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1、-PEP小学英语四年级下册期末试卷学校 班级 姓名题号一二三四一二三四五总分得分听力部分一、听录音。补全单词中所缺的字母。(每个小题读两遍)1t day 2tw nty 3pot to 41am 51 brary二、听录音。选出你所听到的内容。 (每个小题读两遍)( )1ABD BDB CBP( )2A10:00 B11:00 C7:00( )3Agarden Bnine Cten( )4Athis Bnice Cclass( )5Aplease Borange Cboots三、听音,用“”划出所听句子中含有的单词。(每小题读两遍)1playground( ) canteen( )24:30(

2、 ) 4:13( )3flOW( ) COW( )4rainy( ) cloudy( )5colourful( ) pretty( )四、听录音给图片排序。并将序号写在括号内。(每个小题读两遍) 笔试部分一、请从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案.( )1Welcome our sch001 Aon Bto Cin( )2一Whats the weather like in Jinan? It Ablack Bsunny Corange( )3Are hens? Athey Bthat Cthis( )4.What are they? They are Asheeps Bshee

3、p Csheepes( )5This the weather reportAa Bare Cis( )6一Whattimeisitnow? AThats fine. BIts 7:45. CYes,it is.( )7I can count(数数字)One,two,three, five Asix Bseven Cfoilr( )8 CanI help you? AYes,I can. BNo,you can. CYes,please.( )9I like the white sweater the blue jeansAin Bwith Cto( )10. Is this a wash ro

4、om? AYes,it is. BNo,it is. CNo,this is.二、请根据图片。写出相应的英语单词。三、根据汉语提示,完成单词的拼写,使句子通顺。1Its eight oclockIts time for (英语)class2Do you like the (连衣裙)? Its pretty3Look! I have a new (书包)4. like the (红色的)shoes5Its (凉爽的)in fall.(秋天)四、读词组句,注意字母的大小写形式及提示的标点符号。1is,what,it,colour(? ) 2are,much,they,how(?) 3that,yo

5、ur,is,computer() 4football,let,play,US(!) 5it,London,is,in,rainy,()五、阅读判断Dad:Come on!Mike!Its eight 0clockMike:Oh!Dad,its sunny todayLets go and have a picnic(去野餐)!Dad:0K!Mike:Its warm todayCan 1 wear(穿着)my blue shorts?Dad:Yes,you canMike:Im thirsty(渴的)Dad,Id like some juiceDad:OK! Lets go and buy s

6、ome juiceMike:How mueh is the juice?Assistant:Its 3 yuan根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的划“、”,错误的划“”。( )1Its eight 0clock( )2Itfl,sunny andwarlTltoday( )3Mike wears(穿着)green shorts( )4Mike and Dad go to buy some juiee( )5Theiuieeis 2 yuan听力材料一、1t oday 2twenty 3Potato 41amp 51 i brary二、1DB 27:00 3Garden 4nice 5boots三、

7、1Go to the canteen,please2ItS4:30Itstimeto gohome3What are fhey?Tbeyre cow4Oh!Its cloudy in Beijing5Look at that eolourful dress! I like it very much四、Ishorts 2sweater 3sneakers4socks 5slippers参考答案(100分):听力部分(30分)一、每小题1分,共5分。1o 2e 3a 4b 5i二、每小题1分,共5分。1B 2C 3A 4B 5 C三、每小题1分,共5分。1canteen 24:30 3COW 4c

8、loudy 5Colourful四、每题1分,共5分,依次是:5 3 l 4 2笔试部分(70分)一、每小题2分,共20分。15 BBABC 610 BCCBA二、每小题2分,共10分。1board(写字板) 2floor-(层;地板)3green(绿色的) 4small(小的)5horse(马)三、每小题2分,共10分。1banana 2jacket 3duck4cal 5skirt,四、每小题2分,共10分。1English 2dress 3schoolbag4red 5Cool五、每小题2分,共10分。1、2、3 4、5小学英语双向细目表(四年级)能级:A.语言理解B.语言运用C.语言综合运用能力范 围题型及项目分值能 级A/B/C取 材难 度项 目题型题号易中难字母字母认知字母书写五20分A四年级教材v词汇三会词汇一10分A四年级教材v四会词汇短语短语认知二10分A四年级教材v短语运用短语理解六10分B四年级教材v句子单词在句子中运用三10分B四年级教材v三会句子四会句子句子的理解七10分C四年级教材v语言知识运用句子的问答日常用语八10分四年级教材v语言交际语言运用四10分C四年级教材v语法时态名词所有格人称代词九10分四年级教材v形容词比较级动词用法阅读理解表层理解深层理解



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