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1、 代词专题复习一复习名词1. There is some_( rice) in the bowel.2. The _(child) are playing games on the playground now.3. Their _(dictionary) look new.4. I see you have a few white _(hair).5. They are _(woman) doctors.6. Can you give me some bottles of _(orange), please?二 人称代词,物主代词,反身代词和不定代词人称代词: 数 单数 复数人称一二 三一二

2、三主格Iheit you宾格youherusthem可作_用主格,作宾语用_1).(他们)_all like _(他)him very much.2).(她)_ gave the books to _(你)and_(我).注意:You, she and I all enjoy the music.可作表语,用_-Whos knocking at the door? -Its _(我).物主代词:形容词性的物主代词作定语,名词性的物主代词作主语,表语和宾语。 数 单数 复数人称一二 三一二三形容词性myhisitsyour名词性yourshersours3).(我的)_ brother is a

3、 worker.4).Whose dictionary is this? Its _(我的).5)._(我们的)room i s big and _(他们的)is small.6)._(你) may use _(我的) pen. Ill use _(她的).因此:形容词性的物主代词+名词=名词性的物主代词区别:These books arent ours. Ours _(be) new. This is not our room. Ours _(be) over there.反身代词 可作宾语,表语和同位语 数 单数 复数人称一二 三一二三反身代词myself He thinks of oth

4、ers than of _(他自己).That poor boy was _(我自己)。She _(她自己) was a doctor.不定代词1. some/ anySome(一些,某)常用于肯定句中 any(一些,任何)多用于疑问句和否定句2. many / much3. another / other4. the other /others/ the others5. every / each6. all / none7. both /either /neither三 用适当的代词填空。1.A: _cant find_pen. Could you help_?B: Is this you

5、rs?A: Oh, its_. Thank you. ( I )2. Sorry, its not_book. _is over there. _can go and get it. ( you )3. _is our Chinese teacher. _is Cao Ying. _class is fun. We all like_.( she )4. _is an American boy. _parents often take_to the zoo on Sundays.( he )5. _are new students here. We need to help_with_Engl

6、ish.( they )6. _is a cute dog. _color is black and white. I like to play with_.( it )四 选择填空1 Though it rained heavily, _ were still playing on the playground.A. they B. them C. their D. themselves 2 Tom and _ will go to see our teacher, for _ is ill.A. I; she. B. me; she C. I; her D. me; her3 Is_a b

7、oy or girl? A. she B. he C. one D. it 4. I saw_ playing in the street at that time.A. them B. they C. their D. theirs5 Jim will give_ a short talk tomorrow.A. we B. us C. our D. ours6 Please ask_ not to skate on the thin ice.A. they B. them C. their D. theirs7 The pen is hers. Pass it to_, please.A.

8、 her B. she C. hers D. herself8 Let me go and give the coat to_.A. he B. his C. himself D. him9 They asked_ to do the work.A. you, he and I B. you, him and me C. I, you and he D. me, you and him10 -Whos that at the door? -_ is the postman.A. She B. This C. It D. He11 -Whos that in the picture? A. It

9、s me B. Thats I C. This is a boy D. Its 12 _ was late summer and the weather was very hot.A. That B. It C. This D. Its13 What time is _ now?A it B. all C. this D: that14 _ is 200 kilometres from here to the natural park. We have to go there by car.A. There B. It C. This D. The place15 The bird built

10、_ nest in the tree.A. its B. hers C. hers D. its16 Have you seen_pen, a black one?A. these B. my C. you D. hers17 Sorry I have forgot _ telephone number.A. yours B. him C. you D. his18 Our room is big, but_ is bigger than_.A. their; our B. their; ours C. theirs; ours D. theirs; our19 You have a good

11、 room, I should say. But its not as big as_.A. I B. my C. me D. mine20 _ one do you like, the blue one or the red one?A. What B. Which C. That D. This21 We _ at the party last Sunday.A. enjoyed myself B. enjoyed ourselvesC. enjoy myself D. enjoyed ourself22 -Have you a computer?-Yes, I have a good_.

12、A. some B. one C. it D. that23 He has one blue pen and two red_.A. ones B. those C. one D. Ones五 改错1. Dont worry. There is little time left.2. His book is quite different from me.3. She has two cats. One is white, another is black.4. I have interesting something to tell you.5. Every of us wants to h

13、ave a look at your photo.6.He doesnt know what one to buy. 六阅读理解A young man asked Albert Einstein , the great German scientist , what the secret of success is. The scientist told him that the secret of success is hard work. A few days later the young man asked the same question again . Einstein was very annoyed He did not say anything ,but wrote a few words on a piece of paper . On it was written: A=X+Y+Z.“What does this mean ?”


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