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1、北师大版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Amy has had the toy bear _ more than ten years.AforBinCsince2 . _?He is goodlooking.AHow is heBHow tall is heCWhat does he look likeDHow does he feel3 . Lily enjoys _ a film at the weekendAseeBto seeCseeing4 . Do you have a red apple?Yes ,.AI dont ha

2、veBI do haveChaventDI do5 . - Laura hurt her leg on Monday. -AOh, I knowBIm sorry to hear thatCThank you for telling me thatDIt doesnt matter6 . Hello! May I speak to Millie? _.AIm MillieBYes, you mayCThis is Millie speakingDNo, you mustnt7 . If you dont work hard for most of the year and then work

3、hard for only a few days before the exam, you will probably.AsucceedBfinishCfailDpass8 . Jack didnt feel well this morning, but he _ went to work.AalreadyByetCevenDstill9 . Ken and Lily went to Russia to watch the 2018 World CupJuly.AonBinCat10 . Lets_the koalas first.AseeBseesCseeing二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容

4、, 从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余。Millie: Hello, Peter. Youre at home.Peter: Yes. Please come in.Millie:_Peter: Oh, no. Its too cold outside. I dont want to go out._Millie: Dont stay at home. Its good to exercise on the cold day.Peter: Youre right._Millie: Would you like to play tennis?Peter: Sorry, I ca

5、nt play it.Millie:_Peter: I think its boring(无聊的).Millie:_Peter: Let me think. Oh, I can only play football.Millie: OK. Lets play it.A. Then whats your favourite sport?B. I dont like the cold weather.C. What about running?D. I dont know how to play.E. Shall we go out to do some sportsF. What do you

6、like to do?G. But what sport can we do?11 . _12 . _13 . _14 . _15 . _三、完型填空How are you ? It is very nice _ you to write to me. From your letter I know a lot about your school. Now I tell you something about me and my school. I am thirteen years old. I am in Class One ,Grade One. My father is a _. He

7、 teaches English. My mother is a doctor. She works in a _. I _early and read English. Our school is big. It has 2,000 students and 200 teachers. All the teachers and students work hard. Please come and have a look _our school if you have free time.16 . AofBonCforDto17 . AteacherBworkerCstudentDdocto

8、r18 . AschoolBhospitalCfactoryDhotel19 . Ago to bedBhave lessonsCget upDcome here20 . AatBinConDto四、阅读单选American schools began in September after a long summer holidays.There are two terms in a school year:the first term is from September to January,and the second is from February to June.Most Ameri

9、can children go to public schools.High school students take only four or five subjects at a time.They usually go to the same classes every day,and they have an assignment for every class.After class they have many activities.After high school,many students go to college.They can choose a small one o

10、r a large one.They usually have to pay a lot of money for college education.But there are scholarships for good students,and many college students work part time in order to get the money for education.21 . Before going to college,an American child usually has to go to a_.Apublic schoolBhigh schoolC

11、small schoolDprivate school22 . Usually a term of a school year has only_.Atwo monthsBfour or five monthsCthree monthsDsix months23 . How many subjects do high school students take at a time?ANine subjects.BSix subjects.CFour or five subjects.DSeven subjects.24 . What are the scholarships for?AGood

12、students.BBad students.CPoor students.DRich students25 . What do American college students usually do in order to pay for their education?AAsk their parents for money.BWork part time.CWork only on holidays.DWin the scholarship.Im Amy.Last vacation I took my kid to Paris.We started with one of those

13、famous places and food of the city,for example,a visit to the Eiffel Tower and eating French ice cream and French fries.We were very excited when we visited the Eiffel Tower.We learned from a guide that its the tallest building in Paris.It has a long history and its name comes from its designerGusta

14、ve Eiffel.The tower is the most famous symbol of both Paris and France.Of course we took many photos there.I didnt take my kid to any restaurants,but my friend with us shared her advice:eat what the French eat only.So we had noodles with marinara sauce (意大利番茄酱),the ice cream at Buvette des Marionnettes and outdoor (室外的) coffee in the Luxembourg Gardens.But my daughter liked going shopping more than eating.So in the afternoon we also bought some beautiful clothes for our family members.



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