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1、复旦大学2023年博士硕士入学考试英语试题Part Listening Comprehension (15 points)(略)Part Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the correspon

2、ding letter on ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.21The feeling of _ that followed her victory was cut short hy her fathers sudden death.Ainitiation Bintricacy Cinterrogation Dintoxication22An independent adviser has been brought in to _ between the two sides involved in the conflict

3、.Aconciliate Bwaver Cvacillate Dlinger23Roberts enthusiasm for the program of social reform seems to have _, for he seldom mentions it any more.Abroke through Bcome up Cworn off Dfallen out24Talented _ he is, he is not yet ready to turn professional.Asince Bas Cuntil Dwhile25It is very _ of Miss Bin

4、gley to refuse to give any money to the church appeal when she could so easily afford it.Aconsiderate Bmiserly Cbelligerent Dtouchy26Obviously what she did was wrong, but I dont think it _ quite such severe punishment.Aslashed Bsurmised Cwarranted Devaluated27_ the time available to us, we will have

5、 to submit the report in draft form.AGiving BTo give C Having given DGiven28On a warm sunny day the river seems _ and benign, and its hard to believe it can be dangerous.Atreacherous Bperilous Cplacid Dturbulent29The woman _ the washing machine to see what the problem was, but couldnt put it back to

6、gether again.Adismantled Bdispensed Cdissolved Ddissipated30Local residents claimed that the noise from the concert was causing a public _.Anuisance Bnuance Cnovelty Dnotification31The candidate knew he could win the election when he saw the _ with which his supporters worked.Azeal Binnocence Cmagne

7、tism Dindifference32_ your help, I might have failed in getting this high-paid job.AThanks to BBut for COwing to DApart from33Police believe that many burglars are amateurs who would flee if an alarm sounded or lights _.Acame out Bcame to Ccame on Dcame in34Even though strong evidence has proved the

8、 nicotine to be _, the tobacco company still insists that its products are harmless.Aminute Bsoluble Ccommunicable Daddictive35He _ the mens faces closely, trying to work out who was lying.Aslashed Bsmacked Cslammed Dscrutinized36She was portrayed in the press as a _ sort of character who was only i

9、nterested in men for their money.Alofty Bdeliberate Ccourteous Dgrasping37The table has a plastic coating which prevents liquids from _ into the wood beneath.Arambling Bpermeating Ceroding Dchasing38Going out for a walk when its pouring with rain is a _ idea.Aconducive Bludicrous Cflashy Dtransient3

10、9The lorry was lodged in a very _ way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.A precarious Brepulsive Cfastidious Doblivious40Her mother taught her never to _ if someone insulted her, as it would only make the situation worse.Aretaliate Bdeport Coutdo DfoilPart Reading Comprehension (40 points

11、)Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Pa

12、ssage OneAlways at the beginning of any particular hunt there was one solemn ceremony to perform: an earnest consultation between all the hunters as to which spoor was most worthwhile following. The Bushmen would sit on their heels like elder statesmen discussing the size, mood, sex, and direction o

13、f the animals, study the wind, the sun, the hour and the weather generally. When they had picked out one particular spoor they revealed their decision by flicking their hands over it loosely from their wrists and making a sound like the wind between their teeth. They would do that, too, whenever spo

14、or was fresh and promising and the gesture came so clearly from a background of meaning that we never saw it without an mediate quickening of our own pulses.The decision made, they would set out at a steady trot, until there was evidence that their quarry was near. Sometimes they would stalk it, first on their knees and finally full on the stomach, until the a


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