教学内容Unit 8 Our dreams.doc

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1、教学内容Unit 8 Our dreams Period 3 (Sound/ Cartoon time)教学目标1.知道单词在句子中的连续现象。2.能自主阅读cartoon time,读懂内容体会乐趣,提高自主阅读能力3.掌握两个重点句型want to do以及will, should的用法。4.会使用want to be/do 和will的句型来进行仿写来描述自己的梦想。教学重点1.能自主阅读cartoon time,读懂内容,体会乐趣,提高自主阅读能力2.运用want to be/do 和will的句型描述自己的梦想。教学难点1.知道单词在句子中的连续现象。2.学生能进行自我练习并能同他人

2、合作交流。教学方法听读模仿、任务阅读、演练展示学法指导 引导学生在听中掌握连读特点,即时巩固练习;培养自主阅读能力推进语言学习并形成能力。能用思维导图回顾归纳所学知识,创造性表述和演练活动中运用所学解决问题,客观评价自己的能力与活动表现。课前准备PPT教学时间40分钟教 学 过 程二次备课Step 1 Warm up1. Free talk and happy reading Do you have a dream? Whats your dream?2. Enjoy some photos T: (Lang Lang)The boy wanted to play beautiful musi

3、c with the piano. What was his dream? Can you guess who he is? Photo 2 (Yang Liwei)What did he want to be/do? Who is he?S: He wanted to be an astronaut. He wanted to fly to the Moon.Photo 3 (Guo Jingming) He wanted to be a writer. He wanted to write stories for people. Photo 4 (Yao Ming) He is good

4、at playing basketball. He wanted to be a basketball player and play in NBA.Photo 5 His dream was to make his country stronger. His dream came true when he grew up. He became an American president.b.Work in pairs to ask and answerT:What do you want be in the future?S:I want to be a writer/a/anT: What

5、 do you want to do?S: I want to write stories for people/Show your dialogues in class.Step 2 Sound time1.T:What does the girl want to be? Guess!Drill: She wants to be a/an_.Listen to her: I want to walk on Mars, and look at all the stars!So she wants to be an astronaut. Listen and repeat “ an astron

6、aut ” Pay attention to word linking.(注意连读).2.(PPT) Show the sentences. Listen to the tape and follow it.T:What can you find?说说句中哪些单词连读了。组内读一读,感受单词连读。Listen again and imitate 3.Look and readPPT shows the phrases and sentences, Ss try to read them:come in look at me all of you Did you eat an apple? Do

7、nt walk on the wet floor.What do you want to be?Step 3 Cartoon time1.T: I hope your dream will come true! What do Bobby and his friends want to be?Listen ,watch and answer.Check the answer: _ wants to be a/an_.Teach: scientist He likes science. He wants to be a scientist. an artist like painting hav

8、e painting lessons 2.Read and answer the question ,fill in the form.To make their dreams come true,what will they do?WhoWhat to be How (He will)Bobby a scientist study hard read many booksSama policemando more sport be brave and strong Willy an artisit have painting lessons Billy a cook go to cookin

9、g school 3.Listen and repeat 1. Work in groups (评价)Read for us. Act for us. Make an interview. 以采访的形式呈现。A: Hi, XX! What do you want to be?B: I want to beA: What will you do?B: I willStep 4 Lets talk A.T: Everyone has a dream. Whats your dream? S: I want to be a/an I will Give some suggestions: Dont

10、give up your dream easily. Keep working to make it come true.B.Introduce and share your dreamsS:I want to be _. I want to _. To make my dream come true, I will _Step 5 Homework1.Read Sound time and Cartoon time after tape.2.Write a short passage about your and your friendsdreams.3.Preview Checkout t

11、ime .课堂作业用所给词的正确形式填空。1. I want _(be ) an astronaut. I want _(fly ) to the Moon. 2. The boys like_(play) tennis.They want to be tennis _(play ) .3. What is your cousin? Hes a _(drive ).4. Yang Hongying _(write) many books last year.5. _(read) makes people clever. _(dance) makes people healthy.6. Jack

12、 is good at _(dance). He wants to be a good _(dance ).7. Everyone _(have ) a big dream. Your dreams _(be) great.8. What can we do _(make)our dreams come true?板书设计Unit 8 Our dreamsword linkingdream(want to be) willBobby a scientist study hard read many books Sam a policeman do more sport be brave and strongWilly an artist have painting lessonsBilly a cook go to cooking school教后记_



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