2020年(春秋版)鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 4 单元检测(I)卷

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1、2020年(春秋版)鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 4 单元检测(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lisa looked unhappy in the meeting and didnt give any suggestions.Yes.She was _ angry _ say a word.Atoo;toBas;asCeither;orDso;that2 . Why didnt you tell your opinions to your parents?I was not _ enough at that time.AtallBweakCtypicalDbr

2、ave3 . This summer I went to Qingdao with my daughter and the city.Afell in love withBturned intoCpicked upDcompeted with4 . We should brush our teeth least twice a day.AforBatCinDon5 . The new song is very popular with _ young.AaBanCtheD不填6 . When did they _ Beijing?Two years ago.AarriveBgetCget to

3、Darrive at7 . When do you,Frank?.Aexercise;On weekendsBexercises;On weekendCexercises;On weekendsDexercise;On weekend8 . Planting the trees us ten hours last Saturday.AcostBtookCspentDtakes9 . There is no class this afternoon. What can we do? What about _ soccer _ our friends?Aplay; forBplay; withCp

4、laying; forDplaying; with10 . - Jim, what kind of home do you live_ ?-house _ a garden .Ain ; andBon ; withCin ; with11 . We _ Beijing the next morning. Mr.Li came to meet us at the railway station.Areached inBarrived atCarrived inDgot at12 . Its noisy outside. Its difficult for me to_.Ago to bedBfe

5、ll asleepCfall asleepDbe sleepy13 . I have shown you all the interesting and important places of our school.Thank you for _ so much time.AtakingBspendingCcostingDhaving14 . Jackie always helps me when I am What a kind boy! Hes always with youAin orderBin turnCin trouble15 . How does Jane go to schoo

6、l?She _ ride a bike to school, but now she _ going there by bus.Aused to; is used toBused to; used toCis used to; used toDis used to; is used to二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话(有两项多余)。ABut we are old enough.BI think your mother is right.CWow, how kind your father is!DWhat rules do you have at home?EW

7、ell, sometimes our parents dont understand us.FMy father doesnt allow me to go out on weekends.GMy parents dont allow me to make friends with any boys, either.A: Hi, Wang Li! You look unhappy. Whats wrong?B: _A: I dont think thats a good idea. We need to spend time with friends.B: Thats right. _A: R

8、eally? But my father asks me to make friends with all of my classmates.B: _A: But my mother doesnt let me play computer games for long.B: _ We shouldnt spend too much time playing computer games.A: _B: You are right. I think we need to talk to our parents and make them understand us.16 . _17 . _18 .

9、 _19 . _20 . _三、补全短文7选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题)Mary is sixold-year- girl. She often goes to the shop and goes to the church(教堂) with her mother.21 . One day, when they are in the church, the pastor(牧师)asks,Who wants to go to the heaven(天堂)? Please put up your

10、hands. All the people but Mary put up their hands. 22 . I want to go home with my mother, answers Mary.When they get home, it is dark.23 . She is very busy. She washes some clothes. She cleans the table and the chairs. Then she wants to sweep the floor. But the broom(扫帚) isn t in the room.Could you

11、help me, Mary? Would you like to go out and bring the broom for me?24 . Never fear, God can help you.25 . She puts her hand out of the door.AId love to,but its too dark outside. And I feel fear.BWhere do you want to go,my girl? the pastor asks.CShe likes following her mother.DPeople are so surprised

12、.EMary opens the door and says,Oh, my dear,God!Please pass the broom to me.FHow about you?GHer mother begins to do housework.四、完型填空Four students are talking about the future after class.“In 2050, our life will be much_than it is now. The sky is bluer and water is clearer. We can_the fresh air every

13、day. Humans and animals_the world peacefully. ” says Zhang Tao, full of hope.Wang Yan thinks that it is not a_to travel to the moon for a holiday. We eat healthy food every day. At that time, everyone will enjoy a_life.Li Yuanyuan believes that people will have more free time because robots (机器人) wi

14、ll be very popular and will do many things_people. And we will build new_on other planets (星球). Maybe we can chat with each other in our new homes.Zhao Kai thinks that no animals will die out because of cloning (克隆). There will_no pollution (污染). The whole world will be one big_As time_, well live a much easier and better life.Their teacher Mr. Chen tells them to work hard for their dreams and future. “Nothing is impossible. ” says Mr. Chen.26 .



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