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1、小学六年级冀教版下学期英语期末学业质量监测复习必考题型班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图题写单词1. 看一看,填一填。1 cl_ner 2 p_stm_n3f_sh_man 4 c_ch5 p_l_t 6w_ker2. 看图回答问题。1.What will the weather be like tomorrow?2.What are you going to do tomorrow?3.What will he do?4.What kind of books will you buy?3. 看图片,完成句子。1It was rainy in the morning. Now,_.2There was

2、some grass here before.But now_3_before. Now it is a chicken.4_two minutes ago.Now, the cat is under the desk.5_before. Now I have long hair.4. 根据上下文及图示,补全对话,每空一词。A:Excuseme,canyoutellmethewaytothe_?B:Go_thisstreetandthenturn_atthe_crossing.Itsonyour_.A:_isitfromhere?B:Abouttwokilometers_.A:Thanksa_

3、.B:Youre_.5. 写出下列场所名词。13456. 看图写单词。1 23 457. 看图,读句子,将句子补充完整,每空填写一个单词。(注意单词形式变化)1Mikes father is a_.2There was no_in my school two years ago.3What did you do yesterday?I_.4If you are ill, you should_.5She_in the shop last summer holiday.8. 看图回答问题。1. Whats your mothers job? 2. Is it a cat?. . 3. Is it

4、 a bee? 4. Is it a bear?. . 填空题9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Let me_(help) you.2It will_(snow) tomorrow.3Im watching TV, but the bell_(ring) .4My mother_(buy) a new skirt for me last Sunday.5I want_(have) an apple.6The sun is_(shine) .7Its easy_(make) mistakes with English words.8Who can_(help) me?9Hes_(interest)

5、 in the spaceship.10They_(plan) to play a baseball game yesterday.10. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Do you have a_(health) diet?Yes, I do.2She has a lot of_(rice).3I want_(eat) a hamburger. Can you buy one for_(I)?4There_(be not) any meat on my plate.5My brother had a lot of_(apple) juice last night.6I like_(sweet)

6、 food, but Helen_(do not).7Yang Ling only_(have) a little rice.8Yang Ling and I_(make) a salad now.11. 看图选词填空。sleeping running crying laughing late sad tired happy1.Why is she_?Because she is_.2.Why is he_?Because he is_.3.Why are you_?Because Im_.4.Why is he_?Because he is_.12. 填空题。1_(be) there man

7、y trees in this forest in the past?Yes, there_(be). But now there_(be) not many trees._people_(plant) more trees in the future?I dont know.2They_(plant) trees tomorrow.3We_(visit) the farm next week.4Were going to_(have) a picnic in the park.5When are you going to_(play) chess?13. 填空题。1My mother is

8、good at_the dish.2I_. So I didnt go to school.3Sarah_a_with her friend last night.选择题14. Who does the _ at home? ( )My mum does. Shes a good _.A.cook; cook B.cooking; cooking C.cooking; cook15. 找出不同的一项: ( )A.sunny B.balloon C.warm16. My friends and I have _ plans for the summer holiday. ( )A.same B.

9、much C.different17. It became colder and colder. People in the street had to hold their coat _. ( )A.tightly B.gently C.slowly D.slightly18. 选出不属于同类的单词: ( )A.dollar B.cent C.yuan D.duck句型转换19. 按要求改写句子。1We shouldnt save energy.(改为肯定句)We_energy.2We shouldsave water.(对句子主题意思提问)_you_?3We should not driv

10、e so muchbecause cars use a lot of energy.(对句子主题意思提问)_you_so much?4We eat the meat. We use the chopsticks.(将两句合并为一句)We_the chopsticks_eat the fish.5You shouldnt drive so much.(改为祈使句)_so much.20. 句型变换。1Whats the matter with your mother?(改为同义句)2Bring caps for the baseball game.(改为陈述句)3Ihave a cold.(对画

11、部分提问)4Are you going to travel by plane next week?(作肯定回答)21. 句型转换。1I meet my friend.(用last year改写句子)2I went swimming last weekend.(改为一般疑问句)_swimming last weekend?3I went to the bookstoreby busyesterday.(对句子主题意思提问)_the bookstore yesterday?4Icleaned my roomyesterday .(对句子主题意思提问)_yesterday?5Idrank tea with my grandpalast weekend.(对句子主题意思提问)_


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