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1、 Module 9 Unit 1Im going to do long jump.教学设计龙岗小学 武雪飞一、 教学目标与要求:1、知识与能力目标1会用来表达将要做的事情,并能在课文中认读的句型。2能够初步了解课文情景,知道本课出现的重点句型所使用的语言环境。3词汇: 听、说、认读(字母拼读)1)能够听懂、会说、认读和运用下列词汇: long jump / Sports Day / high jump / race / run a race2)能够听懂、会说、认读和运用下列句型: Im going to do long jump . Amy is going to do high jump.D

2、aming is going to run a race.3)能够初步了解课文情景,跟读课文。4)能够运用be going to do句式描述即将要做的事情。2、情感态度目标通过学习描述即将要做的事情,培养学生形成做事要有计划性的人生态度。二、 教学重点及难点重点:1)能够听懂、会说、认读和运用下列词汇: long jump / Sports Day / high jump / race / run a race2)能够听懂、会说、认读和运用下列句型: Im going to do long jump . Amy is going to do high jump.Im going to run

3、 a race.难点:能够运用be going to do句式描述即将要做的事情。三、 课前准备课件、卡片、图片四、 教学过程Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a songCan you throw high in the sky?通过歌曲,渗透本课的两个单词:high/race(racing) 帮助学生在语境中理解。2.T: Can you throw high in the sky?Ss: Yes, I can. T: Can you throw it very far ? Like a racing a car?Ss: Yes , I can. T: N

4、ow you can do many things . Sam can do many things too. Lets see what he can do. Look , he can Word readingInclude:Play basketball / play football / swim / run / jump/play ping pong1) Read them together. ( Act the phrases).(T: Read and do them , please)2) Read one by one.( 1 line ).3) Find the winne

5、r in pairs. ( pair by pair)通过认读练习,复习学过的有关运用的动词词组,为本课新授内容的理解和认读做好铺垫。T: Sam can do these things , can you do these things ?Ss: Yes , I can.T: O.K., do and read them , please.Have the Ss read them together and mime them.Ss: play basketball (mime playing basketball)Step 2 Presentation and practice1. T:

6、Its going to be Sports Day on Friday. Do you know what is Sports Day? T: On Sports Day , what are you going to do? (你打算参加什么项目呢?) You can speak English , and you also can speak Chinese.S: play basketballT: XX is going to play basketball.S: play footballT: XX is going to play footballS: play volleybal

7、lT: XX is going to play volleyball.S: play ping pongT: XX is going to play ping pong.S: swimT: XX is going to swim.S: run / run fastT: XX is going to run a race.T: Look , “run a race”(show the card) . What is “run a race”?S: (参加)赛跑不断渗透XX is going to 这一句式,并借机引出新的词汇:run a race / do long jump / do high

8、 jump 。Little teachers read , others follow. run a race 、long jump、high jump、do high jump 、do high jump 2. T: Oh , you are wonderful. But do you know what are Sam , Amy and Daming going to do on Sports Day? Lets see. O.K.? Please watch carefully , answer these questions :1) What is Sam going to do ?

9、2) What is Amy going to do?3) What is Daming going to do ?Watch one or twice.教师可以根据前面学生自由发言的情况,针对学生已经在发言中引出的新词组,进行提问。Ask the Ss to answer the questions.Answer keys:1) (Sam is going to do) long jump .Ask the S who answer this question to act Sam.Sam : Im going to do long jump.(Design the sentence)小组合

10、作学习课文3. T: Look at the blackboard , find out the same points with the 3 sentences. Ss: going to ( T underlines going to)Step 3 Consolidation and extension1. T: (Open your books ), listen to the tape ,point and find going to.a. Have the Ss take out the pencil.b. Look at activity 1 , ask a volunteer t

11、o read the request and clear its meaningc. Circle going to in the requestd. Listen , point and find going to in the text.e. Check upT: How many going to do you find?S: There are 4 going to.Have the S read the 4 sentences.2. Read the 4 sentences after the tape. Mime the tunes and internation.3. T: On

12、 Sports Day , Sam ,Amy and Daming are going to do sth. What about you ? What are you going to do? S1: Im going to S2: Im going to 1) Talk about your plan in pairs. 2) Ask the volunteers to say. T: XX is going to Have the Ss to talk about others plan in 4-person groups. A: Im going to do high jump. B

13、: XX is going to do high jump. C: D: 4. Clap , clap , point:Review the phrases.a) Look at the picture and the font style.b) Only look at the font style.5. Finish AB activity 1 , have the Ss listen , match and say1) Have the Ss explain the request .2) Have the Ss read the phrases3) Listen and match 4

14、) Have the Ss say the sentences.6. Imitate writing sentences:Im Amy . Im going to do high jump.Im Sam. Im going to _.Step 4 Summary Let the Ss to sum up : 今天,我们学习了用Im going to /XX is going to 来谈论将要做的事情。点评让学生更直观、更生动的理解课文,接受知识。第四,开书跟读、指读,从耳动到眼动。让学生熟悉文字材料。最后,让学生走上讲台表演课文。可以一次同时上台十来位同学,熟练者可以带动不熟练者。一堂课下来,

15、整个教学过程很平实,学生学得比较轻松,知识掌握得也比较快。游戏的设计应该实用、有效、合理,精简、能让更多的人得到训练。在这篇课文中,我设计了两个游戏,一个用于复习有关词组,为运用句型打基础。学生听词组,做动作,紧接着看动作,说词组。应该改进的地方:第一, 当教授句型be going to 的时候我太急于求成,琐碎的讲解be 动词的三个组成,以及和不同人称的搭配,把这些语法知识堆砌在一起讲,学生根本无法理解消化,费时而且无效,不如分阶段慢慢表达,让学生螺旋式的上升,并且在练习中理解,养成固定搭配的习惯,这样效果可能更好。第二, 由于时间关系,学生课文表演的时候比较粗糙,没有很好的评价,也没有鼓励。可以让学生自己评价自己,给心目中表


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