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1、Unit 4Where is my car过关检测卷时间: 40 分钟满分: 100 分听力(40 分)笔试 (60 分)总题号一二三四五六七八九十十一分得分第一部分听力 (40 分)一、听录音,选出你听到的句子中含有的单词。(10 分)()1. A. deskB. chairC. children()2. A. catB. carC. ear()3. A. dollB. ballC. all()4. A. boatB. atC. boy()5. A. makeB. mumC. map二、听录音,选出与你听到的句子相符的图片。(10 分)()1. A.B.()2. A.B.()3. A.B.(

2、)4. A.B.()5. A.B.三、听录音,判断下列句子与听到的内容是(T)否(F)相符。 (10 分)()1. The desk is on the book.()2. The ball is under the chair.()3. The boat is in the box.()4. Where is the car?Its on the boat.()5. Put your arm under your desk.四、听对话,连线。 (10 分)1 / 61.A. in my toy box2.B. on the desk3.C. in the bag4.D. under the

3、desk5.E. under the chair第二部分笔试 (60 分)五、根据图片提示,完成句子。(5 分)1. Mum, where is my?2. Look! I have a new?3. The ruler isthe bag.4.The cat isthe box.5.The monkey isthe box.六、选出与画线单词同类的一项。(5 分)()1. The pen is in the pencil box.A. crayonB. onC. what()2. Where is my car?A. underB. boatC. your()3. Is it in your

4、 hand?2 / 6A. deskB. headC. I()4. Are you under the table?A. whereB. aC. is()5. Do you like oranges?(含有相同短元音 )A. motherB. bodyC. no七、看图,判断句子是 (T)否(F)正确。 (10 分)()1. Where is the book? Its on the desk.()2. The yellow bag is in the desk.()3. Is the ruler under the book?Yes, it is.()4. Is the pencil box

5、 under the desk?No, it isnt.()5. The pencil is in the desk.八、为下面的句子选择正确的应答语。(10 分)()1. Where is the toy box?()2. Bye, Mum!()3. Is it under the book?()4. Are you ready?()5. Where are you?九、情景选择。 (10 分)A. Yes, I am.B. Haha! Im behind you!C. Bye! Have a good time!D. No, it isnt.E. Its under the desk.()

6、1. 当你认为你做了一件傻事时,你会说:A. Thank you!B. Silly me !C. Look at me.()2. 当你找不到你的书包了,你向妈妈求助说:A. Mum, where is my bag?B. Mum, where is your bag?C. Mum, show me the bag.()3. 你的弟弟要去郊游,临出门时你祝愿他说:A. Lets go home.B. Have a good time!C. Are you ready?()4. 你和同学一起玩猜物游戏,你想夸同学猜得好,你会说:A. Guess!B. Good guess!C. Yes, I am

7、.3 / 6()5. 你想建议同学和你一起玩捉迷藏的游戏,你会说:A. We play hide and seek.B. Lets play hide and seek.C. Can you play hide and seek?十、把下面的句子排列成一段通顺的话,把顺序号填在括号里。(从左往右 )(10 分)十一、看图片,回答问题。(10 分)1. Where is the pen?_2. Where is the ball?_3. Is the ball on the chair?_4 / 6Unit 4过关检测卷听力材料:一、 1. Where is the chair?2. Drive

8、 a car.3. Bounce a ball.4. Row a boat.5. Read a map.二、 1. This is a desk.2. Put on a cap.3. Lets play with a ball.4. I have a new toy car.5. This is a box.三、 1. The book is on the desk.2. The ball is under the chair.3. The car is in the box.4. Where is the dog? Its on the boat.5. Put your arm under

9、your desk.四、 M :Mum, where is my car?W : Is it in your toy box?M: No. The boat is in my toy box.W: Is it under the chair?M: No. The map is under the chair.W: Is it on the desk?M: No. The cat is on the desk.W: Is it in the bag?M: No. The ball is in the bag.W: Is it under your desk?M: Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.答案:5 / 6一、1. B2. B3. B4. A5. C二、1. A2. A3. B4. B5. A三、1. F2. T3. F4. F5. T四、 1D 2A 3E 4B 5C五、六、1. B2. B3. C4. C5. B七、1. T2. F3. F4. T5. T八、1. E2. C3. D4. A5. B九、1. B2. A3. B4. B5. B十、42351十一、 1. Its on the desk.2. Its under the box.3. Yes, it is.6 / 6



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