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1、人教版2019-2020学年八年级英语期末试卷(无听力)一、单选题1 . Which sport do you like better, skiing or skating?Both. I think _of them is interesting.Aeither B. none C. neither D. all2 . Would you like noodles _ eggs and tomatoes?AinBonCfromDwith3 . Do you need help with those heavy bags?No, thanks. I can _ them.AsupportBof

2、ferCmanage4 . (题文)Researches show that good learners have something _ .Ain commonBin agreementCof commonDof agreement5 . Which sentence has the same structure as “I saw some kids kicking the ball in the park”?AI always find English easy and useful.BI am feeling much better than yesterday.CI bought m

3、y father a scarf for his birthday.DI saw a lot of foreigners the day before yesterday.6 . My school has weeks in summer than my sisters.Aless; offBless; awayCfewer; offDfewer; away7 . Would you mind _ the music?AI listening toBmy listening toCme listen to8 . - Do you know _?- Sorry, I have no idea.

4、Ill search the Internet to find it out.Awhere will the next Expo be heldBwhen will the next Expo startCwhat will the next Expo be held forDhow many countries will take part in the next Expo9 . (2017江苏苏州 15)Hes too short to be a successful basketball player._.Every dog has its day.AI think soBIts har

5、d to sayCThats rightDYoud better not10 . The tall man is _ me. I cant see the movie.Aacross fromBin front ofCbehindDnext to11 . I know there is a candy in his left hand, but I dont know what is in his _hand.I guess there is a golden ring.AanotherBthe otherCothersDother12 . -There is a beautiful park

6、 near your school, _?-Yes. I often go walking there.Ais thereBisnt thereCare thereDarent there13 . -What do you remember about Grade 7 ?-I remember _ a prize .Ato winBwinningCwinDwining二、完型填空At this time, the rabbit came again. When he saw Alice, he shouted to her, “Go to ray house and get my _ and

7、my fan!”She went inside and found the bedroom. She _ a pair of gloves and a fan. Just when she was leaving, she saw a bottle. The note on it said, “Drink me.” Alice thought it could make her big again so she drank it. Sure enough, she started to become big. But, Alice was _ big to get out of the rab

8、bits house!Alice lay down on the _ and tried to think of what to do. Then, the rabbit came. He asked for his gloves and his fan. He tried to _ the front door but he couldnt because Alice was too big.Suddenly the rabbit began to throw stones (投掷石块) at Alice. It was very _ that when the stones hit the

9、 floor they _ into cakes!Alice ate the cakes very quickly. She begun to get smaller again. When she was small enough, she ran as fast as possible _ the door. The rabbit ran after Alice, but she ran very _ into the woods. _ she walked in the woods she found a large mushroom (蘑菇) in the wood. A caterp

10、illar (毛毛虫) was sitting on the top of it.14 . AbottleBcakesCglovesDnote15 . Apicked upBworried aboutCprepared forDwent through16 . AveryBsoCmuchDtoo17 . AbedBfloorCdoorDwindow18 . AcloseBcleanCopenDknock19 . AimportantBlowCexcitedDstrange20 . AcameBputCturnedDclimbed21 . Aout ofBat the foot ofCin fr

11、ont ofDat the back of22 . AsuddenlyBcarefullyCquicklyDstraight23 . ABeforeBWhenCIfDThrough三、阅读单选International Store Clothes Branches (国际商店服装专柜)NameBrand(商标)ColorsSizes(尺寸)PriceT-shirtHello Kittyyellow, pink, green, blueS/M/XL15sweaterPlayboyred, black, pink, purple, blueS/M/L/XL80shortsPolowhite, bl

12、ack, blueS/M/L4skirtGloriayellow, blue, red, pink, blackS/M/L70jacketGoldlionwhite, black, purple, yellowS/M/L/XL30024 . Mrs. Smith buys a Hello Kitty T-shirt for her son. What color is it?ABlue.BBlack.CWhite.DRed.25 . Gina buys a skirt here. The brand of her skirt is _.AHello KittyBPoloCGloriaDGold

13、lion26 . Bob wants to buy a sweater and two pairs of shorts, he needs _.A$80B$84C$78D$8827 . You like purple and you only have $100, you can only take _.Aa Hello Kitty T-shirtBa Playboy sweaterCa Gloria skirtDa Goldlion jacket28 . Which of the following is right?AWe can buy a white T-shirt here.BPol

14、o has four sizes.CHere “S” means (意思是) “small”.DGloria has 6 colors.Guitar Player WantedAre you a lover of music? Can you play the guitar? If you are aged 16-25, join our sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 5487-6598 or send an e-mail to .Swimmer WantedCan you swim? Do you have experience in training? Do you love children? We need a


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