John going to

5、practice the sport?AEvery day. BOnce a week. CEvery month.()15.Where is John going to play with other teams?AIn the school. BIn the club. CIn the park.听短文,完成表格,每空一词。(5分)NamesDreamsTomHe wants to be a(n) 16._and he will study in Europe.JackHe wants to be a(n) 17._.AliceShes going to be a(n) 18._and s

6、he wants to make everyone get a good 19._.BobHes going to be a(n) 20._.笔 试 部 分(100分).单项选择。(15分)()21.Please be quiet!Im reading some short stories_Lu Xun.AbyBoverCinDat()22._are you going to work in?Beijing.AWhere BWhat place CWhen DHow often()23.Dale is studying in_university and he wants to be_engi

7、neer.Aa,a Ba,an Can,a Dan,an()24.Mrs. Green promised_all she can to help us.Aknowing Bto know Cdoing Dto do()25.World Cup host Brazil would like to help China_Chinas soccer.Aimprove Bsend Cquestion Ddiscuss()26.Liu Xis father kept on_although he was tired.Ato sleep Bsleeping Cto work Dworking()27.Pl

8、ease check your paper to _ there are no mistakes.Athink of Btry out Cfind out Dmake sure()28.Mom,the desk is too_to_.Aheavy,move Bheavily,movingCheavy,moving Dheavily,move()29.Lindas aunt is a_.Her job is to do research in science.Apilot Bscientist Ccook Dpianist()30.We_our holidays in Hong Kong nex

9、t year.Avisited BspentCare going to visit Dare going to spend()31.He left a job in the city to_farming in the countryside.Atake up Bgrow upCput up Dget up()32.Its not good to ask questions about someones_life.Abusy Bsimple Cpersonal Dhealthy()33.Our son is going to study medicine when he_school.Alea

10、ve Bleaves Cis leaving Dleft()34._in ten years?Im going to be a driver.AWhat do you do BHow do you doCWhat are you going to be DWhy are you going there()35.Im going to eat healthier food and exercise more._.ALucky you BSounds like a good planCGreat,thanks DHave a good day.完形填空。(10分)New Years Day is

11、coming.I believe that most of you have _36_ own New Years resolutions.But what kind of resolutions should you make?First,your New Years resolutions should be _37_ for you.Be sure that they can _38_ your studies or make you healthier.“Going to bed late” isnt a good _39_.Its not good for your health.Y

12、ou should make resolutions like “drinking milk for _40_ every morning.” The resolution “_41_ eating junk food” is also a good one.Studying harder and spending _42_ time watching TV are good ones.Second,your New Years resolutions shouldnt be very _43_ to keep.Be sure that you can keep your resolution

13、s.Dont make your resolutions too _44_.Flying to the moon is a difficult resolution for anyone.You should keep your resolutions small and simple,_45_ you can keep them.After you make some good and realistic(现实的) resolutions,dont forget to make a plan.Write down what you need to do every day,and then

14、do it.()36.A.their Byour Cour Dones()37.A.necessary Bimportant Cinteresting Dgood()38.A.change Bfinish Cimprove Dcare()39.A.way Bplan Cproblem Dresolution()40.A.breakfast Blunch Csupper Ddinner()41.A.stopping Bbeginning Ctrying Denjoying()42.A.much Bmore Cless Dlittle()43.A.easy Bdifficult Cnice Dfun()44.A.early Blate Chigh Dlo



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