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1、英文感谢信三篇 英文感谢信三篇 随着个人素质的提升,感谢信的使用者越来越多,在写作上,感谢信有一定的书写规范。还是对感谢信一筹莫展吗?以下是我收集整理的英文感谢信篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英文感谢信 篇1 DerXXX , I am wrtngo yu exressmy hansfor ou helirnig Eglish and spekingngih Drin the sin yourcass, I have eedmuc from yo an itis vry lfuto me Frstly, ou e meknow wa is th wst thiking pattrstaightth

2、ining ttr nd, tink, it s very imporant tundesand eests oght. Ayu know,thican m wih examiaton and inteatin with forgners. Scondl,I havgot enoh ciden n speaking inEgshfrom you clas anite alog tme ton this confidec. Now, I aws expes mieas in nsh spossibe cn.Is grat todo that. Te lt t te least, I fnd th

3、atlearng ng inota boring thing sbefo nd Iminterested nsuyig nlsh wia just aecesry ask passeaminaion. Reading, lieningorspeakg bem iteresting a realy enjoy it. Abov all, I wt toaythans aio you. An hanyou ver muh G ck ! 英文感谢信 篇2 Dear ustoer: XX an sn ta foud 3,h ben to et yourgeat suppor nhelp, othoca

4、ion f thCristmas nd New Yearsdala s pproaching, i odert tank yu fr ti fr me han ten easof XX bank upport and te deep afecton, XX bank stafwould ike to prss heartfet hks t you and oo wshes! In XXban in theast morethn ten yeas lpmentcos,wthyou, we rspect e ustomer, gves senrmousstreng, iyurstrn cncnad

5、 pport, aell as XXndehe hard rkof the stff,we wththe gquaityservice, good reputatn, a made brilliant achievemes on afteranther.Drnkng watesce, w knotha X bank very bt of proress and ess, annot leave u atentin, trust, support pcipton. Yorndersang and trus is oustong riing for for rogres, you concen a

6、d supois ouinexhutibl surceof groth Everytme yu arciae in,ee suggston, let s ecid,we cnstany frgeahadTh ourneywth ou,ourpogress inlss cfine an trengh; ith yu, ourcau canbe immortal,prosert nd development To tnk you forany yers t oursuort, tust and hel, theein o te ed, willcay oexclet ser ctivities,

7、rtu you it love,we o com to ourbant haletebusiness, wlle you ge a big surrise! I the extyears,hop to be abe to cotinue to gtour ca and upprt,welome o our bak hadle saings deposs, duation,tice epost, foignexchne savings deosi, persnal emittane, bak CARDS, olne anking, telephon bankg,bying onds he oll

8、tn phone and l kndsof siness.Custoer atsfaction is r etenlpurut, we wilctnue toproiethe msicerericr you. nceaga, thnk youfoor hlp and suort, towish yoo health!A happyfaiy!Posperity!Alhe bet! 英文感谢信 篇Deason, e ar ver happy whnacknoledgeyou ew potio.Congatulations on u promtonu ve tied urbsto wor fr your cmpan orma yeas,soyosdhave bee recgnzed and appreiad. are ro f ou ,and wish that uil make great sces i yr e post,aok forrdoreceiing yor oo new constanlyWe hoe th youcanrtnhom di teNatingalDay or inyour spar tim Ples ay close atttiotoyour heat Congtlonsaainanbes of u.



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