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1、曲中附中8Aunit5词性变化与短语精选 一、词性变化1wild adj. 野生的 n.野生状态比较级 wilder 最高级 wildest2dish n. 一道菜;盘子,碟复数 dishes3die vi 死现在分词dying adj. dead 死的n. death 死亡4mean vt 意思是, 意味着过去式meant ; n. meaning 意思5beginning n. 开始,起初v. begin 过去式began ;同义词start6sadly adv 令人遗憾地,不幸地比较级more sadly 最高级most sadlyadj. sad 伤心的7serious adj. 严重

2、的比较级more serious 最高级most seriousadv. Seriously 严重地8danger n 危险adj. dangerous 危险的 反义词safe 安全的反义词 safety 安全9act v.行动;表演n. action 行动;行为n. actor 表演者,(男)演员10closed adj. 关闭的反义词 open 开放的,开着的v. close 关闭 反义词open 打开11lose vt. 失去,被夺去;输掉过去式lost adj. lost 迷路的,迷失的12hunter n. 猎人v. hunt 打猎,狩猎13wolf n. 狼复数 wolves14l

3、iving n 生存,生计v. live 生活,居住15human n.人复数 humans16sell v. 卖,出售过去式sold 反义词buy 买17shame n.憾事;羞愧adj. shy 害羞的18illness n. 疾病adj. ill 生病的 (比较级/最高级worse/ worst)同义词 sickness19accept v. 接受, 收受(主动)同义词 receive (被动)二、短语精粹1住在野外live in the wild2同情他们have / take pity on them3请你不要做某事好吗?Could/Would you please not do s

4、th?4事实上in fact5动物世界之王the king of the animal world6叫她”希望”call her “Xi Wang”7第一次for the first time8不再not any more/no more9起初in/at the beginning/at first10面临严重问题face serious problems11主要以为生live mainly on a special kind of bamboo12变得越来越小become smaller and smaller13因此as a result14处于危险中in danger15采取行动做某事t

5、ake action to do sth16立即right away / at once17制定保护大熊猫的法律make laws to protect pandas18一个都不剩none left 19在他们的一生中during their lives20学会解答容易的数学题learn to work out easy Maths probloms21在帮助下with the help of 22迷路get lost /lose ones way23团队协作work as a team24接受某人的邀请accept ones invitation25由于捕猎because of huntin

6、g26慢慢地到处移动move around slowly27冬眠sleep through the winter28在白天in the daytime29作为宝宝来到世间come into the world as a baby30“希望”的故事the story of “Xi Wang”31有地方可住have a place to live32建造更多的熊猫保护区build more panda reserves33朝水走去walk towards the water34抓它们取其皮毛和骨头catch them for their fur and bones35闭着眼站着stand with its eyes closed36了解一些野生动物的专门知识know sth special about wild animals37对人类有危险be dangerous to humans38行动起来保护野生动物act to protect wild animals39有悲喜的感情have feelings of happiness and kindness



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