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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、- The shoes are very nice. Ill take them.- But you must first. I think the size is a bit small fo

2、r you.Apay for themBtry them onCput them offDtake them on2、 Would you mind my using your camera? Sorry, theres _ with it.Awrong somethingBwrong anythingCanything wrongDsomething wrong3、Every year, more than 70 million sharks _ for their fins(鱼翅).Awere killedBhave killedCare killedDwill kill4、- We ca

3、n invite Mr.Wang to our party tomorrow.- Oh, he _ appear because he will attend a conference on education then.AmayBmustntCcantDwould5、When you dont know a word, you can _ in the dictionary.Alook it upBset it upCgive it upDpick it up6、- Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy a guidebook?- Sorr

4、y, Im new here. You _ ask the policeman over there.AshallBcanCmustDneed7、The 1st National Youth Games _ in Fuzhou in 2015.Atakes place Btook place Cis taken place Dwas taken place8、 Do you know that China is one of countries in the world? Yes, I do. Its much than the US.Aoldest; olderBthe oldest; th

5、e olderCthe oldest; olderDthe older; older9、It is the school rooftop_ a group of Shanghai students have grown vegetables.AwhichBthatCwhatDwhere10、How long have you ? For almost three years.Aleft your hometownBknown your English teacherCgone to BeijingDopened the flower shop. 完形填空11、 In the Spring an

6、d Autumn period, there lived a man named Lord Ye. He was very fond of dragons. Dragons were painted everywhere in his house. “I loved dragons so much,” he always told others. Over time, his love for dragons was 1 to all. When the real dragon knew this, he said, “Im deeply moved. Id like to visit Lor

7、d Ye to 2 him.”One day, Lord Ye was sleeping. The sky was suddenly 3 dark clouds, and the thunder woke him up. When he got up to close the window, Lord Ye saw a dragon flying down from the 4 . The dragons head entered through the window and his tail (尾巴) was resting in the dining room. Lord Ye was s

8、o 5 that he fainted (昏过去) on the floor. The dragon said, “It seems that this man likes the painted dragons instead of the real one.” He left with disappointment.People may like certain things in the abstract (抽象地). However, when the real thing appears, they no longer like it.1AunknownBknownCthrownDp

9、ut2AtalkBcommunicateCthankDprotect3Afull ofBcrowded ofCmade ofDcaught4AtreeBgroundCwallDsky5AafraidBexcitedChappyDweak. 语法填空12、 At the age of fifteen, I met 1Australia teacher. He taught us English. One day, he wrote an English poem 2 the blackboard and asked us the meaning. There was a long silence

10、. 3(unlucky),the teacher4(choose) me to answer the questions. I said in a low v5,“Sorry, I dont know.”Thats always my reply to difficult qustions.To my surprise, he spent the rest of the class 6(explain) my answer. He said “I dont know is a wrong answer.”You should at least have some ideas about the

11、 questions, no matter how difficult it is. It doesnt mean that you dont know. It means that you are not 7 (confidence), and you are afraid of making 8(mistake).” I was shocked by 9(he) words. He was right. From then on, I said goodbye to the wrong answer“I dont know”,b10 any answers was better than

12、that one. Now I always try my best to find a proper answer. 阅读理解A13、AHelp wantedCan you spend two hours a week doing some gardening? We are in need of help from 2 pm to 4 pm every Saturday. If you word like to help out, please call Elaine at 44357792A Telephone MessageFrom:Jessica To:LucasDate: May5

13、 Time:15:00Message: She says that you must put onYour sports shoes, cap and sunglasses; bringSomefood and drinks at the school gate at 8 am tomorrow.Tel: 8467-6352. Taken by:JimFoundFeb13,2016/6/30An ipad was found in the library on the morning of Feb12. Please call 334567898 or come to Class 2, Gra

14、de 8 to get it.LostMarch 7, 2016Lost near Man Street. Puppy is 6 months old. He is a black schnauzer (雪纳瑞狗)。 He is very important to me.Reward . Please call Allen at 89567778.1If you are interested in a part-time job, you can call _.A4435-7792 B8467-6352C3345-6789 D8956-77782Jessica and Lucas will meet at the school gate _.Aat 8 am on May 5 Bat 8 am on May 6Cat 15:00 on May 5 Dat 15:00 on May 63What will Jessica and Lucas do?AGo to a party. BGo to a movie.CGo climbing. DGo shopping.4A student in Class 2, Grade 8 found _.Aa telephone message Ba pair of sunglassesCa dog Dan



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