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1、9A Unit 6知识点复习归纳一、背熟下列单词及短语并翻译成中文。单词:1. attempt 2. present 3. backwards 4. wild 5. direct 6. task 7. shame 8. taste 9. place 10. instruct 11.saying 12. wonder 短语:1. know sth by heart 2. at the wheel 3. pay no attention to 4. side by side 5.from that day on 6. instruct sb in sth 7. ring up 8. tooto9.

2、 have trouble doing sth 10. make up sbs mind 二、语法重点:1. n+ to do 如: his attempt to explain how the universe works. a decision to become a scientist2. 疑问词+to do 如: I dont know what to do. He doesnt know how to answer it. I am not sure where to go.三、重点句子:1. His attempt to explain how the universe works

3、 made him famous. ( attempt to do , n+ to do make sb do/adj)2. On their way to a distant university, Einstein said. (on ones way to+n, On ones way home, home 是副词,前面不能用介词)3. Ive listened to the lecture so many times that I know it by heart. ( so many, so much, knowby heart=keep in mind)4. Its so easy

4、 that even my driver knows how to answer it. ( so+adj/adv +that +主谓, how to do it, what to do)5. Its a pleasure to drive a genius like you. ( its adj to do)6. He paid no attention to the world around him. ( no+n, pay no attention to doing)7. A genius like him would never do something so silly. (some

5、thing/anything/nothing/ everything +adj)8. Could you tell me why such a famous man spent time with her daughter. (such a+单数名词 , such +名词 , so+ adj/adv)9. Our friendship is easy to explain. ( be adj + to do, 类似的有:be able to do, be willing to do, be likely to do)10. On these trips his driver was a man

6、 called Hans. ( a man called)11. When he travels, he often has trouble remember where he had placed his tickets. ( have trouble doing sth )12. Its impossible to explain how happy I am to finally get a chance to talk to you. (its adj to do sth, be to do get a chance to do 名词+to do)13. Why should I wa

7、ste time remembering something like that? ( waste time/money in doing sth)14. Since 1901, Nobel Prices have been presented to the winners on December 10. (时间状语是since时,谓语用现在完成时have/has+pp on+具体一天, In+ 一段时间 at + 几点钟)15. I was too tired to work any longer. ( too to do)16. When he comes, I will ring you

8、 up. ( ring sb up, 如果宾语是代词时,一定要放在ringup的中间)。口头作文人物描述:著名音乐家冼星海姓名:冼星海出生地,出生时间:广东番禺,1905擅长:拉小提琴,写歌,音乐论文名作:The Yellow River死因:肺病,死时40岁个人评述:伟大的音乐家,是我们的榜样.参考答案:Xian Xinghai was one of the greatest musicians in China. He was born in Panyu, Guangdong, China in 1905. He was good at playing the violin and did

9、very well in writing songs and papers about music. Xians most famous workisThe Yellow River. Xian died of a lung illness at theageof 40. I think Xian was a great a artist. He is a role model for us.建筑物描述:话题:假设有一外国代表团来你校参观访问,学校派你做向导,你和代表团在办公楼的顶部俯瞰校,请按下面的示意图,用英语向客人简要介绍校园概貌。提示:1、右边的会议大厅有三层楼。 2、左边的图书馆内有

10、3个阅览室。3、教学大楼内有24个教室。关键词:introduction(介绍) campus(校园)Teaching buildingLibraryMeeting HallSports fieldClassroom buildingLadies and gentlemen, Welcome to our school. 参考答案:Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our school. Now Ill give you an introduction of our school. We are now looking at the whole campus. O

11、n our left is our library, (which has two large reading rooms.) On our right is the Meeting Hall (which has three floors). In the middle above the sports field is our teaching building and below it is our classroom building. Our classroom building has twenty-four classrooms in it.图片描述:用所给的句子开头,请你用8句

12、英语描述一个故事:Dog写了一封信想与Cat交朋友,在小鸟的帮助下. (提示词汇:mailbox, )These pictures tell a story about Dog and Cat. One day Dog comes to the letterbox of Cat 参考答案These pictures tell a story about Dog and Cat. One day Dog comes to the letterbox of Cat. She has written a letter to Cat mid wants to give it to him. Bird

13、is watching her. She puts the letter into the letterbox and then goes home happily, singing songs loudly. Bird is waiting for Cat.Soon Cat comes out and opens his letterbox. He takes out the letter. Cat is so eager to read the letter that he just sits on the ground and starts to read. The letter say

14、s, Hello, Mr. Cat. Lets be friends.图片描述:提示:1. 妈妈让我去给她买东西2商店很多人,我好不容易买完了东西3付了钱我离开商店却发现自行车钥匙丢在里面了。4找回钥匙,快到家了才发现购物袋丢在了商店了5回到家已经很晚了,自己感到很疲劳。Today was Sunday, I didnt need to go to school. Mother asked me to buy some fruit in the shop. There were many people in the shop and it was not easy for me to fini

15、sh shopping. After I paid the money and went out of the shop, I I found that I had left my key inside the shop. I returned to get the key and was soon on my way back home, I found I forgot to take back the shopping bag. I had to go back to the shop again. When I reached home, it was very late and I felt very happy. What a bad day it was!图片描述请你用6句以上的英


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