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1、Unit1 the lion and the mouse 练习班级_ 姓名_ 一、按要求写词。1. wake(过去式)_ 2.said(原形) _ 3. give(过去式)_ 4.sun(形容词)_ 5. catch(过去式) _ 6.quiet(副词)_ 7. happily(形容词) _ 8.become(过去式) _ 9. let(原形) _ 10.bite(过去式) _ 二、英汉互译1. 吵醒_ 2. 又大又强壮_ 3. 出来_ 4. 把.倒入_ 5. 擅长于_ 6. 在地面上_ 7. 就在那时_ 8. 伤心地哭_9. have an idea_ 10. so many balls_

2、11. too deep_ 12. make a big hole_ 13.第二天_ 14.走过,路过_ 15.too deep_ 16. become friends_ 17.wake the lion up_ 18.in the forest_ 三、用所给词的正确形式填空1. The man laughed_(loud).2. The boy said_(happy).3. He always _(hit)the ball hard.4.-What did the lion and the mouse_(become)? -They_ (become) friends.5. Sam _ (

3、have) an idea.6. Sam _ (play) table tennis now.7. Listen, the girl_ (cry)_(loud) .8. Would you like (any)_bread?9. My mother (wake)_ me up every day.10. Nancy is a_(beautiful) girl. She dances_ (beautiful) .11. You should _(bite) it with your _(tooth) 12. The girl is too_ (excited) . She is shouting

4、 _(excited) .13. Miss Li _(teach) you English next week. 四、翻译句子。1. 他昨天很虚弱。He _ _ yesterday.2. 昨天妈妈七点叫醒我的。My mother _ _ _ at 7 yesterday.3. 有一天,我能帮助你。I _ _ _ _ _.4. 起初,狮子想吃掉老鼠。The lion _ _ _ the mouse _ _ .5. 两个男人用大网捉住了狮子。Two _ _ the lion_a_net.6. 狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬了网。The lion _ _ _ _his _ _.7. 就在那时,老鼠看见了狮子。

5、_ _, the mouse _ the lion.8. 从那以后,他们成了好朋友。_ _ _ ,they _ _ _ .9. 老鼠帮助狮子逃了出来。The mouse _ the lion _ _.五、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是否相同,正“”误“”。()1. mouse house ()2. bite live()3. net wet ()4. strong soft()5. weak bread ()6. soon foot()7. coal cold ()8. really eat六、阅读短文,选择正确答案It is hot day in summer. A lion is walk

6、ing along a lake. He is looking for something to eat. He is very hungry. A duck is swimming in the water. The lion is very happy to see him. “Aha. There is my lunch,” the lion says to himself(自言自语).“Hello, Mr Duck!” “Go away, bad lion! ”says the duck. “I have good news for you.” “What is it?” asks t

7、he duck. “I dont want other animals to hear it. Please come here, ”says the lion. The poor duck gets out of the water and runs to the lion. The lion catches him and eats him up.( ) 1. The lion wants to_.A. Walk along the lake B. find something to drink C. find something to eat( ) 2. _says to_,”There

8、 is my lunch.”A. The lion; himself B. The duck; himself C. The lion; the duck( ) 3. The duck thinks_ at first(起初). A. the lion is good B. the lion is bad C. the lion is his lunch( ) 4. The duck wants to_. A. be the lions good friend B. eat the lion C. know about the good news( ) 5. is at last(最后).A.

9、 The duck; not the lions lunch B. The lion; the ducks lunch C. The duck; the lions lunch七、对话训练看图完成对话。A: What happened _ the lion?B: Two men _ the lion _ a large net.A: Could the lion get _ ? B: No, he _ .A: Who _ him then?B: A mouse _ a big hole in the net _ his teeth.A: Oh, a _ mouse can help a strong lion.B: Yes, you _ right



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