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1、 Unit 5 Travelling abroard Language pointsWords and expressions1. board 1 n. 木板,硬板,(用作甲板等)eg. On board可表示in a train, ship, orplane在火车,轮船,飞机上。2 vt. 登上,意思为get on (a bus,a train, a plane) 上(车,船,飞机等)eg. Passengers can board the train now._3 vi.搭伙,食宿,寄宿eg. Im boarding with a friend. When he was in France

2、,he boarded with a French family.词语辨析; board /aboard /abroard /broad aboard adv./prep 在船(飞机,车)上,上船(飞机,车) abroad adv. 往国外,海外 broad adj.宽的,阔的,广泛的 adv. 宽阔地Exs. 选择board / aboard / broad / abroad 并用其适当的形式填空1).Sometimes when decorating, we need to saw a _in half.2).She said good-by to her friends and_ a p

3、lane for New York.3).She went_the plane.4).During the Spring Festival, many people choose to travel_5).Liu Xiang is famous for his speed in hurdle at home and_.6).The gymnastic coach has_shoulders.7).The robber who robbed the bank of cash_daylight was sentenced to death at least.2.qualification n. 合

4、格证明,执照,资格(常用复数) Eg. Tom had excellent academic qualifications, but no work experience. qualify v.使具有资格 qualified adj. 合格的短语拓展 be (well) qualified for /to do sth (很)适合、有资格做某事 qualify sb 使某人具有资格 qualify sb for sth 使某人具有资格做某事3 the first time / for the first time两者都有“第一次”的意思,但the first time 相当于连词,可引导状语从

5、句,For the first time是介词短语,可作状语。Eg. _I saw her, I knew something would happen between us.He came late_yesterday.4.take up 占用(时间,地点),开始从事,接受 知识拓展 take back 收回 take down 拿下,拆毁 take in 接受,包含 take off 脱掉,起飞 take on 呈现, take over 接管5.substitute n.代替品, 代用品 vt.代替 Eg. Water is not a proper substitute for win

6、e. 短语拓展as a substitute 作为替代a substitute for sth 某物的替代品substitute for 用代替.翻译句子1) 做这道菜可以用肉代替鱼2) 他生病了,这节课我来代替他。3) 没什么替代得了经验。6.lack 通常用作名词,指整体或局部的不足 短语 for lack of因缺乏 have no lack of不缺乏 lack for nothing 一无所缺 be lacking in 缺乏eg. We must give up this plan for we are_funds.A.for lack of B.lack C.lacked D.lacking in7.feel /be at home (像在家一样)舒服自在Eg. She was quite at home, because she recognized familiar faces.



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