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1、Unit 2 AnimalsLesson 13 教材分析通过图片展示回顾上堂课所学知识引出本课所学单词,通过老师带读以及句型练习,掌握tiger, alittletiger, abigtiger等基本词汇和句型Doyoulike? Do you like the big elephant, too?以及回答语No, Idont. Yes,Ido.并通过游戏和歌谣的方式巩固。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. 学习词汇tiger, alittletiger, abigtiger.2. 掌握句型:运用do引导的一般疑问句及否定回答的表达方式。【过程与方法目标】1. 学会在日常生活中复习日常交际用语和

2、课堂用语。2. 能够在具体情境中感知、发现并初步体会like的用法。【情感态度价值观目标】1. 学生能在语言学习的过程中,懂得保护动物。2. 学生能够在小组学习中体会合作、交流的重要,发展个性。【教学重点】1词汇1)掌握单词和短语3个:tiger,alittletiger,abigtiger2)接触、理解短语1个:dont3)操练形容词big与little的用法。2句型:运用do引导的一般疑问句及否定回答的表达方式。1)Doyoulike?你喜欢吗?2)No,Idont.不,我不喜欢。3)Ilike.我喜欢。 【教学难点】1Doyoulikethebigtiger?句型的准确表达。2学生连续语

3、音语调正确地说两个句子。3准确在句子中运用形容词big和little。 课前准备1课文图片、动物玩具、手偶等2录音机、单词卡片3多媒体课件 教学过程 Step 1. Leading-in1. Ask a student to do the action, other student guess is what animal, quickly say animal noun? 2. Show the animal word card, ask the student to try to say these words, in time consolidate and infiltrate the

4、 overall reading ability.Step 2. Listen, look, and says1. Leaning :tiger。2. T: Whatisit?Isitarabbit/amonkey/abear/anelephant? Ss: No.Tiger./ No.Itsatiger.T: Doyoulikethebigtiger?Ss: No,Idont.Idontlikethebigtiger.3. Leaning:abigtiger and alittletiger。 T: Whatisit?Ss: Abigtiger.Alittletiger.4. Encoura

5、ge the students to speak out loud, while doing action shows big and small tigers. The teacher shows three word CARDS,tiger, a little tiger, a big tiger, and the students quickly look at the pictures and say the words, the fastest and the right reward. Step 3. Do it1. - Doyoulikethebigtiger?-No,Idont

6、.- Oh,youdontlikethebigtiger.- Doyoulikethelittletiger? - Yes,Ido. 2. S1: Ihavealittlerabbit.Doyoulikethelittlerabbit?S2:No,Idont.Ilikethebigelephant.Step 4. Learn and sing1. Listen to the song . 2. Students make up their own actions to sing and dance, encourage everyone to take turns to show in front of the stage.Step 5. Review the words in the first five lessons.Step 6. Homework1. Complete the activity manual lesson 13.2. Listen to rap songs and show them to parents.3. Talk to your partner. 教学反思略。


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