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1、学英语,练听力,上听力课堂!TingC听力常考词汇和短语Aa couple of a great deal ofa little furthera loaf ofa moderate amount ofa variety of advanced in years agree withaccuse ofanything wrong with add toall aspect ofall the timeall the wayapply toapply forarrange for airport staff any longeras a resultas soon asas well asat

2、a timeat a lossat leastat that timeat this pointaddressabuse accidentadvertiseaffectagentambitionanalyzeancientannounceanytimeariseappreciate approve arrestartificialattitudearticleaudienceauthoritiesautomaticallyavailableawfullyBbarber shopbe allowed tobe angry atbe aware ofbe determined tobe eager

3、 tobe expose tobe free tobe full ofbe lostbe supposed tobe tired ofbe used tobe used forbehind schedulebelieve inbelong tobenefit fromblow upbusiness tripby coachbook upby the name ofbuy outby nowby this timebeyond ones reachby farbarelyboardbother billblamebriefcaseCcall offcall oncall backcant sta

4、ndcatch a coldcatch firecare forcant bearchase awaycheck incheck outcome out ofcome to realizecome tocommon coldcome up withcount the dayscontribute toclassic music cut offcut down oncompensate forcancelcafecafeteriachallengechangechokecirclecombcollectcomplaincomposerconductcomprehendconferenceconf

5、useconceptconfirmcommunityconstitutioncontaincopycrashcouragecriminalcrowdcustomsculture colleagueDdeal withdeveloping countrydivide intodrunk drivingdue to drop outdive intodig downdialdetectdesperatedeterminedesigndifferencedescribedelightdefinitedamagedismissdelaydeliciousdisappointeddisciplineEe

6、arn ones livingend up withenrol inexcept forenvironmental disasterearthquakeeaseeditionentranceevaporateexploreexamineextremelyFfail infall asleepfeel likefigure outfind outfit intofill infor a changefor ones own benefitfor surefor this purposefree ticketfor the first timefrom tofor lifefor the good

7、 offixflightfrequentfollowflatforecastfulfilfurnitureGgas stationget aroundget bored withget awayget on withget overgo aheadgo for a vacationget into trouble withgo to sleepgo overgaragegreetgratitudegraduateHhad betterhad expectedhalf the timehand overhave an appointment withhave a date withhang ab

8、outhave a headache have an impact onhave a hard timehave no idea abouthave a talk withhave ones hands full withhave sth. downhave the right to happen tohow oftenhand-brakehurthousingIin desperationin a good conditionin a wide variety ofin moderationin ones honourin good timein ones opinionin the air

9、in spite ofin the shadein ones spare timein the meantimein the endin view ofin terms ofin this wayinstead of interfere withit happens thatit is said thatits high timeits ones businessimagineimpressionimprisonmentignoreindispensableinsistinnocentignorantinvitationinvolveitemintendKkeep in mindkeep on

10、es eyes onkeep track ofkey tokeep sb. informed aboutkeep in touch withkeep up withLlean againstleave aloneless than look down uponlook forward tolook uplet sb. seelibrary cardlast forlacklaundrylicencelibrarianlikewiselifelonglovelyMmajor inmake an appointmentmake a speechmake clearmake a claim agai

11、nstmake ones waymake moneymake up formake a reservation formake a decisionmanage tomanaging directormean tomeet standardsmeet ones needsmistake formobile phonemelt into make every effort tomanufacturemarkmeasuremechanicminoritymissmultiplymonitorNnews announcerno need fornothing butnot particularlyn

12、ow thatnot yetnormallynoticeOof high qualityon behalf ofoil paintingon fashionon the marketon vacationon weekendsone-way streetout of bedout of orderon saleon timeon ones way toovertimeoversleepofferoccurowePpassenger seatpay the cost ofpay attention topay taxpacks ofprotect againstprovide withprefer topour intopull intoput offput outpick upput upput input onperfectpilotperceivepioneerpracticalpostponepropertypromise



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