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1、外研社新标准教 学 设 计 年级 小学三年级 科目 英语 章节 下册Moudle10 Unit 1 课题 Heres a red hat 教师 赵树成 单位 广元市利州区东城实验学校【教材分析】本课是新标准英语三年级起点三年级下册第二模块第十单元“Heres a red hat”,这一单元让学生认识各种衣物的英语名称,学习句型“Heres.”复习“Ive got.”【学情分析】本节课的授课对象是三年级学生。三年级学生处在学习英语的起始阶段,学生的学习兴趣比较浓厚,小学生活泼好动,爱表演,乐于接受新奇,趣味性强的事物。从学生的实际出发,在这堂课的英语教学中,适当的加入一些竞赛、游戏,有利于培养学

2、生的兴趣,符合“乐学,好学”原则。前置作业的布置有利于学生及时温故知新,找出本课的重点词汇及句型帮学生快速理解所学内容,有效地提高课堂时效。小组合作互动,最大程度地激发了学生的合作与参与意识,培养了其合作水平与能力,符合“尊重生命,激扬生命”的生本理念。【教学目标】一、知识目标:1.认识各种衣物的英语名称:sweater/cap/cloth/hat/trousers/shirt/shoes以及与一些颜色的搭配使用。2.初步运用句型:“Heres.”复习“Ive got.”二.技能目标1.学生能在实际生活中能听、说“Heres.”“Ive got.”2.整体感知Ive got=I have go

3、t三.情感目标1.在活动中培养学生的协作精神。2.培养学生认真、积极、大胆的学习态度。3.培养学生热爱生活的情感。【教学重点和难点】教学重点1.关于衣物的单词2.“Heres.Ive got.”句型的运用教学难点“Heres.Ive got.”句型在实际情境中应用。前置作业:(1)小朋友,我们已经学了不少关于颜色的单词,你还记得它们吗?请用英语说说。Red/blue/green/yellow(2)本课我们还将学到新的颜色单词,你能用铅笔在课文中勾出来吗?并说说它们的中文意思。Brown/white(3)在课文中划出衣物类的单词和 “Heres.Ive got.”句型,猜猜它们是什么意思。(4)

4、模仿录音朗读2遍。教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生行为设计意图一、热身导入二、新课学习activity1activity2三、巩固练习Activity3Activity4四、总结评价五、作业1.Greeting .2. chants.3.Using a simple drawing to lead in the new lesson Draw a monkey(head),Then draw a sweater under the monkey.(Now,hes got a sweater),Draw a cap on the head(Now,hes got a cap).Step1:lea

5、d them to learn the sentences in activity1Step2:Go through activity2 to learn the new words: clothes /hat/trousers/ shirt/ shoes and the sentences:“Heres.”Step3T:point at the pictures of sweater and cap,and ask: what are they?, then write down the word “clothes” on the blackboardT:Show them the shap

6、s of clothes by tearing the paper(用纸撕出各种衣物)and ask: “Whats this?”“Heres a hat.”T:Play the CD-ROMT:give them an example.Further practiceSet a high value on the children as far as possibleSum up the main points of the lesson 1.T: .?Ss:. .2.Chant(Module9,Unit2).“Hes got a bike.”3. Ask an answer T: “Wha

7、ts this?”S:Its a monkeyT:Whose clothes are these?T:Now,lets watch a cartoonStep1 .The children watch the cartoon in activity1 to find out the answer.Then repeat. Step2:T:Present activity2.The children watch the cartoon in activity2,find out the new words about clothes.Step3.Teach the words: clothes

8、/hat/ trousers/ shirt/ shoes/Brown/funny by using some picture cards.Group work:tearing the paper(用纸撕出各种衣物)and say: “Heres a hat.”Then colour them and say: “Heres a blue hat”Group work show:Show their paper clothes and say:Here is a blue hat/sweater/trousers.Step4.The children watch the cartoon for

9、the second time and repeat.Step5.Game,Group work,(looking for treasure):hid the paper clothes on the children and ask a kid to look for them,then say: “heres a green sweater”;”Yes,Ive got a green sweater”Step6.Shopping:Ask some better pupils to act. They should use “Can I help you?I want hat/coat.,H

10、eres a blue hat.” Preview Unit 2消除学生的紧张情绪,拉近师生之间的距离营造一种轻松愉快的课堂气氛,并与新课有效衔接。运用简笔画,复习旧知,引出新课活动一,为故事的呈现打下伏笔。可调动学生积极性,激发学习兴趣,使学生很快融入到课堂学习中。学生带着问题看动画更有目的性把语言放在真实的情境中去学习突破重难点的学习调动学生各种感官一起学习,有趣味性,并培养他们的动手能力及形象思维。生生之间通过互动交流、练习,实现“兵教兵”,小组展示使学生尝到成功的喜悦。再次观看动画,加强印象,提高要求。在游戏中对目标语言进行运用练习安排一个拓展性练习,让有能力的学生得到更多的锻炼。尽可能给学生积极地评价,总结、巩固并归纳所学知识。板书设计Module 10 Unit 1Heres a red hat Clothes open Heres a. Sweater cap hat brown Ive got a. shirt trousers come back Shoes coat put on funny



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