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1、attribute” to/ascribe to把1、他们把成功归因于有一支为他们工作的具有竞争力的团队。They attributed their success to having a competent team working for them.2、我们应该把医学的发展归因于动物对实验做出的巨大贡献。We should attribute (ascribe)medical advances to the animals which do substantial contributions to the experiment.3、永远不要把成绩归因于运气或机遇。Never attribu

2、te your accomplishments to luck or chance.4、科学家将这个现象归因于暗能量与万有引力相抵触的一种力。Scientists attribute the phenomenon to dark energy, a force that repels gravity.5、我们认为这些政策十分重要。We ascribe great importance to these policies.6、把发生的一切归咎于战争是错误的。It s wrong to ascribe all that have happened simply to the war.7、学者对这种

3、趋势的原因众说纷纭。Scholars ascribe the trend to many causes.the advent of的来临(引发了)1、汽车时代的来临大大的增加了对石油的需求。The advent of automobiles greatly increased the demand for petroleum.2、随著新主席的到来,公司也开始有了起色。With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.3、信息时代的到来为教育的发展带来新的契机。The advent of the Age of In

4、formation brings about bright prospects to education.4、超级市场一出现,大批小食品杂货店就被迫停业了。A lot of small grocers have bee n put out of bus in ess since the adve nt of the supermarkets.5、时代,技术以及人口的发展大大加快了新城镇化时代的到来。Time, tech no logy, and populati on growth have massively accelerated the adve nt of this new urba

5、ni zed era.6、在电视和电影世代到来之前,阅读是最受欢迎的娱乐形式。Before the advent of television and movies, reading was one of the most popular forms of entertainment.embark on/uponj进入(某个阶段)1、她已为探险旅行作好准备。She was now ready to embark on her journey of adventure.2、同你最好的 3 个朋友进行一个月的横跨全国的公路旅行。Embark on a month-long road trip acr

6、oss the country with 3 of your best friends.3、几天前我决定我要开始一些无聊不过有强迫性质的家务事。I decided a few days ago that I would embark on some dull yet obsessive homekeep ing.4、我预备开展一个科学生涯中的巨大挑战:教佩妮学物理。Im about to embark on one of the great challenges of my scientific career: teaching Penny physics.5、我们要建造一座自己的国家博物馆来

7、展示我们的历史;我们希望能从这得到振兴。We are going to build our national museum to tell the story of our people; were about to embark on that.6、但是,如果欧洲央行想要无限制地买入债券,那么涉及的金额就过于庞大,无法撤 出等量资金了。(虚拟,欧洲央行ECB )But if the ECB were to embark on unlimited bond buying, the sums involved would be too vast to withdraw.7、六月份对于高中毕业、大

8、学毕业将要翻开人生新的一页的同学们来说,标志着一个 激动的时刻。June marks an exciting time for students as they graduate from high school and college and embark on a new chapter in their lives.8、我应该踏上寻找心灵伴侣的旅程、向单身的时光挥别么?Should I embark on the great search for my soul mate and willingly kiss my single days goodbye forever?work out

9、 解决;弄懂;锻炼;1、Rather than trying to pursue those questions, trying to work out the details of these views would be complicated as well.我们不去研究这些问题,尝试分析这些观点的方方面面就会非常复杂。2、Recovering debt can be enormously expensive, so they are often willing to work out an agreement with you.接手这些债务代价极大,因此他们会更愿意和你达成协议。3、当

10、然,假如你的生活中有些不如意的地方,你只需要想一些美好的回忆,那么事情 就会奇迹般地得到解决。And of course if something is not going well in your life you just have to think happy thoughts and everything will miraculously work out.4、梦可能在帮助我们解决疑难问题方面的进化特别有利。Dreams might have evolved to be particularly good at allowing us to work out puzzles.5、中国

11、的实力将有益于我们,因为在我们解决我们自己的问题的时候,它将帮助世界 经济保持稳定。The strength of China will benefit us because it will help keep the world economy stable while we work out our problems.break down出故障;(计划、反抗等)失败(健康精 神掉1、当在法庭上播放这些录音时,震惊的陪审员落泪了。The explicit tapes, when played in court, caused shocked jurors to break down in t

12、ears.2、毕竟,一年以前,人们害怕,如果银行系统瘫痪,整个经济都会崩溃。After all, a year ago, it was feared that if the banking system collapsed, the whole economy would break down.3、当你驾驶着一辆汽车飞驰在美国的公路上,突然,车抛锚了。过路的人绝大多数会 停下车来,看看你是否需要帮助。If your car were to break down while you were driving in America, someone would most likely stop t

13、o see if you needed help.4、然后就是把你的想法分成可行的步骤,让自己每走一步都看得见进展。The next step is to break your idea down into actionable steps that you can instantly see progress with.5、对你想达成的任何目标,设一个日程表吧。把任务分解成小段的时间,把它当成游 戏。Any goal you want to accomplish: get yourself a calendar. Break the task down into little bits of time. Make it a game.


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