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1、英语阅读课教学设计课题:北师大版初中英语七年级下册教材 Unit 4 Seasons and WeatherLesson 12 Summer Holiday(第一课时)教师姓名:汪晓谦 学校:北京第十八中学西马校区 授课时间: 2014.4.16教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语七年级下册教材Unit 4 Seasons and Weather, Lesson 12 Seasons and weather,话题为计划(9Plans and arrangements-28plans)和旅行(6personal interest-23tourism)。本课是本单元的第三课,主要学习的内容是通过阅读,获

2、取个人暑假旅程以及在各个目的地所进行的活动的信息,是第十课(介绍某个城市气候情况)和第十一课(介绍某个地方第二天的天气情况)的基础上进行的扩充,加入了假期活动。 本课的教学设计分两个课时。第一课时侧重对文本材料中信息的提取,梳理及加工,学生在学习了有关假期活动短语的基础上,通过阅读材料进行语言的输入,获取有关旅行中行程日期以及各个旅游地不同活动等信息兵对信息进行进一步的梳理和深入的理解,体会用be going to do来描述将来所要发生动作的功能句。学情分析情感方面,学生对此话题比较感兴趣,正直清明假期结束,可以谈论学生清明假期活动,激发学生已有生活体验。之后可以结合五一假期调动学生积极性。

3、在上册书及本册书前三个单元中,学生并未系统有关旅行信息的文章。在语法中,在本单元第十一课简单接触了will表示将来时的用法。在本课中,学生将进一步学习be going to表达计划打算的用法。教学内容1. 话题:计划;旅行2. 词汇: 按义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)的要求分类:二级词汇:holiday, beautiful, party,五级词汇:camp, tour, learn, abroad, eighth, second, fifth,ninth, guess, exciting, fourth,seventh, mountain, clear, last, trip, sea

4、, tonight, rock, concert, postcard, project, plan example,课标外词汇:penfriend, nest,按照话题分类:3. 策略:记录行程中的不同活动4. 功能:旅行,计划第一课时First Period教学目标:在本节课结束时,学生能够1. 辨认和准确说出有关假期活动的短语。2. 通过阅读明信片,获取并理清Tim假期计划中的地点,时间以及参与的活动等相关信息。3. 理解并归纳Tim一家人设计假期计划和旅行线路的想法和理由。4. 运用文本信息和be going to的句型,结合自己的生活体验,口头分享自己的假期计划。教学重点:1. 通过阅

5、读明信片,获取并理清Tim假期计划中的地点,时间以及参与的活动等相关信息。2. 理解并归纳Tim一家人设计假期计划和旅行线路的想法和理由。教学难点:1. 理解并归纳Tim一家人设计假期计划和旅行线路的想法和理由。2. 运用文本信息和be going to的句型,结合自己的生活体验,口头分享自己的假期计划。教学资源:教材、录音、PPT等。教学环节教学活动设计意图互动模式和时间安排Lead inStep 1Lead inLead to the topic of this lesson Draw students attention to the topic of the lesson by sho

6、wing the photos about the teacher s traveling.T: Look at these photos, Can you guess where I am? Yes, Last holiday, I went to Qinghai. I took lots of photos. For this summer holiday, I want to go on a tour to the Disney Land. So I can do some shopping. What about you? Where do you want to? Why?通过展示教

7、师旅行的图片,学习部分生词同时引起学生对自己假期计划的思考。CWIW1Pre-readingStep 2Words studyLearn and practice the new word1. Students talk about their holiday plan with the help of the pictures. T: Do you want to go to a summer camp? S:T:How about staying at home to read some books/going to a summer camp/studying abroad?板书5个词组

8、2. Students learn the new phrases with the help of pictures 1) Read the phrases after the teacher.2) Read them togetherT: Your plan is great. Look at the picture. This is my friend Tim. Whats his idea? Lets open your books. Turn to page 46. 通过真实的任务激活学生已有话题词汇,在真实的语境下进行词汇学习。为阅读理解以及学生思考自己的旅行计划的最后的输出活动做

9、好铺垫。开阔学生思维,形成阅读期待CWPWIW6While-readingStep 3Reading for general ideaSs get general information by answering the questions 1. Read fast and find out the general information of the postcard.T: Now read the passage quickly and circle the answer on your book.Q1: Tim is writing a _ to _Q2: Where is Tim no

10、w? Q3: What is Tim mainly talking about?1) Read and circle the answers on the books individually. 2) Share in class.2. Read fast and find out the aspects of Tims holiday plan individually.Q4: How many things is Tim going to do in summer holiday?T: So in fact, how many things is Tim going to do in su

11、mmer holiday?1) Read and underlined the answers on the books.2) Share in pairs.3) Share in class.学生在教师的引导下通过回答问题关注文本的大意和脉络,培养学生快速获取信息,抓住文章主线的能力。问题的设计由基本的信息到没有固定答案的较为开放性问题的设置,开阔学生的思维。学生在教师的引导下在书中圈出答案及依据逐渐养成良好的阅读习惯IWCW4IWPWCW3Step 4Reading for detailed informationSs get and understand the detailed inf

12、ormation with the help of the questions.T: Go on a tour? It must be exciting. So where is he going to?1. Get the detailed information of the places he is going to by circling them on the book.Q1: Which places is he going to?1) Circle the places he is going to on your book and number them individuall

13、y2) Check the answers in class3) Pay attention to the 3 places in BeijingT: He is in Beijing now. how many places is he going to visit in Beijing?触发器点击4) Write the numbers on the pictures by checking the answer with the teacher2. Get and understand the detailed information of the dates of his plan b

14、y writing them on the book.T: We have known where he is going to. So when is he going to these places? Lets find out.1) 1student reads the dates on Ex 2. 2)Observe and understand the given date by answering the questions.T: We have known that the first place he is going to is the Birds Nest, on July

15、 8th. When is he going to other places? Lets match the dates with the right pictures.3) Write the dates on the corresponding pics(1) Check in groups(2) Check the answers in class4) Students get and understand the conjunction by understanding the teachers questions.T: How do you know the answer? Which word tell s you that?T: For the Great Wall and the Palace Museum, there arent such words. We can give them. What do you think is a good one?(如果学生答不出来,老师可以引导first, sec



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