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1、牛津初中英语语法归纳7A Unit 1一般现在时 (is /am/are, do / does)的肯定、否定和疑问形式。例:My hair is long. Cats eat fish.He goes to school on foot every day.7A Unit 21人称代词 主格 :I , you , he, she, it, we, they. 在句中作主语。例: We/ I / You/ They have lunch at school. He / She/ It looks at me.2人称代词 宾格 :me, you, him, her, it, us, them在句中

2、作宾语。 例: The teacher often helps us / me/ him/ her/ them.7A Unit 31. 时间介词 at, on, in2. 疑问词:what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how3. some, any 的用法7A Unit 41 频率副词 never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always2 There be 结构表示“某个地方客观存在”。7A Unit 5现在进行时 is/ am/are + doing 表示正在进行的动作.7A Unit 61. ca

3、n , may表示“允许、可以”。2. 顺序副词: first, then, next, afterwards, finally.7B Unit 11 方位介词:in front of, between, next to, between, opposite, on2 基数词:one, two, three, four,3 序数词:first, second, third, fourth.7B Unit 21. how much, how many.表示“多少”, 前者跟不可数名词,后者跟可数名词的复数。2. 名词所有格: Millies home, The two students home

4、s.3. 形容词性物主代词:my, your, his , her, our, their, its 名词性物主代词:mine, yours, his, her, ours, theirs, its 4. 定冠词the的用法: 独一无二的,前文已提到过的。7B Unit 31 动作介词: across, along, through, over, to, up, down, round, from2 一般将来时:will +动词原形, shall + 动词原形(但只能用于we/ I 第一人称) is/ am/ are going to + 动词原形7B Unit 4 一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑

5、问形式。1 be 动词的过去式:was/ were2 do(实义动词)的过去式分规则和不规则两类。7B Unit 51 用can/ could表示“能力”“会”。I can speak English. I could swim when I was young.2 用can/ could 表示“可能”“可能性”。I am free. I can help you. At that time, anything could happen.3 感叹句 What a good girl! What bad weather! How nice it is!7B Unit 61. 祈使句的肯定形式和否

6、定形式:Walk the dog at 7:00. (Please) dont chase the cat.2. 情态动词should, ought to & must 的用法should (应该)/ shouldnt(不应该),ought to(应该)/ ought not to(不应该), must (必须)/ mustnt (不可以,不允许)。8A Unit 11. 描述性形容词,如:short, long, round, interesting,funny, slim, important, beautiful等。2形容词的比较级和最高级 规则的bigger / the biggest

7、 more important/ the most important 不规则的 worse / the worst3. 表示“比较”的句式:as + 形容词+as - “和。一样” not as / so + 形容词 + as“。不如。”8A Unit 21 比较两者间的数量用以下句式:more.than, fewer.than., less than 例: I have more / fewer apples than you. (后跟复数名词) I have more / less free time than he/ him.(后跟不可数名词) 2比较两者以上间的数量用 the mos

8、t, the fewest, the least. 例: Amy scored the most/ fewest points of all. Daniel has the least money of the three.3用 like & alike 来比较。例: My skirt is / looks like hers. = My skirt and hers are alike. 4. 用词组 the same as & be different from来比较8A Unit 31. and, but, or(或者)的用法。 2. 动词+ to do 这些动词有:plan, agre

9、e, want, decide, choose, hope, learn, prepare等。3反身代词:myself, yourself, yourselves, ourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves 8A Unit 4 由if引导的条件状语从句1. 用来描述可能出现的情况,主句时态用将来时,如: If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go to the park.2用来描述反复的、可预见的情况,主句时态用一般时。如: If tigers are hungry, they attack people.

10、8A Unit 51. 用一般现在时表示“将来”。如:The train leaves at 9:00.2用现在进行时表示“将来”,如:We are leaving for Shanghai this evening.3方式副词:quietly, gently, easily, well往往由形容词+ly变成副词,如:quiet quietly, easyeasily, possible possibly 少数副词和形容词同形,如:fast, early, long 等。注意:goodwell, nearnearly , hard - hardly8A Unit 6 1. 表示原因的连词:be

11、cause , as, since. (这些词放在原因从句之前,主句不能再用so.)2.表示命令、请求、建议的句式:tell / ask / order /advise / warn sb. (not) to do sth.8B Unit 1现在完成时 1. 结构: have / has + PP 表示动作发生在过去但对现在仍有影响。2. 肯定、否定和疑问形式3. 常用的一些时间状语,如:already, ever, for, since, just, never, yet等。4. for + 一段时间, since + 过去的一点时间/ 用过去式的从句,相对应的主句动词要用延续性动词,如:l

12、eave - be away, die - be dead, borrow - keep, buyhave, come -be here, join - be in/ be a member of 等。如:He has left already.He has been away for two hours.8B Unit 21. 过去进行时 was / were + doing 表示过去某个时刻正在进行的 。2. 肯定、否定和疑问形式.3. while 和 when在过去进行时中的用法: 进行时+ while +进行时 过去式,while + 进行时 = when +过去式,进行时例:I wa

13、s doing my homework while my father was watching TV. The bell rang while he was reading books. When the bell rang, he was reading books. (以上这两句主从句前后可以互换)8B Unit 3被动语态1 结构:be + PP 时态变化都只改变be 的各种形式2 肯定、否定和疑问形式3 不是所有的动词都有被动形式,如感觉动词: feel, smell, look, taste, sound 和 happen, take place 等。4 主动形式表被动意义,如:

14、This shirt sells well.(详细见课件复习)8B Unit 41. because, because of, so 的用法。because + 从句, because of +短语 (but: what you said), 两者后都跟原因。so 后跟结果的从句。同一句子中,不能同时出现because/ because of和 so.2hope & wish的用法 hope 所希望的是有可能实现的,但wish所希望的是现在不可能实现的。 如:I hope you can come to my party. I wish I were the President.3.主语 ho

15、pe to do sth., 主语hope其他人做某事,要跟从句。 wish可用来向某人祝福,如: I wish you a happy new year!8B Unit 51. 宾语从句(陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句)2. used to & be used to 的用法used to do 意思为:过去常常,过去曾。如:He used to be a teacher. He used to get up early. be used to doing / sth.意思为:习惯于做某事,如: He is used to the bad weather. He is used to getting up earl



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