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1、定语从句中关系代词“that”和“which”的用法之别贵州省沿河县后坪乡初级中学 杨明强 邮政编码:565322【内容摘要】:定语从句是初中英语中的一个重要语法点,它既是历年来中考的语法重点,也是学生们难学的一个语法难点。为了使学生更好地掌握这语法知识,现用英语与汉语相结合的形式将“定语从句中关系代词that和which的用法之别”进行归纳与总结,便于学者参考。【关 键 词】:定语从句 关系代词 that which 区别定语从句是初中英语中的一个重要语法点,它既是历年来中考的语法重点,也是学生们难学的一个语法难点。为了使学生更好地掌握这语法知识,现将定语从句中关系代词“that”和“whi

2、ch”的用法之别浅析如下。一、 在下列情况下,一般用引导词that,不用which1、指物,先行词为all, few, much, little, none, the one以及由some, any, no, every等构成的不定代词时,宜用that,不用which 如:Our English teacher wants to teach us all that he knows我们的英语老师想把他所知道的都教给我们。The few of hundreds of new records that are produced each week get into the chart每周推出的数以

3、万计的新唱片中没有几张能进入每周的流行榜。The much that Chairman Mao said has influenced me a lot毛主席说的那些话对我们影响很大。 The little that the doctor gave me that day has really worked医生那天给我的那点微量的药确实生效了。Id like to tell you something that Im interested in我想把我感兴趣的事告诉你。Please tell me anything that you know about the matter有关此事,凡是你知

4、道的请告诉我。Alexander learned to seek out everything strange that might be instructive亚力三大探究的是,追求有教育意义的奇怪的东西。 There is nothing that you can do to help你帮不上忙。 None of the books that were published in the publishing house could cause my interest这家出版社出版的书中没有能引起我的兴趣。 The one that Tom did last year has caused

5、many peoples attention汤姆去年做的那件事引起了许多人的注意。2、指物,先行词被all, every, few, no, some, any, little, much等词所修饰时,宜用that,不用which 如:I have eaten all the food that I left我把剩下的食物都吃光了。The every paper of our school that was posted last term has already been published我们学校上学期寄出去的每一篇论文都已经发表了。The few students that took p

6、art in the last English Competition has got a prize参加上次英语竞赛的几乎没有学生获奖。There is no news that is worth reading in the newspaper在这张报纸上没有值得看的消息。The teacher is here,you can ask some question that you are unknown可以问你所不知的一些问题。You can take any seat that is free你可以坐任何一个空位。There is little work that is fit for

7、you没有什么工作适合你。Much water that the plants need is helpful to grow for them植物需要大量的水来帮助他们生长。3、指物,当先行词被序数词修饰时,宜用that,不用which 如:At the beginning of each term,the first thing that we should do is to work out a studying plan每学期初,我们该做的第一件事情就是拟订一个学习计划。The last place that we visited was the Summer Place我们参观的的最

8、后一个地方是颐和园。The next thing that you will do is how to break the seriously你们接着要做的就是狠狠地打击敌人。This is second time that he told us the story这是他第二次给我们讲这个故事了。4、指物,先行词被形容词最高级修饰时,宜用that,不用which 如:This is one of the most exciting football games that I have seen in my life by the present这是目前为止我一生中看过的足球赛中最激烈的一场。I

9、t was the finest exhibition that we ever saw那是我们所见到的最好的艺术展。5、指物,先行词被the only, the very, the same所修饰时,宜用that,不用which 如:The only thing that interests me is Mother Love me Once Again唯一使我感兴趣的电影是妈妈再爱我一次。That is the very book that Xiao Ming lost that day那正是小明那天丢失的那本书。I need the same book that you have我所需要

10、的有你一样的书。6、当先行词为主句的表语或关系代词为从句的表语时,宜用that,不用which 如:That is the Police Station that was built the year before last那是前年修的警察站。China is no longer the country that it used to be中国不再是以前的中国了。7、先行词既指人又指物时,宜用that,不用which 如:The man and the car that we needed are both here我们需要的人和车都在这儿。A few leaders are talking

11、about the heroes and their deeds that they interest them 几位领导正在谈论他们感兴趣的英雄及他们的事迹。8、当先行词是疑问词who, which, what或主句以这些词开头时,宜用that,不用which 如:.Who that has ever worked together with him doesnt admire him曾经和他工作过的谁不钦佩他。Which that the restaurant serves is based on peoples needs这家餐馆提供的那种服务是基于人们的需要。What that he

12、wants couldnt come true他想要的哪一种难以实现。Who is the girl that is waiting for you in the heavy snow?在大雪中等你的那个女孩是谁?Which is the bike that you lost?你丢失的自行车是哪一辆?Whats the name of the magazine that you borrowed yesterday?你昨天借的那本杂志书名是什么?9、两个定语从句中,其中一个已用了which,另一个宜用that 如:Edison built up a factory which produced

13、 thing that had never been seen before爱迪生建起了一家工厂,生产过去从未见过的东西。10、当先行词为time且表示次数时,引导词用that 然而指时间时可用that/when 如:I do remember the first time that I had ever heard the sweetest voice in the world我很清楚地记得我第一次听到世界上最美的声音。He didnt the exact time that/when they arrived in Europe last month他不记得上个月到达欧洲的确切时间了。11

14、、有一种定语从句可以作为先行词的同位语,这种定语从句从属连词用that 如:The news that the radio announced surprised everyone广播的消息使每个人都感到惊奇。12、先行词是there be后的名词且关系代词在从句中作为主语时,用that引导。如:There is no work that can be done at present目前没事可做。There are many modern advanced machines that will be exported in China this year今年中国将有许多现代先进的机器要出口。1

15、3、先行词是here be后的名词时,关系代词用that引导,如:Here is a desk that is made of glass这儿是一张用玻璃制的课桌。Here are works that Chairman Hu wrote 这儿是胡主席写的著作。14、当定语从句的主语比先行词长的多时,多用that引导,如:Ill take you to the building that all the elder university teachers prefer我要带你去所有年长的大学教师喜欢的那座大厦。15、用作关系副词时,用that,如:That year that the child was born was two thousand and one这小孩出生的那年时2001年。16、当先行词是有生命的动物或人时,宜用that,不用which 如:What



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