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1、B99 ban, prohibit和forbid1 ban的语气最重,指权威机关“正式禁止”,以事物为宾语。Swimming in the river is banned.此河禁止游泳。prohibit指“(通过法律、法令或严正警告)禁止某些事物”,应用范围比ban 广,可以用人或事物作宾语。The soldiers are prohibited from leaving camp after dark.天黑以后,士兵们就不准离开营地。(prohibit sb. (from) doing sth.)Family finances prohibited his going to college.

2、家庭经济状况不允许他上大学。forbid为最普通用词,可用于细小的事物,也可以用人或事物作宾语,但须说forbid sb. to do sth.。Entrance to the place is forbidden to allforeigners.禁止任何外国人进入该地。Her health forbids her to go travelling.她的健康状况使她不能外出旅行。100 bank, beach, coast和shore1bank指河流、小溪、池塘边的陆地,意为“岸堤,坝”,上面可行人。The river is threatening to overflow its banks

3、.河水大有决堤之势。The willows lined the banks.两岸柳树成行。beach意为“海滩,湖滩,河滩”,指近水布满沙或卵石的缓坡或倾斜地带,其边沿常被水淹没。The beach was crowded with sunbathers.海滩上到处是沐日光浴的人。We walked along the beach after supper.晚饭后我们去海滩上散步。coast意为“海岸(线)”,表示地理概念,指濒临海洋的较宽范围的陆地或整个地区。They live on the east coast.他们住在东部沿海地区。There are many towns along t

4、he coast.沿海岸有许多城镇。 shore意为“岸,滨”,指毗连海洋或湖泊的一条窄陆地。We walked along the shore of the lake.我们沿着湖滨走。The ship stopped a little way off the shore.船停在离岸不远的地方。101bare, empty, vacant, blank和hollowbare意为“赤裸的,光秃的”,指没有遮蔽或装饰的物体,或人体赤裸的某一部分(=notcovered)。a bare hill光秃秃/无草木的山bare foot光脚,赤脚a bare room没有家具装饰的空房间a bare fl

5、oor不铺地毯的地板empty的用途较广,指空的,内无人无物(with nothing in it);没有任何内容的,空洞的,无意义的,没主意的;缺乏知识的。The bottle is empty.这瓶子是空的。He always makes empty promise.他时常空口说白话。an empty-headed man无知的人比较an empty room 一个空房间(a room with no furniture)a vacant room一个没被占用的房间(anunoccupied room,may have furniture)vacant指房屋、座位无人占用,也指职位空缺。一

6、个摆满家具的房间可能是vacant,但不能是empty。vacant的比喻意为“头脑空虚,神情茫然”。The classtoom is vacant.这教室无人占用。She wore a vacant look.她有一种茫然若失的神情。blank意为“空,空白”。指单据、表格、纸张没有填写过,没作记号或没使用过;比喻意为“毫无表情”。a blank wall没有门窗的墙ablank expression一种茫然的表情5 hollow指“空心的”;比喻意为“空洞的”。That is a large hollow container.那是一个很大的内空的容器。His words sounded h

7、ollow.他的话听来空洞无物。102 base,basis和foundation1base表示“基础,根基,基地”,指具体物的下部、底座或支撑结构,以使上面的东西竖立并稳固;也用于指工业或军事的基地。base作动词用时,要同on或upon连用。The machine rests on a wide base of steel.这台机器固定在一个很宽的钢架上。This vase falls over a lot because the base is toosmall.这个花瓶的底部太小,所以时常翻倒。The airplanes returned safely to their base.飞机

8、安全返回基地。What is the basis of/for your idea?你想法的依据是什么?On the basis of observations, we draw the following conclusions.根据观察,我们得出以下结论。Absolute trust is the basis of a lasting friendship.绝对信任是持久友谊的基础。We work on a five-day-week basis.我们实行每周五天工作制。foundation既可指具体事物也可指抽象事物,强调其持久性和坚固性。A building must be laid

9、on a firm foundation.建筑物必须建立在牢固的地基上。The rumout has no foundation.这个传言没有依据。This will more or less affect the foundation of the national economy.这将或多或少地对国民经济产生影响。103 bath和bathe1.bath作名词表示“洗澡,沐浴”,常用于have/take a bath 短语中,美式英语用 take a bath。bath作动词时表示“给洗澡”,多用于英式英语。I have a hot bath every evening.我每天晚上洗个热水

10、澡。She will show you how to bath the baby.她将教你怎样给婴儿洗澡。2 bathe常用作动词,表示“洗澡,给洗澡,用水洗,浸洗”;在英式英语中还表示“游泳”。The water is used to bathe the baby.这水是用于给婴儿洗澡的。The doctor told him to bathe the wound twice aday.医生告诉他一天洗两次伤口。The river is dangerous to bathe in.在这条河里游泳是危险的。104 battle, campaign和war1battle意为“战斗,战役”,常用词

11、,一般指具体的武装冲突或交战。The battle was fought early in the morning.战斗在清晨打响。The French army was annihilated at the battle ofWaterloo.法军在滑铁卢战役中全军覆没。 campaign意为“战役”,常指一系列有预定目标的军事行动,一次战役可以包括一系列的battle。The Germans were defeated in the campaign of North Africa.德国人在北非的战役中被击败。The general risked his whole campaign on

12、 the outcome of one battle.将军孤注一掷,以一次战斗的成败决定整个战役。 war意为“战争”,指国与国之间的战争,也指内战。A war burst out between the two countries.两国间爆发了战争。Germany was at war with almost all the countries in the world then.德国当时几乎同世界所有国家处于交战状态。105 be about to do sth.和be to do sth. be about to do sth.表示“正要做某事,马上要做某事”,主语一般是人,时间距离很近

13、(immediate future),后面不可跟表示将来时间的状语,如soon,at once, immediately。be about to do后还常跟when从句,相当于just at this time,也可以是 was doingwhen (正在做这时),haddonewhen(刚刚做这时)。I was just about to leave when the telephone rang.我正要离开时,电话铃响了。I was writing a letter when the light went out.我正在写一封信,这时灯熄灭了。We had just started ou

14、r work when the machine broke down.我们才刚刚开始工作,这时机器就坏了。I was walking down the road when a bird flew pastoverhead.我正在路上走着,这时一只鸟从头顶上飞过。They are about to leave soon.误They are about to leave. 他们就要动身了。2 be+to do sth.表示预先的安排或计划,也表示命令、指示、劝告等。主语一般是人,有时可以是物。The foreign friends are to arrive this evening.外国朋友定于

15、今天晚上到达。(安排)Father is to return next month.父亲将于下个月回来。(计划)The plan is to be made in a week.计划将在一周内做好。(计划)You are not to walk on the grass.不许践踏草坪。(命令)You are to be criticized if you do like that.你那样做就会受到批评。(警告)All the exercise-books are to be handed in afterclass.所有的练习本都必须在课后交上来。(要求)She was to have left earlier,but it rained.她本打算早些离开的,但是却下雨了。提示be to do sth.用于第二人称时,有时表示“应该,理应”的含义,相当于should。You are to give her more help.你应该给她更多的帮助。You are to study harder.你应该更努力地学习。2be to do sth


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